
God of Adaptation

This is a story of a forsaken boy born in the dark side of the world. Threading in the darkness, the boy soon adapted to it. Now, with the power of darkness in his grasp, he set out to find the light. *** The photo in the book cover is not mine, credits to the rightful owner.

CheekyForehead · ファンタジー
112 Chs

Killian Gladius I

'So this is what you had in store for me, huh?'

Regis thought as he stared at the guards on the other side.

Metal bars were in between them.

That's right, he was currently imprisoned in the dungeon under the manor.


A few minutes earlier…

Regis obediently followed the guard despite feeling that something was amiss.

He felt that the way they were going in became more secluded as time passed by. Until he was ultimately led to a stairs that seemed to be a path that went under the manor.

The guard pretended at first, saying that they needed some help in the basement.

However, Regis soon felt the change in atmosphere as well as the fact that the area seemed to be more of a dungeon than a basement.

Then some things happened, leading to his situation in the present.


Back to the present…

Regis sat at the corner of the prison with his arms behind his head.

For someone who was suddenly and unjustly imprisoned, he seemed to relax.

The guards noticed this but shrugged it off as him being "unable to cope up with his current situation" and paid him no attention.

However, Regis was really relaxed, 'I don't really need to worry that much about Pandora since I believe that the Count has believed me in some way…"

'No, seeing how he immediately decided to imprison me, then I'm sure that he had some means to check whether what I said was true or not…'

'I must not look at him as someone so gullible. In fact, I believe that he has already made his move. Considering that we entered the fortress yesterday, then…'

Countless thoughts surged inside Regis's mind as he tried to estimate his remaining time. 

'...I believe that I at least have a day or two to escape.'

His eyes then began to wander around.

He was not alone in the cell as he looked at the other children who had a downcast expression on their faces as they sat on the ground.

Regis's mind then began to speed up again as he tried to make sense of his situation.

'Why would he kidnap children?'

It was the first and foremost question that appeared in his mind after some observation.

Regis surmised that it was normal for nobles to have their own imprisonment area where they put anyone who offends them.

However, the same reason could not be applied towards children.

Therefore, he came to a conclusion.

'Don't tell me it's for a demonic ritual…'

Such a thought was natural upon seeing the numerous locked up children.

'Well, besides that…'

Regis looked at a certain boy at the side. He had blonde hair and blue eyes.

Striking features that made him stand out like a sore thumb. But he noticed something different about the boy.

If earlier he had a desperate expression on his face, nothing of it was present now.

His expression was blank and his head was lowered to his knees. But Regis could see the slight trembling of his body.

He noticed one more thing: the boy's eyes were seething with hatred.


Regis didn't know if it was his imagination, but he seemed to see some yellow sparks surrounding the boy.

Just as he was about to observe further, he heard a shout from one of the guards outside.

"Why is it foggy here?"

"I don't know, maybe something happened in the other cells?"

"Let me check on it."

Regis could see one of the guards leave as fog seemed to enter the dungeon.


He felt confused at the sudden phenomenon.

(Brother, it's me. This is one of the magic spells I learned from Fiollo.)


Regis was pleasantly surprised at the familiar voice that whispered in his mind.

(Brother I know this is quite hard but you need to control you mana smoothly and scatter it to connect with the mi-)

(Oh, so like this?)

(As expected of Brother!)

Pandora's excited voice could be heard well within the mist.

Regis smiled and asked, (How are you? Did they do anything to you?)

(No, Brother. Everything seemed normal on my end. But I made sure to sense the perimeters secretly.)

(Oh? Did you find out anything?)

(No, but that's exactly what's wrong.)

(What do you mean?)

(Aside from the few maids and guards, only the Count seemed to be present in the manor.)


Regis felt confused at her words. 

After all, it seemed a bit too confusing for someone of nobility with a Count's rank to not have at least a few relatives living within their house.

'Either the Count has his own story or something happened to them…'

Regis then sent his thoughts through the mist, (Alright, continue acting normal for now. Stop using magic, lest the Count sense it. Just be careful, okay?)

(Understood, Brother. But where are you? What was the thing the Count needed help with?)

Hearing Pandora's question, he smiled bitterly and said, (Well, let's just say that it's a little complicated…)

(Anyways, use this magic spell again later at night. I would have everything planned out by then.)

(Okay Brother, be careful on your side too.)

As Pandora said those words, the mist that surrounded the prison cell gradually faded.

'Okay, let's do this. First, I need to know about the situation…' Regis thought as he stretched lightly.

He set his eyes upon the blonde boy in the corner before standing up.

'Killian, huh?'

All the information about the boy appeared in his head as he approached him.

Then, wearing the friendliest expression he could muster, Regis tapped the blonde boy on the arm and said, "Hello!"

The blonde boy, Killian, raised his head and saw the friendly-looking boy in front of him.

He looked at him up and down and noticed the strange color of his eyes, thoughts seemingly welling up on his mind.

"Who are you?" Killian asked in a low voice as he was weirded out by the boy in front of him.

"I'm Regis. How about you?"

"Heh, you seem to not know of our current situation."

"What do you mean? The Count said that he needed my help with something and asked me to come here."


Killian laughed mockingly, making Regis's smile twitch slightly.

'I know that I'm doing this for a purpose, but I really want to punch this kid in the face…'

It took all of his strength to push down this feeling.

Oops, there was a power outage in my area...

This is yesterday's chapter. Today's chapter will be uploaded later this day~

May you have a pleasant reading experience<3

CheekyForeheadcreators' thoughts