
God blacksmith in a fantasy world

This is about a guy who got reincarnated and wanted to become a god of blacksmith maybe other things as well This will have r18 and other things if u don't like it don't read it simple I didn't need ur negative comments I'm trying to make it different in some way so enjoy All things are owned by there respective people

tykee554 · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

Chapter 2



[pov or other]

(Author )


{MC pov}

Once I wake up I'm looking at a decorated ceiling, I try to turn my head but it was too heavy.

"Young master Winston you're awake," the maid said with a big smile

'Crap now I gotta go through all this. Not being able to control my body is gonna be a pain in the ass'

'She pretty attractive though I wouldn't mind having sex with her when I can get it up' I thought.

[image here]

I reached my arms out to indicate her to pick me up, but I was taken by surprise that I'm light-skinned. I immediately concluded that I'm the 2nd or 3rd wife's child.

"I don't know if you can understand me. My name is Sally and ill be taking care of you from now on. Sadly the 3rd mistress passed away giving birth to you. She never had good health to begin with." She gave me a sad smile.

'Figured as much. What's reincarnation without dead parents.' I thought.

She started to feed me milk because she knew I was hungry. It tasted pretty good, it was warm and kind of tasted like rice milk. She then started talking again

"Your father's name is Nick Vander, He is the duke of the Moon kingdom. He wasn't at your birth because he things to do" with another sad smile

'So really he doesn't care about me that's what you're saying.' I thought.

"Now about your mother her name was Alice Vander. She was a commoner but then she was a mage. She was an incredible one at that. She conquered dungeons with just a two-man party, it was called ice bubble. I think they called it that because her teammate had a very cold demeanor, while your mother could get along with anyone." With stars in her eyes that can blind someone.

"They were every girl's idol. After some time your mom got sick and settled down with your father, a couple of years later they had you and your mother passed away." With sadness in her voice

It was clear that my mother meant something more to her but honestly I didn't care much.

After that, I checked my status.


[ Name: Winston Vander

Level: 1 (0/100)

Mana: 5/5

Agility: 1

Strength: 0


Fuse:lvl max

Craftmanship: lvl 1

Blacksmith: lvl 1

Wood clone: lvl 1

Rune magic: lvl 1

Elemental magic: lvl 1

Light magic: lvl 1

(holy magic and buffs exp. enhancement

Dark magic: lvl 1

(debuffs and necromancy)

Spirit magic: lvl 1]

There weren't any missions, shop or inventory. So I just have this nothing to complain about. I started to feel tired so I went to sleep.

{Time skip 7 months}

I read the history of the Moon kingdom, and in all honesty, I'm not surprised. It was founded 200 years ago and built near a dungeon so a lot of resources come from there. There have been 2 wars long ago, one of the most recent was with the Kurayami kingdom. I don't understand how they lost seeing as the focus on military power, but there could've been factors I don't know about. Maybe we had weapons or heroes I'm not too sure.

The reason they started it was we had mines that they wanted control over and a second dungeon that popped up. From what I'm reading we were losing at the beginning but at some point, it did a whole flip and it's not saying why.

Now besides the history, I learned people are born with special gifts and blessings, think of them as mutants from the marvel universe or supernatural gifts. The gifts differ in major ways(at least in my opinion) from growing your hair an inch longer to teleportation. About 15 percent of the world will get one, and they get treated like a knight considering it's a strong one and it's known. So you can consider my wood clone or fuse one of these abilities, but since I won't tell a single soul about it no one will know. Some of them you can train to make stronger depending on how and what it is.

Blessings can be earned or given to anyone, people at the church usually have a blessing of holy magic making it stronger.

'So there's most likely no corrupt officials there.'

The royal family is known for having the blessing of the spirits, it makes it easier for them to contact spirits. When you get the blessing you will get a tattoo mark on your body, the bigger it is the stronger the blessing. Considering there hard to come by you will have to work like Rock Lee to receive a blessing, unless you are the royal family. There are some reports of people receiving more than one blessing or strengthening the current one you have but that's much more rare than the abilities.

'That's my thoughts though.'

Now with my magic and magic in general. I can do basic spells like fireball or waterball, but thank the Lord I don't have to do some dumb-ass chant. My magic control was weak, so I'm thinking of using magic bullets and stuff along those lines to train it. When I'm able to make my wood clone I can train more things.

The rune magic was pretty easy I made traps to blow a small gust of wind or make a faint sound when people walk by it or make a touch it, and it will be activated. It's the only amusement I get since I got here.

With the magic in general I found out that there was beast magic or taming magic and spirit arts. Spirit arts are like chi or ki there is a lot of people who use it but I don't care much for it. A lot of people and beast-men on the physical side use it like fighters or swordsmen.

Taming magic on the other hand is something I'm considering learning since I will want a pet so I will lead about that at a later date.

With the info dump done let's get to the personal life, Sally and I have gotten closer, but she still talks about my birth mother a ton so when she does I just tune her out. I also found out that I have 3 older siblings, to be exact two older brothers and one older sister.

The first eldest is the son of the first wife he's white with black hair and blue eyes. His name is Jake Vander he is 5 years old

The second eldest brother is the son of the second wife he is white with blonde hair and black eyes. His name is Tim Vander he is 3 years old.

The first eldest sister and my only sister, she is the twin sister of Tim and the daughter of the second wife she has blonde hair and blue eyes. Her name is Tina.

"Young master your in the library again it's time to eat." sally said from behind

I just got up and went towards her. Yeah fun fact I don't talk much unless I talk to Sally.