
God-Level: Conqueror

John, a 19-year-old cynical guy on Earth died after getting hit by a stray bullet. Who would have thought he would be sent in another world and possessed the body of a young King. The worst thing is, the kingdom is still at the war of another kingdom! John thought everything would crumble but with the help of God-Level System, from cynical to God-Like Conqueror!

Miseryy · ファンタジー
1 Chs

On The Brink Of Destruction

The Crimson Kingdom.

Inside the throne room, a devilishly handsome looking young man who had recently turned 18 is sitting on the throne with an absent-minded look.

This person was none other than the young king of Crimson Kingdom, but what they did not know is that the soul inside of the young man was a cynical guy from another world called Earth!

"That damn unscrupulous God who sent me in this fucking Kingdom on the brink of destruction is really....ugh whatever."

John has been sitting here for a couple of hours. He doesn't know what to do especially when he found out in his predecessor's memory that their army was defeated and slaughtered.

The name of his predecessor was called Vorkath Crimson. After his father died, he succeeded the throne despite not having any skills and also being the only heir of the Kingdom.

The Crimson Kingdom was working well until his stupid predecessor tried to use his authority to make a woman his concubine. But the worst part is that the woman was a princess of another Kingdom. And thus, the other Kingdom uses it as an excuse to engage war at them.

His predecessor keeps wallowing in alcohol after hearing all sorts of bad news. It was until he heard that their strongest army was defeated and slaughtered making him passed out never waking up anymore. Until John, the otherwordly soul possessed the body of Vorkath.

Suddenly, anxious footsteps can be heard outside making John snapped out from the memories of his predecessor. The door opened and John saw the King's advisor, Luke Zenith.

Luke with an evil-looking appearance in his forties kneeled in front of John, "Your Highness! The Sunstone Kingdom's army is going to arrive in 3 hours. We need to escape immediately to preserve the blood of Royal Crimson Clan and wait for the comeback."

John looked down and stared at his advisor. This man was the reason why despite his predecessor being absolute trash, the Kingdom is still working well.

"There's no need to escape because I don't want to be treated as a coward. Although I am not good at ruling a kingdom, I don't want to be treated as a coward." John said to Luke without expression in his face.

Luke wanted to say something but John stopped him. Luke wept and tears started to fall because his family has always been loyal to Crimson Royal Family.

The Crismon Kingdom with 340 years of history is now going to crumble.

"Your Highness, the Zenith Clan will always be loyal to Crimson Royal Family," Luke vowed to John with a serious look.

John gave him a glance and shook his head inside and remembered that the Zenith family has been loyal for more than 200 years. Such loyalty is enough to make anyone cry.

After making Luke leave the throne room, only John was left inside cursing his situation.

"Damn, to the being who sent me here where's my fucking advantage? Hello? Goddamn it." John shouted in the throne room and luckily, no one heard him except him.

Several minutes passed by. John knew that he is going to die again unless he will escape. But he knew how terrible this world is without power and he didn't want to suffer so he would rather choose death. He thought he'd eventually become a peasant if he fled to another Kingdom.

It was until a robotic voice sounded in his mind.

[Ding! God-Level: Conqueror's maintenance has completed.]

[God-Level: Conqueror System will activate after five seconds. 5...4...3..2...1....]

After the countdown, a panel appeared in front of John that only he himself can see.

[God-Level: Conqueror System]

Host: Vorkath Crimson (John)

Status: King

Kingdom Level: 1

Points: 0


Author's Note: I will call him Vorkath instead of John starting now.

Vorkath wanted to scream in excitement because he knew what this thing meant. This is his advantage, this is his way to gain the power to conquer this world.

Starting today he is no longer John but Vorkath Crimson, the king of Crimson Kingdom! Vorkath took a deep breath but he suddenly heard the familiar robotic voice again.

[You received 100,000 Points as a gift from the system.]

[New Panels has been unlocked, please say 'Menu' in your mind.]

Vorkath followed the System's instructions. He felt anxious and excited at the same time. After doing the instruction, what appeared made him interested.


[Host Stats]



[Mystery Shop]




Vorkath doesn't have time to check it one by one so he decided to pick [Soldiers] immediately. A panel with a list of soldiers appeared in front of him, and according to the system, they are completely loyal to him.

'Do I have to train them, system?' Vorkath asked in his mind.

[No. What you read in their description is what you get.]

Vorkath nodded and started to check the soldiers on the list.

[Lunatic Foot Soldiers x100]

Price: 50,000 Points

Description: As long as they are alive, they will try their best to bring down their enemy along with them to hell.

[Numb Archers x100]

Price: 50,000 Points

Description: They will keep firing without resting. Even if their fingers are damaged, they will keep firing until they are crippled.

[Veteran Knights x20]

Price: 100,000 Points

Description: Low-level knights stood no chance against them. Before they die, they can unleash a moment of madness because of their knight's will.

Vorkath widens his eyes when he saw their description. He couldn't help but ask, "System, are they really true?"

[They are absolutely true, it was I who made them after all.]

After getting the confirmation of the system, Vorkath decided to check his kingdom's remaining soldiers first before purchasing soldiers.


Coming out of his throne room, he found Luke whose face is tired.

"Your Highness, have you changed your mind and accepted my proposal?" Luke kneeled before asking.

"No, I have an order for you. Call those who are important to the war to come to the throne room." Vorkath said before going back to his throne room.

Luke stared at His Majesty's back with a weird expression but shook his head and decided to do it.

'I hope His Majesty has a solution for this war.' Luke thought to himself with a bitter smile on his face.


Ten minutes passed.

Inside the throne room, three men in their fifties wearing a luxurious robe can be seen kneeling in front of Vorkath.

"You may stand up," Vorkath said while looking at them with an emotionless face.

These three old men are the nobles with great power in the Kingdom. One of the nobles with silver hair stood up and asked anxiously, "Your Highness, what are we gonna do here instead of escaping?"

"Shut up! You are the leader of one of the great clans yet you wanted to escape?!" Luke roared while pointing at the old man with silver hair.

Meanwhile, a fat old man snickered, "So are we just gonna talk here and wait for death? Isn't it entirely due to His Highness that we're now on the brink of destruction."

"Y-y-you!!" Luke pointing again with rage that can be seen in his face.

"What can you do to me, then? Aren't I speaking the truth? If His Highness did not bother those mysterious people, especially the woman in a veil, this wouldn't happen at all!" The fat old man shouted to Luke.

Vorkath narrowed his eyes staring at the fat old and killing intent appeared in the depths his eyes that could not be seen. Although he is not true Vorkath, he does not like this kind of people hence he decided to kill and exterminate his clan later.

Meanwhile, the third noble who had been silent at all was staring at Vorkath since the time they got inside the throne room. Of course, he had also seen Vorkath staring at the fat old man and knew he has completely offended the King.

Although the Kingdom is on the brink of destruction, the people still did not know that it was the King's fault. What's more, he knew that as long as the King is still on the throne his authority is still there thus he acts smartly than the other two.

"Your Highness, what can I do so I can help you? I promise that as long it is within my power, I will do it." Eduard said with a solemn expression on his face. He is betting everything because even he managed to escape, he will no longer have the same power as today.

A surprised appeared in Vorkath's eyes and a smirk appeared in the corner of his mouth. Watching Luke and the fat old man arguing he decided to stop them and tell them what he wants.

"Alright, you two stop arguing. What he said was true and it was entirely my fault." Vorkath paused and continued, "This time I sincerely ask for your help so we can win this war."

"Impossible! It's entirely you're fault yet you still wanted to ask help from us? This will be the last time I will speak 'His Highness' but seriously, you are dreaming to win against them, Your Highness." The fat old man said with a resolute voice.

Luke wanted to speak but Vorkath stopped him. Vorkath stared at the old man with silver hair, "How about you?"

The silver hair old man wanted to disagree but he saw Eduard nodding at him. It was a signal which was also noticed by Vorkath making him curious about this man named Eduard in his predecessor's memory.

"I agree. What help do you want from me, Your Highness?" The silver hair old man asked Vorkath with curiosity.

Vorkath smiled and him and replied, "Let's first ask this gentleman." then he stared at Eduart with piercing eyes.

Eduard smiled when he saw Vorkath's piercing stare at him and said, "Just like what I said earlier I will do anything as long as it is within my power."

Vorkath clapped, "Perfect!" and he looks at the fat old man and asked again, "Are you really not going to help us?"

The fat old man look left and right seeing the other leaders agreed. But thinking how this Kingdom will crumble later, he decided not to bet and would rather escape bringing the treasures that their family accumulated for 50 years.

"No, I have to refuse. This Kingdom will eventually crumble anyway, why are you still trying to bet with your luck to this failed King?" He said with a snort while giving the other two nobles with a glance before leaving.

Vorkath squinted his eyes and whispered in the air, "Shadow Guards, kill him."

Suddenly, four ghostly figures above jumped down towards the bad fat old man with a dagger in their hands.

In just a few seconds, the fat old man was killed with four stabs in every vital part! The silver hair old man and Eduard started to sweat realizing how lucky their decision is.

Looking at their faces, Vorkath felt funny and also felt somewhat uncomfortable killing someone for the first time, although not using his hands. He shook his head and stop thinking about it.

"Relax, since you decided to help me then once this war ends then I decided to give you what you want. Of course, before that, I need your help first." He said with a smile then he continued, "First, I want you to take all of his belongings including his soldiers. Then, using all his wealth call those who are willing to be a soldier and we will give them money for it. We don't have time left so bring as much as you can within 2 hours."

"Is it fine even if they don't have skills?" Eduard asked with a serious look.

Vorkath nodded to Eduard and told him, "Yes, even if they are women bring them all. As long as they can survive, I will give them a new life. This is my promise to them."

After Eduard and the silver-haired old man, he asked Luke who has been silent for a while.

"Luke, what's the name of that old man with silver hair?"

Luke stared at Vorkath with a speechless look and he replied, "That's Bruno Lockheart."

Vorkath facepalmed himself and realized it's actually the leader of a blacksmith clan in the kingdom. Well, it can't be helped since his predecessor's memories were quite blurry.

"What kind of army did the Sunstone Kingdom send and how many are they?" Vorkath asked Luke with a serious look.

A sad smile appeared in Luke's face and replied, "400 Foot Soldiers, 100 Knights, 50 Archers."

Vorkath frowned for a while and asked again, "How about our soldiers? How many soldiers can we deploy?"

"200 Foot Soldiers and 50 Knights," Luke replied.

Vorkath cursed inside and realized how weak they are. He couldn't help but felt pained remembering their strong army around 5000 who had just died like that.

'This Sunstone Kingdom is so f*cking arrogant! How dare they send only hundreds of soldiers. Damn it!' Vorkath thought to himself and decided to plan for the next steps before the enemy arrives.