
God and Devil Word Fanfic (version Ingles)

Warning: This novel will be translated by Google translate. A story of its own, made within the world of God and Devil World, from the same novel, this version will be in English. This Fanfic has my ideas and don't expect something the same, to the above, I think yes, intertwine some parts of the original story but not too much, think of an original story. And enjoy if you can Hahahahaha.

GREMORI_ZERO_666 · 書籍·文学
2 Chs

Beautiful Miss


Not realizing how I got to a bright white room that made my eyes hurt just to open them, I wanted to cover them with my hands but realized that the only part of my body that I had control was from my neck up.

Getting used to the light somehow, I look at my body and the first thing I see is, that I am sitting on a wooden chair carved with patterns.

"Human, you have three wishes, plus where you want to go decides your wish.

Listening to the melodious voice that still echoed in my ears, my gaze focuses on a figure in front of me.

"You didn't listen to what I told you human, don't waste my time, decide quickly I don't want to continue wasting my time with you, I still have many things to do but wait for you to decide.

"Eh, huh, w-who.

"Stop babbling, dirty my ears, hurry up and decide.

Without understanding why the irritation of the beautiful woman in front of me, I lowered my head not being able to see her face, not because I knew her but because it was the first time I spoke with such a beautiful woman, besides that I am not well versed with women since I'm still a virgin.

"W-wait a minute.

I could barely raise my voice, the piercing gaze of light purple eyes made me look down at the lady's feet.

*What beautiful fingers.

That was my thought when I saw the bare feet of the woman in front of me.


Stopping admiring her porcelain-like fingers, I didn't look at her face for fear of seeing her, I spoke with my head down.

"What are those wishes? Where am I? Why can't I move?

"Tch how useless you can't even remember that.

Listening to the unfriendly response, and I think her voice under a certain tone that made me tremble, I didn't speak and kept listening to what I could say, if I could.

"Well I don't want to waste my time so I'll say it quickly, listen well and don't make me repeat myself, you died on earth at 01:00 am in the morning cause of death a gas leak, your house exploded you neither you figured it out since you spent four nights awake, watching anime and reading those light novels. voila end now you have a half hour if you don't decide, a random world is chosen by choice along with your random wishes.

Hearing the truth my mind went blank.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock, tick tock.

As if the sound of knocking on wood clears my mind, I look where the sound came from, looking up a little I see the long fingers tapping on the forearm of the chair.



Quickly looking down when I noticed that I was looking at her, I remembered the words of the beautiful lady in front of me, she had died. My answer may sound cold but I didn't get along very well with my parents, I left the hunt as soon as I came of age, I could never meet the expectations of my father and mother, luckily I have a younger brother and unlike me , he excelled in motor power, a good head on his shoulders, among other things, letting our father take him to the small company you can say to take experience, something he never did with me.

My life was not very different when I left home, I had my savings from the part-time jobs I did to not be at home, I got a single-family room and consequently worked the respective hours and stayed the rest of the day watching anime , light novels, manga among other things of the world, the only thing that I did not like among the novels is the hatred, racism and things that happened in reality to the fiction novels that I read, and you can understand that they want to bring certain historical facts to give it background, but it was irritating to see how they made a good novel or what seemed to me a good novel fall into the same repetition, being more Wuxia light novels, that Japan was always the bad one in one way or another, simply an abomination, for That's why I stopped reading them from the modern era and focused on the cultivation, science fiction, of course there were some good ones in the modern era before they were ruined.

Stopping thinking about my life, I look at the hourglass that was in the middle of its content, thinking about several novels and animes that I saw throughout my life and their powers, I focused on thinking about the world that I would go to and then the wishes.

"Fifteen minutes have passed, how long are you going to make me wait.

Listening again to the voice of the beautiful lady, although her voice will create an icy atmosphere in this bright white room, she still looked beautiful, that's why I decided on a world that I liked and at the same time I didn't, that had a lot of potential, yes I said it

"I want to go to the world of God and Devil World, twenty years before the events happen in the original story.

Feeling that the seconds lengthen to listen to the cold melodious voice of the beautiful young lady, I listen to her with a mocking tone of hers.

"Huh, that world, I wouldn't think you would decide on a world where you have to fight to survive, since you chose the world decide your wishes, you have ten minutes.

Feeling relieved I realize I'm drenched in sweat, didn't I think a soul could sweat? But leaving illogical things like death, I thought of wishes.

While I was thinking with my eyes closed and wanting to cross my hands on my chest but not being able to move my body I said the first wish.

"For my first wish, I want to have the Space Farm, from the world [Taking the farm to live in another world]. For my second wish, I want to have the ability, lightning clones, and for the third, I want luck the highest luck in my life.

"It seems you didn't waste any of the wishes I give you, well those wishes can be granted but there will be restrictions.

"Restrictions what kind of restrictions are you talking about.

"It's simple, your space farm ability will only be activated a month before the apocalypse begins, your cloning ability will only be able to be used when everything begins and luckily we will leave that as it was.

Leaving those words, the girl looks at the boy who had his eyes tightly closed without meeting her eyes.

"Hey, until when will you be with your eyes closed, they haven't taught you in your world that when you speak looking at the other person's face.

Listening to the cry of the most beautiful woman, I trembled, opening her eyes although I didn't want to look at her face, not knowing what face she would make just by looking at her.


Feeling that I let out an idiotic voice, but that does not matter, if they say that there is no woman who cannot bring a man to his knees with only his face, I will deny it with all my strength, because in front of me I have the woman who represents supreme beauty.

Platinum blonde hair that reached the floor, bewitching purple eyes that seemed to lose themselves in them. Milky skin, which combined with a black dress that underlined her curves, long legs that came out of the dress and crossed putting her thighs one on top of the other, letting out beauty beyond human compression, which would give my life to sleep. in them. But I knew that it would be impossible for a lesser being like me.

That was the beautiful young lady sitting a few meters from me just like my carved wooden chair with crows on the armrests, while on the young lady's seat the head of a dragon.

"You're done looking at me pervert, ah, that's why I don't like men, they always have dirty thoughts, since you finally deigned to look me in the face now it's time for you to select your appearance.

Although I can't deny his words, I looked down once more, feeling disgust coming from her voice, which made me feel bad.

Not wanting to bother more than I should, I was going to ask him about the change of appearance to notice a blue box in front of my eyes and which had my appearance and clothes before I died.

Neither handsome nor ugly, that was my appearance, although I worked I had a beer belly, I was tall 1.78 cm it is due to my father's gene who was also tall, looking at my appearance in front of me I decided to change two things. One my dark brown hair color, to a silver one like the most beautiful lady in front of me, and two... well what can I say, men always think with our heads down and although I had mine, never used, I decided to improve it a little, and leave my appearance to the genes of my parents that I will have in the second life.

"As expected of men they only think with their heads down, they don't matter anymore, I don't think I'll see you again unless you die.

Hurt not by her words, but because I will never be able to see her again even with her words of contempt against me, I also had no intention of dying so early, having that feeling running through my head, my vision darkens.