
God's Inheritance

A normal boy named James and his group of friends find an inheritance from a God who was killed, in finding it they all gain the power to ascend to become Gods and start the journey of creating planets, solar systems, galaxies and maybe even a Universe. how will they survive in the world of Gods and how will James use his inheritance and system to become stronger. ------------------ If anything is wrong or you want to suggest something feel free to tell me and I may add it and definitely change it if it's wrong. Here is the discord link if you want to join and suggest things for the story or anything else. https://discord.gg/HXy65yvTVN

Chill27 · ファンタジー
19 Chs

Guardian Beasts and planet

"Right then let's add them to the planet now then Rebecca I'll go first then you go," James said to Rebecca as she just nodded and waited for James to do it first.

After he said it he accepted the guardian beast wolf reward and placed it in Albion close to the Grand Temple but far away so they, the unicorn people won't kill it before they know what it is. He then sends a message to the systems of the unicorn people who look after the Grand temple.

The message he sent was "my people of the unicorn people who protect my Temple a guardian beast wolf will be arriving soon, so don't attack it. Also, I will be the one controlling it so I can make a new dungeon and protect my Grand Temple."

In Albion by the Grand Temple

The people at the Grand Temple saw the notification on their systems, and as they did they became happy that their God gave them a gift and he made a guardian beast to help them out and protect the Temple. The other big thing is if it will make a dungeon it will also make them stronger too as they will have 3 dungeons then.

They all gathered outside of the Grand Temple waiting for the guardian wolf to show up.

James took control of the guardian wolf beast and started walking to the Grand Temple. it didn't take too long for him to get to it just about 5 minutes and he saw all the people waiting outside the temple for him. "Hello, my people this is the guardian wolf that will help you and that I can control."

As he spoke all the unicorn people there got down and prayed a bit to him as they heard him, as their God is helping them and are very happy about it. "we welcome you, your grace, to your Grand Temple and the Holy Land."

James looks at the leader who just said it. "Thank you for your warm welcome you all can get back to work as well as I'm going to go make a dungeon to help you all get stronger."

As they hear it they are a little down but understood they needed to get stronger and more resources so they can build a city around the Grand Temple and be strong enough to defend it.

James then started to move away to a place where he will place his dungeon a bit away from the Grand Temple but not too far away from it. He then found a perfect place to build it and started to get ready to do it till he then wasn't sure how.

"Umm, Sky how do I build the dungeon tho as forgot to ask about it and am not sure how," he was a little embarrassed he didn't ask and had to stop at the last minute.

"No problem Sky it's all fine, the best way to think of it is the same way you build your worlds. so first start thinking about making the dungeon then think about what you want in them. You will need to think of what you want on your first above-ground floor and how to design the below-ground floor."

"Oh, that isn't as hard as I thought that should be a lot easier than I thought and I can easily do that right now then." He was glad it was easy to do so that he could just do it right away no and help his people a bit too.

He then started to think about what to do and start on the above-ground monster floor first. He thought for a little to think about what he could do before deciding to go for something easy for the first floor. He chose to pick a slime monster to spawn on the first floor as well as a few medical herbs that grow.

The first floor was very basic but he hoped it would help the people out more to get stronger, especially the herbs that should help them out a lot if they collect them. and seeing the wolves' talent was big too the size of it was big at least double the size of the other ones.

Now on to the below-ground floor, this one wasn't as important as less would stay there but a few may be tho. In the end, as it was a massive space still he made 10 rooms, a big training room, a kitchen and a few other random rooms he may need or use for others.

With that complete, he chose to complete the making of it in his head as he then used the power of the world's core to then make the dungeon he made appear in the world.

As it did the massive dungeon appeared in front of his avatar it still did only have 1 floor so it wasn't too tall yet tho. He then heard a ding


Dungeon made

Level 1

Floors above ground - slime plains floor

Floors below ground - 1"

"Great that's all done I'm glad it is now," James said to himself and happy he finished it up and he can use the bellow ground floor to have people who are close maybe even his family in the future.

He then went over to the Grand Temple but now he thinks of it. It really feels weird controlling the wolf and having 4 legs, not 2. But he was fine doing it tho and didn't take long before he got to the Temple and saw some of the unicorn people.

"Hello my people I would like to say I have created a dungeon to help you all through this guardian wold beast and you can go use the above-ground area to get stronger and get herbs to help you. The below-ground area is for people I let in only for now."

After hearing the unicorn person was happy "yes my grace I will tell the others about it. What will your grace do in the meantime?"

"The Guardian wolf beast will be in the below-ground part of my dungeon," James said as he walked the wolf back before letting control go.