
God in the Multiverse

A person dies only to meet the Almighty Chaos. Reincarnated with a system to become a God. Travels through various worlds to get even more overpowered. World 1- Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou World 2- ??? Anime, Comics, and Novels

TarantulaBite · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Reisen Labyrinth

Heylo peopl.

Thanks a lot to everyone for supporting me and encouraging me. I just wanted to say it.

On a side note, please think of the time in the story a little different. Let's say that Alex got out of Orcus earlier than canon. Then, Alex currently didn't meet Shea. But as he spent so much time here, the next chapter I will introduce Shea. In the town they go. I'll explain. Anyways... Tio will be introduced maybe later than Kaori. I'll flesh out the details later.

Please continue...


Reisen Labyrinth.

In one of the many rooms of the most annoying labyrinth in the world.

Surrounded by almost a hundred metal knights, Alex and Yue stood there with serene smiles on their faces. They looked so peaceful as if about to achieve Zen. But the next event made a vein pop on their forehead.

~Yahoo! Miledi is back. Are you scared? Are you shivering like a little rabbit? Did you pee yourself? Don't worry, let these uncle golems take care of you, okay. Hahahaha. Better thank me, after all, you won't find anyone as cute and gentle as me, Miledi-chan~

If this was an eastern cultivation novel, then Miledi Reisen must've surely been a grandmaster in killing others by making them 'puke blood in anger.' Both Alex and Yue had already accepted the universal fact that "Miledi Reisen is at the peak of Dao of annoying one can reach".

They did not need words. Alex held his swords while Yue readied her gun. A slaughter of metal ensued. At least that's what they wanted, but the golems were made of special ores and regenerated infinitely in the room. So they had to forcefully break through an altar. Alex swore he would come back one day to take all the ore.

But sometime later, they were suddenly sent back to the entrance where they started... And all the paths in the labyrinth were shuffled.


"Heyo~ Nice to see you~ It's me, everyone's favourite idol, Miledi Reisen-chan~"

A massive chamber, dozens of floating platforms, an army of iron knights, a twenty-meter tall golem screaming 'Boss monster' and the cutesy voice coming out of it.

One month... It had taken them one month. Going through traps, anti-gravity, knights, the path reset, the ridiculous messages at every corner.

Right now, the mental limits of both Alex and Yue were stretched to the extreme, in a different way than the Orcus labyrinth.

Yue was currently in his embrace. He had picked her up when the platform they were standing on previously was destroyed.

The big golem was posing like a certain magical girl. Looking at its mechanical eyes, Alex slowly put Yue down without a change in expression. She understood what she had to do and what he would do.

A feral grin formed on Alex's face as he imagined himself turning Miss Golem Reisen into scraps.

"~Looks like you had fun..."

The cute and mischievous voice suddenly halted as Golem Reisen shifted her head. Not a moment later, a sword passed through her side leaving a small cut on the metal chin.

"You better pray that you don't get out of here in scraps." The extended chain suddenly became taut and sharp like a sword. He bent his hand and made the direction of his attack suddenly change. It caused enormous strain on the hands but it wasn't a problem for Alex with his monstrous physique.

Sensing the sword hanging off the chains coming for her, Golem Reisen Crouched down but the other sword was sent flying towards its legs. The large flail on her left hand waved about and the sword suddenly lost its momentum and was sent flying upwards.

Alex was running straight towards her, reigning the sword back along with the chains. The mental torment they had suffered, he will surely punish her. Absorbed in fighting he went into a mode of extreme focus where he only saw Golem Reisen in front of him.


*Miledi POV*

I look at the two challengers who finally managed to reach the final room. I got to know their names were Alex and Yue.

"~Looks like you had fun..." I was about to continue, but suddenly I sensed something wrong. I tilt my head, well, my golem head.

*Swish* The sword that was in his hands passed through.

'Fast. Too fast for someone not using any magic. Just his body alone was this monstrous. Not to mention the artifacts both of them were using. Did they clear the Orcus Labyrinth before coming here?

Impossible. I don't sense any other ancient magic. But how was that possible, that was supposed to be cleared in the end as the final dungeon.

Leaving the doubts aside, I flail around my weapon and the second sword approaching me was stopped by the use of gravity magic.

I use my magic on the chains, but it was repelled.

"Wha?!" Was it so easy to repel ancient magic nowadays? It was not repelling but more like denying. The magic I used refused to take effect even after I applied it.

But that isn't enough to defeat me. I block the incoming sword with my hands but suddenly something burst out of the hole in the middle of the blades lodging itself between my shoulder joints. A muffled explosion ran out it started burning from the inside.

I ignore such damage and pull the sword hard, making him come closer to me. The heated gauntlet on my right hand head towards his head but it is blocked by the other sword. He is very skilled.

Looking at his glowing red eye, I shudder. No, more like my spirit shuddered. Is it spirit magic? But it feels different from what Barn used. (A/N note - Barn is the master of spirit magic labyrinth. I don't know much as I haven't read the Zero series.)

Slowly and steadily, his body and his weapons lightly flickered with a cherry red glow and his speed and power increased greatly.

The red was beautiful. It was mana but something other than mana. Something like a mutation of magic.

We continue our fight while Yue blocked all the other golems trying to pounce on him.

I noticed as the fight progressed, his use of energy increased and the flickering became stable. He was unconsciously using it.

The fight progressed for no more than fifteen minutes.

I knew the winner of our battle already.

I lost. His swords glowed gorgeously as my golem body was bisected into two.

Today, after centuries, the Reisen Labyrinth finally welcomed two challengers who cleared the trial.

... And after our fight, he fainted.


Alex groggily opened his eyes to welcome the sight of lovely Yue dozing off over his head. His head was on her lap. Bliss...

He remembered that he was fighting against Golem Reisen. At that time, he went into a strange trance where everything seemed to slow down. After that, he cut the golem in two and blacked out.

'Looks like we cleared the labyrinth. That's good.'

He would have gone back to sleep had it not been for a white doll-like golem with a smiley face on the white mask. Oh, it was Mini-Miledi.

But the small Mini-Miledi was strangely torn apart in a few places with burns here and there.

Waking up and asking Yue about it, it seemed Miledi had pulled off another prank. She made the previous golem look like she was about to die for real. Yue got a little emotional and parted tearfully with the liberator that stayed behind for centuries to complete the goal she started with her friends.

And then dragging the sleeping Alex to this place. Only to be greeted by Mini-Miledi's "It was a joke, hehehe!".

He laughed a little and both he and Yue proceeded to get the ancient magic. What he found weird was that his stats were a little stronger than before. Strange indeed.

After confirming the locations of other labyrinths and stealing some ores from Miledi, they departed using a teleportation circle instead of being flushed out. Thankfully.

Whaaat? Stealing is bad, you say. Who cares? It's Miledi anyways...

As the circle shone and they were about to be teleported away, Alex looked at Mini-Miledi and dropped a line on her as they disappeared.

"I'll come by later to get that God-killer blade or whatever."

Seeing her dumbfounded face, well not face but her frozen golem body, Alex smiled widely.

As for Reisen, she stood rooted on the spot before going back to her little room.

Looking at the photograph of her friends alongside her, she emotionally thought.

"If it's him, he could surely..."


Next chapter will most probably be a little late. Maybe Tuesday or Wednesday or maybe earlier. I don't know, I've got my maths exam. Sorry.

Why did I start writing this in the middle of the exams then? Maybe cause I'm an idiot.

See ya.