
God's chosen mage

TheAbscureWhale · ファンタジー
93 Chs

Chapter 70: Unleashing the Magic Within

As Damian and Lirien continued their journey through the forest, Damian couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration. Despite his powers as a mage, he still couldn't remember his old life or the reason for his amnesia.

Lirien noticed his frustration and suggested that they take a break. She led him to a small clearing and encouraged him to use his magic to relax and clear his mind.

Damian closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. He felt a surge of energy within him, and he began to channel it through his body. As he did, he felt the world around him come alive with magic.

He opened his eyes and saw the forest in a new light. The trees and plants glowed with a vibrant energy, and the animals seemed to dance with joy.

Lirien smiled at him. "You have a great gift, Damian," she said. "Your magic is powerful and unique. You just need to learn how to use it."

Damian nodded, feeling a sense of hope. He knew that his magic held the key to unlocking his memories and uncovering the truth about his past.

As they continued their journey, Damian began to experiment more with his magic. He conjured up small gusts of wind to clear their path, summoned vines to cross a ravine, and even created a shield to protect them from a fierce storm.

With each use of his magic, Damian felt more in tune with his abilities. He began to sense the world around him in a new way, picking up on subtle energies and connections.

As they reached their destination, Lirien turned to Damian. "You have come a long way, my friend," she said. "But your journey is far from over. You must continue to explore your magic and your past. Only then will you find the answers you seek."

Damian nodded, determined to continue his quest. With his magic as his guide, he knew that anything was possible.