
God and the Devil's World : Blessed by Darkness

Fanfiction of a chinese light novel, English adaptation of the French version of this fanfiction. The primordial entity of darkness has sent the soul of a former reader of the novel to the dimension where the story takes place by granting him wishes as a bonus. English is not my first language so bear with me, I've put enough detail into the story so knowledge of the main novel is not necessary. However, I invite you to go and read this novel because it's incredible . I hope you enjoy reading my little story .

The3Entities · 書籍·文学
67 Chs

chapter 13 : Deadly Training

The next day, while Drake was sleeping in, someone knocked on his door.

Disturbed and angry, he opened the door with an angry expression to see Chen Yao and Qing Wu both with red faces in front of his door. Drake had just woken up so he was shirtless as usual.

 Drake: What the fuck do you want?!

 C. Yao: Qing Wu and I wanted to thank you for treating her and the others yesterday, I know we are not from the same group and we don't… (He cut her off)

 Drake: Seriously ?! Are you disturbing my sleep for that ?! Listen to me ladies, first of all I didn't treat this girl (pointing at Qing Wu) but it was little Wen who did.

Secondly even if I had done it personally it wouldn't be for her or you but for Yue who admires her fighting skills.

 Qing Wu: Little Wen?! Lu Wen? You came up with a nickname for her so she must be special to you! (She said with a weak smile and downcast eyes)

 Drake: So what?! Listen I'm sleepy so if you have something to say now do it quickly.

 C. Yao: Why do you hate us and especially me?!

 Drake: First of all, remember, little girl, that if I hated you you would already be dead, I feel neither love nor hatred for you. Only I despise people who are useless but who still ask to have privileges and girls who think they are princesses.

 Qing Wu: So, can we be friends again?!

 Drake: Have a nice day ladies! And tell Yue to take some rest, if he needs me I'll be there! (he said closing the door not even bothering to respond to the sad and upset Qing Wu)

 In the afternoon, Drake and Lu Wen met in the garden below the building. Still shirtless, Drake had prepared a daily training session for Wen in order to increase his Combat Instinct and be useful for Yue's quest in the future.

 He was dressed in his black shorts with black sandals, he was holding his black sword in his hand lazily with Lu Wen in front of him who had his full gear in fighting stance.

 As they were about to fight, the other members of Yue's group were watching them on the balcony curiously.

 Lu Wen charged Drake and sent his sword wanting to cut his head but he dodged it effortlessly, Drake had adjusted his strength and agility with his own so as not to crush her from the start.

Lu Wen continued to attack with almost three times the speed of a normal human but Drake still continued to dodge. After a series of dodges, he decided to counterattack.

 Avoiding a sword neck, he aimed at Lu Wen's thigh with his own and made a slash. Lu Wen, injured did not give up but continued his sword attacks, Drake blocked one of them and grabbed Wen's sword arm, he headbutted her And he hit her with his knee to her lower abdomen which caused her to cough up blood and she fell to the ground screaming in pain under the frightened gaze of the others.

 "How can he be so brutal to a girl?" 

 "This guy is really ruthless! Wasn't he supposed to be nice and caring to her ?" said the others.

 Drake came in front of Wen and used Celestial Healing , in 3 seconds she was completely healed and ready to fight again.

 While Drake still had his lazy posture, Lu Wen started moving with her sword but this time it was as if she was dancing.

 Qing Wu who was watching immediately widened his eyes in surprise, Lu Wen who not long ago knew nothing about swordsmanship was now moving with his sword as if it was a part of her body.

Qing Wu knew a little about these moves as she comes from a family of sword martial artists.

 Wen started attacking again but her movements were shapeless and unpredictable, the more she attacked the faster she became.

Drake who continued to dodge sometimes attacked lightly, making a few slashes on Wen. Dodging another attack, he threw a punch at her but to everyone's surprise, Wen dodged it and wanted to counterattack.

 Seeing the action, Qing Wu clenched the handle of her sword as she also wanted to go and fight.

Wen swung his sword while turning around but the sword only sliced ​​through the air, Drake had disappeared from her vision.

 Qing Wu: BE CAREFUL LU WEN! (she cried out in distress)

 Lu Wen, surprised by the cry, wanted to turn around but she felt a sword pierce her back and come out through her stomach. Lu Wen coughed up blood and fell to the ground again.

 "LU WEEEEEN !!! " the others shouted!

 Drake crouched down and healed her again but she was exhausted. The others looked at the scene completely stunned. Yue jumped off the balcony and walked towards Drake in anger.

 Yue: Are you sick ? You could have killed her, why go this far for training ?

 Drake just looked at him indifferently while Wen spoke in a determined tone to Yue

 Lu Wen : Brother Yue stop talking to Drake that way, he told me about this infernal training and I agreed without hesitation! I need danger and pain to improve my Battle skills.

look at the state you were in yesterday, you came close to death because you were not used to a much stronger and more dangerous opponent. I need that and to be stronger in order to help you, that's my own request to Drake! 

 Yue stood there thinking for a few seconds, he apologized to Drake and asked if he could train him and Chi Yang too.

Even though he didn't know exactly Drake's level, he knew that he was stronger than them and knew some fighting techniques.

 Drake agreed before taking Lu Wen to rest and take a bath, she had moved to his place with the agreement of Yue who was his boss.

 As he walked up the stairs carrying Wen like a princess, Qing Wu came in front of him with a determined look.

 "I want you to also train with me like her. Lets fight !!"

 Drake looked at her in silence with a look of surprise at the nerve of this girl, he spoke after a few seconds saying

 "Lady , do you think it's a game ? The goal here is not just to fight but to get stronger and if only you had thought about that, you would have started training your stupid friend . Do you want to fight for fun? People are dying outside" 

 Embarrassed Ji Qing Wu wanted to speak out again but he had already left. She lowered her head, reproaching herself for her inappropriate approche.

It was under the effect of the desire for battle that she spoke to Drake in such a fiery way and it backfired on her. However, she still reflected on what he said But she didn't know if her delicate friend would seriously want to learn how to fight. 

 That same evening, the city's electricity was finally cut off due to lack of maintenance.

 The streets were completely dark and scary and in Yue's apartment, they were able to find candles for light but to everyone's surprise, Drake's apartment had electricity, they could hear sounds of the video game that he and Wen were playing. 

 Chen Yao gathered up the courage to go ask how he managed to still have electricity and the moment he opened the door, the freshness of the perfume and air conditioning hit her .

 She asked him how he always had his electricity

 Drake : I have a generator but we are not from the same group so I have no reason to share it. Good night. 

she wanted to say something to him but the door closed behind her.

 The next morning, the girls were preparing rice and vegetables for lunch, a few pieces of meat were cooked for the Yue group fighters, Chi Yang, Qing Wu and Wang Shuang who was now at level 5.

Suddenly, someone Knocked on their door, Wang Fang, thinking it was Drake, arranged to open the door but found a middle-aged woman accompanied by a little boy of about 11 years old.

 "Hello miss, I'm sorry to bother you. My name is Zhao Li and this is my son, it's been two days since we ate anything.

 I beg you, please give us something to eat at least for my boy"

 She handed over an amount of 10,000 Yuan which interested Wang Fang but Chen Yao who had kept her naive princess attitude despite the event with the bikers came to plead in favor of the woman and her child by wanting to take a bag of groceries and give it to them but she and Wang Fang started arguing. Yue made up his mind and gave two bags of instant noodles to Zhao Li.

 She thanked him and gave the money, Yue and the others didn't want it but Wang Shuang took it enthusiastically. As she was leaving, Drake's door opened and an extremely good smell wafted out.

Drake had cooked Some delicious Italian dishes and opened the door to get some fresh air on the balcony with Lu Wen. They took a table and two chairs and started eating while enjoying the fresh air.

 Drake brought out a metal bucket with ice cubes inside with champain , they drank and ate some more under the envious and begging gazes of the others.

 Previously, when Zhao Li came to them begging for food, they felt sincerely lucky to have Yue Zhong taking care of them but now seeing Lu Wen eating such a delicious dish while drinking champain thanks to Drake she wanted to cry.

 "Lu Wen really means a lot to him, I would kill to be his girlfriend, his wife, or even his m'aide. He is so handsome and capable !" 

 Chen Yao and Qing Wu looked at Drake with a sense of loss. This guy didn't have them in his eyes and already had a low opinion of them.

Drake and Wen continued to eat before going to digest and begin the cruel Drake's Combat Training, again .

 Five days later, Drake was in the garden surrounded by Yue Zhong, Chi Yang and Lu Wen who were in attack position.

He had lowered his strength and agility to a level slightly higher than theirs to remain dominant and not kill them.

 The three charged at him and began attacking him while he neatly dodged their attacks. Without even being hit, he sometimes attacked back but the others, although with great difficulty, were able to dodge or block his blows.

 Within 5 days, these three had greatly improved and through injuries and near-death experiences quickly developed resistance to pain and excellent teamwork.

 Yue Zhong, C. Yang and L. Wen continued their assaults and pressure on him when Drake did a backflip avoiding an attack from Chi Yang from behind.

 Drake flashed a frightening smile before taking a fighting stance for the first time while everyone and the other three in confrontation with him looked on in fear.

 "Get ready, now I'm going to attack with intention to hurt you guys" he said all this with an innocent smile. Then, calmly, he walked in their direction.

 He arrived in front of Chi Yang sending a sword attack targeting his head, Chi Yang wanted to block the blow but Drake's sword disappeared before his eyes and ended up stuck in his abdomen.

 Lu Wen appeared behind Drake wanting to attack his back but he spun around to the right, the attack made a slight cut on his back but no more, he grabbed her arm and sent her a scanning.

Yue came to attack from the left but Drake mysteriously disappeared and sent a punch attack to Yue's throat which choked him.

 Lu Wen got up trying to stab him but Drake kicked her back, she ignored the pain and when she looked at Drake's location, he was no longer there! She was looking for him when she felt a sword penetrate into her right side. This whole scene didn't even last 20 seconds.

 " Amazing ! So fast! I want to fight with him too. Why is he rejecting me like that ?" Qing Wu said to herself, she was a true beauty revered everywhere she went but Drake treated her like a girl with nothing for her, he completely ignored her.

 Drake stood there watching them die and began to heal them. Once back on his feet, he started talking to them.

 Drake : during the fight did you have the impression that I was disappearing ?

 The three nodded their heads, Drake looked at them smiling.

 "I never disappeared, it was just you who lost sight of me! There is a technique called "Blink" which consists of moving at the moment when the opponent blinks during the fight, thus giving the impression of disappearance." he explained calmly.

The three wondered where he had learned all this but we preferred not to dwell on the subject, there were too many mysteries about Drake.

 he left them to practice among themselves while quietly leaving for his place to rest and sleep while Ji Qing Wu joined them.