
God's daugther

A man who lived a prosperous life, strong and faithful, forever for his god, died of old age with the count of a century and 22 years long life dedicated to his god. He was very old for a human and shouldn't be able to, but yes he did. He called his life a blessing and priviledge from God. He saved many people, even in his death. He hadn't spoke for over 12 years but at the time of his death speaked; "I have... lived a... long life. I brought many.... to my Lord... I did good things... I shared... the light... named Jesus... Now... I pass... my duty... upon you... who are... behind me.... and go... I will cross the jordan... river... and meet my father. Spread the word... make Jesus shine upon this dark world... may you give... all you have to GOD... for he will repay with double... may you lay all on the altar... for him... may you repeat and surpass what I have... accomplished. Carry the light... go and preach the gospell, till there is no more night." His words inpired many believers as they carried out his will and preached the gospel. Even till centuries later, His accomplishments bellowed throughtout the world. But, BUT. A big but. HE is secretly a mad fan of isekai. As people pray for him, that he may be in peace with the father, he was in another world. Interested? Now go on and read about the man- ehem womans new life. Pic is not mine. I took the pic from the net.

Nakamura_Shun · ファンタジー
5 Chs

My new life: Seraphina!?

It was dark. So dark that I would doubt my eye sight although deteriorated with age, I could still see.

But then, I heard faint sounds of birds chirping gradually strengthening, the slight breeze that would touch my face.

Light reached my eyes and stung them, making them open in pain. I see a dark wooden ceiling. 'I see, I have woken up. I thank you, my God for another day in my life.' I smiled and thought.

I try to move my limbs only to find I have little control over them; something seemed to have wrapped over my body. Wait, since when could I move my body?

I moved my head, left and right. I looked everywhere to somehow find out where I am and why I am held, tight as my body feels stuffy with soft cloth wrapping it.

I look down upon my body and found out that, my consciousness resides in a... infantile body. 'Did i get reborn?' I ask in my head.

I look to the right and see a window that portraits a tree. It was the only source of light.

I analized the room more and the rooms setting seemed... midieval. It was oddly what you could consider fancy too. I slowly panick as I find myself in an unknown location with soft clothe around my body fastly.

This emotion slowly grew overtime but I heard a voice resound in my head.

"Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."."

I remembered the exact verse where God encouraged Joshua to be strong and courageous for he was to be the leader after Moses.

It calmed my mind instantly, the words of God calmed my mind and always will.

Now, I seem to be reborn. It seems so because I reside in an body in the stage of infancy.

I again tried moving out of the binding, making it rip a bit, turning my body as much as I could.

'Huh? How could this infantile body be able to rip clothe by simply moving eraticly? Okay, lets first try figuring how to get out of this... binding of clothe- what is that?'

I saw a steady stream of platinum-gold like light covering me whole, around and in my body. Coursing throughout my veins like blood. (W-what?)

(Am I having electorlyte embalance? No, no, no. That doesn't seem to be the case since I am not sweating heavily, nor am I currently exiting bodily fluids.) I thought in a hurry.

(Porphyria? But my exposure to the sun with no symtomps says otherwise. Encephalitis? No, my thinking is clear, no over my eyes don't have great sensitivity to the light. Nor do I have the other symptoms.)

(Wait beriberi, no, I have to cancel that out too. I don't have any difficulties with muscle movement or any mental problems. There are seven more I could single out that could be possible with my... currently infantile body, BUT.) I trun my head downwards on my body and shift my focus.

[A/n: If you have not already noticed, mc's 'genius'ness (or simply intelligence) transfered with him. I'mma re-write the first chapter for clarifications.]

(Let us not do that, and instead find out what is this "light" that is coursing through my body as we speak.) I thought.

I tried playing with the energy moving it to different parts of my body. I feel a natural... affinity with the ligh- no, energy cascading throughout my body.

I tried to seperate a tiny amount from the flow and play with it, and I found that moving this energy up to any amount would just be as easy as snapping fingers.

I notice and examine the energy closely and it seemed that it came from my heart, it pumped out of the subclavian and super mesentric arteries carrying it towards my upper and lower body.

(Hmmmm... It some how acts like blood, flows from the heart like blood, and returns to the heart like blood.)

I forcefully let the energy flow faster in my body and it felt... warm, relaxing, pure, and many other words I could describe. Especialy, POWERFUL. That was what I felt.

Power so great that I felt capable of doing things I was not capable of achieving before. But that brings us, great responsibility. Responsibility that would be equal or greater than what I have.

[A/n: He still thinks he is in his home world.]

What would I do with this power, what should I do with it? I will obviously use it for the good and righteous people, for the development of the world, and last but is the greatest, (Für den Willen meines Gottes!)

[A/n: German]> For my God's will!]

Of course, how could I forget? I was God's tool to save people. He gave me my intelligence, now, this form of energy.

I bet that with this power that God gave me, I will make humanity a better race. I could bring more people to God's side when the last days come.

I started playing with the energy and experimented with it. How it works, what is it's benefits, what happens if I channel it to a specific area of my body. But all my experiments were halted when-


The door to the room I resided opened. Revealing a red haired woman adorned with clothes befitting royalty.

"My, you're awake~" She spoke out and aproached me. She was quite the stunning woman. Perhaps, her looks were a gift from God. Is she perhaps my mother in this life?

She looked down on me with a motherly smile and picked me up. I tried to protest against it and wailed, but at the worst moment, my stomach grumbled in agreement with her.

"Ara~, it seems you are." She smiled and loosened her clothes exposing her well endowed breast. She brought up my face towards it. I quickly panic, this is quite an embarassing moment for me.

(No, no, nO, NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! UNLIKE another reincarnate like me. I am NOT a pervert! How could he possibly be perverted in situations like this. No, I am a man after God's will. If he wanteth so, it shall happen.) I braced myself.

My face redened as I shyly grab her nipple and suck. (H-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h, ha, this is something I will deffinitely not do again. But,)

I look at my arms. (I have to get used to it and grow faster to skip this accursed stage. Why did I have to have my great intelligence in my infant stage body. And, if this is a trial from God, I shall gladly suffer. I am NOT a masochist.) I took my head of her breast of temptation and looked tired.

She looked down at me suprised. "Did you have enough? Already?"

She raised up her clothes again and held me beside he bossoms. "Now that you're awake. I'll show you around the house, Seraphina." She said.

(Wait, seraphina? As in "Seraphina"? The female version of the six-winged archangel, Seraphim?) This name has Hebrew origin and means "fiery ones". I might as well have been named as a female angel.

(If I was named as an angel I would prefer; "Zerachiel", which means "God's command". Or "Ramiel" which has Arabic roots and this angel name means "thunder of God". Well, beggers can't be choosers. But why a female name?) As I thought the last sentence, my face drained of color.

(No, nO, NO. NO! It can't be, no it's impossible. I... I... Did I...) I stare down at my hands and trembling. (No, did I get reincarnated as a girl?!) I shout in my mind as my mind slowly broke down and shut off. Not willing to find out anymore.

Ho-ho-ho! I managed to update this! And it's exactly 1300 words. I should probably have a fixed schedule of updating. Creation is hard, cheer me up! Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Like it ? Add to library!

Nakamura_Shuncreators' thoughts