

In a twist of fate, Aiden's life takes an extraordinary turn after a near-fatal accident. He encounters God, who compels him to return to Earth and marry His daughter. Aiden undergoes rigorous training to become a worthy partner for God's enigmatic offspring and is sent back to the mortal realm. Awakening in his own body, Aiden grapples with memories of his past life, using them to forge a path in the business world. His unwavering determination drives him to construct a life of happiness with God's daughter. Little does Aiden suspect that God has concealed a crucial part of the truth. As a formidable adversary emerges, Aiden is faced with a harrowing choice. Will he defy the divine, or will he rise to the challenge that destiny has thrust upon him? Update: Atleast 1 chapter per week.

_akc_ · 都市
12 Chs


Solarius snapped his fingers and Aiden felt a huge change in the atmosphere. His hair stood up, heartbeat became faster and stomach started to ache. He started shaking and sweat started to appear all over him.

"What did you do to me? "

"Stopped helping you." Solarius said with an expressionless face. "This is your real condition. Earlier I helped you to stay calm thinking you might become my son in law."

"C can you..please stop this. Please. I… beg you. " Aiden said in a trembling voice.

"Your Mother, what a poor soul she is. She has to care for her sick husband and a son who is in coma, who knows for how many years she has to suffer it. It would be good if she could successfully claim the insurance but how long will it last. It would have…"

"I agree."

" Did I here something ?"

"I said, I will become your son in law."

Solarius snapped his fingers and everything became normal.

"Don't think I was Blackmailing you. I was just worring about your mother ."

'How can a God act like a thug?' Aiden looked at Solarius's face,he had the same carefree face that Aiden saw when they first met. 'A God's ability to change character is truly terrifying. Wait, did he say about me waking up from a coma? Why does he need me to wake up on Earth when I am already here?'

"Because my daughter is on Earth."

"A God is living on Earth."

"No, she is a human."

'Oo, she is a demigod. That's good'

"Does she have any power like super strength or speed or…"

"I told you she is human." Solaris said in a raised voice.

"Sorry sir, when will I be to get out of the coma?"

Solarius looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't misunderstand, what I mean is that first I need to recover then only I can marry your daughter."

All expression disappeared from Solarius's face and he said "Don't think about going back on your word after returning. There are things much worse than what you have experienced earlier."

"No sir, I will never."

"Good" "Xavier" Solarius called and a man appeared behind Solarius.

"This is Xavier. He will be the one teaching you." Solarius got up after saying this and walked towards a door which suddenly appeared to their side. He opened the door and looked at Aiden. " You can return when you pass all the tests" "One more thing, In here you won't feel hungry or tired So,Work hard kid." Then he walked out and the door disappeared.

(Ariana's POV)

Ariana was sitting beside a door with a phone in her hand, the word operation theater written was above the door and a red light shining near it.

"I don't know when I will be able to leave."

" I will tell you more when you get here."

"Ok, call me when you guys get here."

She ended the call and put it in the pocket.

" The police will be here shortly." She heard someone from her side and looked there, the jeep's driver was sitting there.

"Mmm" she replied.

"I am Daniel and you are?"


Daniel looked at Ariana who had her hands in a prayer gesture and eyes closed.

" He is going to be fine. Didn't we find medical help immediately " He said.

"I hope so. "Ariana replied and went back to praying. In the ambulance she had heard the doctor talking about head injury and internal bleeding. After that she could think only about the worst results. ' What if he lost his memory, or died. Only if I had listened to sister Elizabeth, If I had been careful. ' the only thing she could do to stop these thoughts was praying

"Do any of you have O negative blood?" Ariana was bought out of her prayers by a question.

"Yes I am O negative." She replied.

"Can you donate some? The patient is in immediate need of it." The nurse who had asked the earlier question asked.

" Yes."

"Good, follow me."

She took Ariana to a room not far from the operation theater. The staff there asked Ariana some questions and ID card afterwards she was asked to sign a consent letter. They took some blood to conduct tests and after that she was connected to the machine for collecting blood. After 10 minutes blood was collected and she was taken to the refreshment area. There she was approached by the Police. They wrote down her statement about how the accident happened and showed her Aiden's ID card.

"Did you know him before?"

She felt the face was a little familiar but couldn't remember when she saw it. So she decided it as a feeling.

"No." She replied.

" We have informed his family and they will be here before tomorrow afternoon and we want you here when they arrive."

She nodded her head and the policeman left.

Ariana got out of the blood donation room and found herself surrounded by two hands.

"Are you hurt? Did they treat you well?"

Fidha asked while checking Ariana.

"I told you I am fine?"

"What happened? You didn't tell us anything over the phone." Rachel entered the conversation.

After hearing the whole story from Ariana, Fidha was the first to respond.

"Kyaaa..., Is it only me who feels that the events are similar to the beginning of a romance drama. The hero saving the heroine from an accident, like an angel. Even his name means Angel ( D'Angelo means angel in Greek)." She said in excitement.

"Hai, don't talk like that. We don't know about his current condition." Rachel interrupted.

" He will be fine, don't you see how lucky he is."

Ariana also felt like what Fidha said is true. An ambulance coming at the time of the ambulance, immediately getting a match for one of the rarest blood groups. 'Please don't let his luck burnout before he becomes fine.'

(Maya D'Angelo POV)

Maya was in the railway station waiting for the train. She got a call from the police saying her son is in the hospital. Since it was night, there was no bus for Kolin city and the train to Kolin city was only for tomorrow morning. Now she has to take local buses and trains to reach there. It is going to take more time but she could reach his son sooner. Some years ago her husband got into an accident and got his legs paralyzed and now her son also got into an accident. She was sitting there praying with unbearable pain in her heart.


She got up, took her bag and walked forward to board the approaching train.

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