
God in the Multiverse

A person dies only to meet the Almighty Chaos. Reincarnated with a system to become a God. Travels through various worlds to get even more overpowered. World 1- Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou World 2- ??? Anime, Comics, and Novels

TarantulaBite · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

The Black Dragon

Tio Klarus. That is the noble name given to her by her parents.

She is the princess of the legendary Dragonman tribe.

The dragonman race was once hailed as the guardians of Tortus. Their nation promoted harmony and cooperation among all the races, and they lived in peace for many centuries. Unfortunately, that reign was short-lived.

According to the vow of the dragonman, it is just reason that separates them from mindless beasts.

Yet, due to her carelessness, she lost that very reason.

Tio had volunteered to leave the hidden village to figure out the source of the massive magic movement in the continent. She had flown for days straight almost to reach her destination. Exhausted, she had planned to rest for a day or so before continuing on her task.

Who would've known, while she was in a deep sleep, her mind was influenced by the black magic of the despicable human.

Tio felt endlessly aggrieved as her breath tore through the air to wipe out half of the army below her, the next slaughtering the innocent in the middle of the town.

And now, she fired her breath attack once more towards the strange black monster or machine.

She watched as the small party of four, including even a child, tore through the monsters like nothing, and the man injured the human riding on her back using a strange weapon hidden in the sword.

Influenced by her captor's chaotic thoughts and emotions, Tio's body moved against her will to protect him.

Even stranger weapons created blasts that exploded away many monsters. As every monster here turned aggressive, the petite blonde woman flew away.

Suddenly, her body involuntarily shivered, looking at yet another weapon that materialized itself. Just why did that make her tremble? Tremble in excitement...


After Yue went away, he equipped the heavy pile bunker on his left wrist. Although it would limit his mobility and slow down the hand a little, there wasn't much problem.

He turned around and rubbed Myu's head. He was somewhat happy that his daughter was so brave. Yes, Alex was already Myu's papa. Was there a problem?

"Shea, just keep bombarding the monster army with rockets and keep them busy." He also rubbed her head... and ears. They were just too soft and fluffy.

Shea smiled in response and got Orkan ready.

"Now then."

He disregarded Shimizu still writhing on the ground, and faced the dragon, Tio. He did not plan to kill her. The dragonman was a race he liked and respected, and they also shared the common goal of defeating Ehit.

"Graaaah!" Every time the black dragon flapped its wings, powerful gusts of wind were created. Its two eyes glowed gold like stars amidst a sea of black. Tio, the dragon, released a pressure that dwarfed almost every monster he had ever faced, even more than the Reisen golem.

Thump Thump

His heart beat wildly as he felt an unrestrained excitement within him. 'This is the feeling' It's been almost too long since he tasted such anticipation for a battle. Now that there wasn't the only goal of survival, he felt very free. He admitted that he missed this feeling.

No magic and up against such a powerful foe. Alex licked his lips and readied his swords. He bent down and pressed on the ground.

The ground cracked as he jumped in full force at the dragon. In response, the dragon flapped her wings and waved her claws to meet the incoming swords. A loud clang rang out as the dragon was pushed back a little, but as Alex couldn't fly, he flew like a meteor and impacted the ground heavily.

Alex wasn't hurt. A ferocious grin adorning his face, he got up and started running around it and swung one of the chains. Kill (The sword name for those who forgot) flew like a whip and made a deep sash on the dragon's wings.

"Graaaah!" With a shill roar of pain and anger, the dragon used one of her claws to entangle the chain and hold it in place. Magic began congealing into a large sphere in front of the dragon's snout. 'Another one!' Alex sped up and used all his strength to pull the chain on his hand.

With a sudden jerk, the breath attack was forcibly stopped, and Tio in her dragon form could only whimper as the mana she was manipulating went berserk and hurt herself while she was pulled down.

Because of pulling the dragon from the air, Alex was pushed upwards, jumping towards it. His left hand blurred as he put everything into the next slash. Joy cut the wind in its path, appearing ever so threatening that even the dragon tried to avoid it.

Alex's grin widened. He liked such a scene.

Somersaulting mid-air to avoid the last-minute breath attack charged by the dragon, he embedded Joy into the gap between the scales on the dragon's back. The dragon roared in pain and started thrashing around, but that only served to deepen the stab on the back.

Upon steadying himself, he untangled the chains of Kill from the claws of the dragon with more difficulty than he imagined. As if climbing on a cliff, he buried Kill further down its back. Then taking out joy from the previous location and planting it even further. Using such an insane and merciless method, he reached just near the tail of the panting and thrashing dragon.

"Tch." Alex clicked his tongue in annoyance. His stabs weren't fatal but indeed must've been painful. Even that wasn't enough to 'wake' up Tio...

He wanted to avoid this but the monster army would approach any time now. Shea couldn't hold off thousands of monsters by herself, at least not with her current power.

Putting strength in his hand, he inserted the sword a little deeper. Connected to the sword with a chain, he jumped down from the side of the tail.

He didn't extend the chain much long. As the chain stretch taut, he pulled hard and gained momentum towards his target, all while temporarily leading its movements sluggish.

He pulled the trigger, and the three-tonne azantium coated stake set out letting out sparks on the launcher because of the friction. The stake plunged its way deep into the dragon's butt.

A second later-

"Aaaaaaaah! How dare you!" The dragon let out an anguished scream mixed with another unknown emotion.



I know. Such a short battle but you show him excited.

I just don't want to waste much time on a fight much too predictable. Maybe I'll make the fight with the apostles much harder and longer. (Curse my depraved mind)


I noticed that the system is very less used. Well, I did intend to not put much emphasis on it, but it seemed to fade out a little too much.

No matter, let this system be half the background guy you know is there but don't remember his name.

TarantulaBitecreators' thoughts