
god is among us

In the year 2025, humanity has been disproportionately decimated by an event that has never occurred before. However, instead of being completely annihilated, all of humanity was reborn in a new world.

SrNocturnus · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Chapter 1 - The Awakening

"To walk..."

"To walk..."


Unknown: Where am I...?

Unknown: What? What am I doing here? Where are my kids?! Everything around me looks white...

Screams: Ahhhh!

Screams: Aaaahng...

Unknown: Calm down, my daughter. Everything is fine.

I look around and see a vast shade of white, only more surprising than the space he is in to Feng Chen is the amount of people around him, more personal in that place than stars in the sky than in the sky. pitch of night, billions... it even seemed like

Unknown: I was in my office and it felt like I was falling into some white place...

Unknown: What?! You too?!

Unknown: Err... (sighs). I think the same thing happened to me...

Unknown: I-Me too...

Unknown: Me too...

It even seemed that... all of humanity was there.

After hearing a bang, everyone noticed the huge presence of that figure sitting on the throne.

Everyone, at that moment, remained silent and motionless, except for the children, who felt fear and panic in their eyes.

No one dared speak in front of that enormous presence.

Feng Chen couldn't take his eyes off that figure that blinded him because of the whiteness of the huge room they were in.

Fear, resentment, terror and sadness were what everyone felt when trying to get up in front of that presence that pressured them to prostrate themselves in the danger that that figure represented.

One of the children was crying as she screamed for her mother.

A large presence raised the index finger and each person present received a system. After this act, a ray of resplendent light enveloped all of humanity, disintegrating it and making it reborn in a new world.

Feng wiped the sweat off his forehead and took a deep breath, feeling the satisfaction of a successful hunt. As he prepared the rabbit for dinner, he thought about how life had changed so much in just twelve years. He and the other survivors were forced to adapt to a completely new world, without their homes, families or the technology they had known before.

But despite everything, with a new way of life.

While having dinner, Feng looked at the horizon and thought about how amazing it would be to find survivors, so that they could share knowledge and resources. He knew there was so much more to discover about the world.

With night falling, leaving nature alone for another day. He knew that many adventures still awaited him, but he was ready to face any challenge that came his way.