
God's Challenger

First multiplayer virtual reality game first. The character questioning the fact that First was so realistic was chosen as GM's representative, and it turned out that First was a game between five transcendents and a god to choose the next god… God and transcendent, mortal. A world that is a game, but not a game. 『 Heavenly Mother's Dungeon! The writer of Shinkon's Second Coming. A case happened to Puppy Jean, a free-spirited but eager game planner, who was craving real fun while stirring up a transverse gaming system with his veteran and VR game era opening. "You're weaker than I am, so I'm going to eat you." An ultra-high level VR "First" with superpowers, magic, and masonry. In that world, Ajin finally fulfills the cruel desire he longed for. His ruthless demeanor turns gamers against notoriety, and receives the attention of 'transcendents' who dream of revenge and victory against their gods. [Welcome to First World.] A battle of conspiracy, betrayal and desire unfolds in the seat of the fittest!

Gaming_Ghost_3716 · ファンタジー
37 Chs

Chapter 12

Access will be limited for 4 hours.

That was the last I heard of him. After escaping the capsule, Azin moved his fatigued feet to the refrigerator and drank. Then I took off my clothes and went to the bathroom. Turning on the hot water, he reflects on his reflection in the mirror.

How many hours has it been? '

I went out a few times in the middle and got some rest and slept for a while, but I only played for more than 30 hours. Azin sees himself reflected in the mirror. I wanted to laugh, but I couldn't find a smile. He puts his head into the hot water that spills out. The hot water soaked my hair and warmed my body.

No, his body was already boiling.

"... motherfuckers."

Asin changed the temperature of the water by spitting out her swear words in a low voice. The hot water quickly became cold water. He clenches his fist as he receives the cold water that tightens his mind.

I was able to win.

It was clear. I could kill her. Did you say Luke? If that little bear hadn't broken in, Azin would have killed her and Russell, too. It could have benefited enough by drawing energy from both. But it failed. With Luke's single charge, Azin is damaged to the point of death, and then he's slammed under the bitch's ass and beaten to a pulp.

It was humiliating. So far, Azin has never felt this helpless and humiliated in the game. Of course, I used to bow down to NPC in single games. I once knelt on my knees and begged for forgiveness or disciple. I once put my forehead on the ground to ask for my life. But I've never been humiliated by it. Azin did that to achieve what he wanted, and finally got it. But this time is different. He didn't get what he wanted.

It drove him crazy. As he was struck by the cold water, he sharpened his teeth. The second time I got hit and died, and to be honest, it was so annoying that my bones were constrained for four hours. He's been deprived of four hours, and in the meantime other players will grow more. Azin is that behind.


Again, Ajin spit out his swear words. He remembers Azella's face, his fist on his face. Blue hair, raised eyes... His face distorted with a fist in his face. The tail of his mouth that was fluttering as he shot the arrow down. The moment I thought about it, Azin's things stood firm. Azin grips it while grinding his teeth.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck..."

She masturbated several times, remembering her face. The thought of Rusella's face turned to acacia. A few times in the game, the body in the capsule remains the same. The body is hungry, even if it has mental satisfaction. Azin continues to masturbate with his hands against the wall. I think of Acacia panting beneath me, and the bridge between her groaning and her waist, calling for me to kill her. I also look down at myself and think of Rusella's face as he punched down.

"See you later."

I washed off the sticky and slippery unpleasant sensation with water and spit out the pain. He said that to Asella just before he died. That was also what I said to Luke. I'll kill that fucking bitch one day. Of course, I don't intend to kill them both comfortably. Luke, that son of a bitch sprinkled ash on the finished rice. Asella humiliated Azin and gave him his first death in this game.

There is no need to grant those monumental bastards the mercy of a quiet and comfortable death. If you log out, I'll sit there for hours and days waiting for you to show up. Azin squeezed the shampoo and covered his head. I washed my body with plenty of body wash. Then I turned off the shower and came out of the bathroom, washing myself roughly with a towel.

We have suffered a loss of four hours, but we cannot be unfair about it forever. If you are unable to play the game for four hours, you should spend that amount of time where necessary. Asin immediately boiled ramen. Then I went to First's homepage by floating the screen on my phone.

Was there anyone else in the Forest of Tranquility besides us? '

I haven't forgotten Luke's muttering. The homepage is only visible to beta players and the homepage will open once the verification is complete. Ajin went to the bulletin board first.

'.. the beginning of the village. '

It's a mistake.

Azin boldly admitted it. The manual did not list the worldview. I did something foolish, forgetting to check the homepage with only that in mind. Azin clenches his tongue and runs down the screen with his fingers.

Users who complete the tutorial fall to the starting village and grow up with quests from NPCs there. He did not know the existence of the village of beginnings. Azin gritted his teeth thinking of unfriendly instructions.

'No, it's okay. '

Azin thought as he put away the boiling anger. Beginners who are not level 10 will return to the town if they die. Azin's level is 9. Where to start is the town. Why did I start in the forest, not in the beginning? That's also the Forest of Tranquility... Ajin checked out the user ranking. The names I'm looking for are Asella and Luke. It was easy to find. Their level was at the top of the ranking page.

Asella's level is 19. Luke's level is 20. First is limited to 50. When I think about it, I can only think of Luke, who has taken a level of 20 for a period of two days, or Ashela, who is close to him, as a game closer. The top three levels are not public, but it shouldn't make a difference considering Luke is in fourth place.

'There was a level 10 difference. '

Eating boiled ramen, I thought of pain. He was almost equal to Asella, who was 19 on level 9, and could win. Skill level? There may be that, but the factor close to victory was a refined battle sense from Azin. Battle senses created by digging beyond the limits of many games are quite common in First.

'The Lion's Choice could also be used to some extent. '

Of course, it differs greatly in power compared to the sovereignty used by the Moorish winds, or the sovereignty traditionally trained there. However, some forms can be replicated, and if you use the internal air of the hemopericardium, it is quite powerful. For now, it would be better to apply the skills learned in the Moorish wind in such a way that I have not learned the correct attack skills.

".. why did you start in the forest? "

Asin mutters as he submerges the pot in water. Is it just a bug, like Asella said? It's the unknown. I even thought about asking the management, but Azin quit. A penalty of this magnitude makes for a more intense focus. Azin sets the alarm and goes straight to bed.

About three hours until the death penalty is over.

First, I go to sleep. Azin closes his eyes and goes straight to sleep.


"Primrose must have done something worthless. "

The man in the big brim hat clawed his staff and broke into Acacia's space. Acacia glances at the uninvited, but doesn't get up off the couch. She opens her mouth, looking at the man in the thin glasses.

"Piss off, Crescenseman. "

"Oops. You must be pretty upset. "

Christopher smiles faintly, handing over his limp gray hair. And then you swipe your head sideways, Dig! The electric current passes through his hair.

"I'm not mad at you. "

Acacia twists her legs and lowers her pointing finger. She rubs her fingertips and buries herself deeper into the couch.

"I was just surprised I didn't think that useless honest bitch would pull this trick. "

"Clearly this is not a primrose act. Rather, this is for you, me, or Karleya. "

"Ah, yes. There was that bitch, Carleya... maybe Primrose and Carleya made a deal. "

"I'll save you the talk. "

Crissandsham wags his staff at Acacia with a slight smile. Acacia dresses like a distant aristocrat, wearing a black cape, and stares vigilantly at the approaching man in a dramatic manner.

"Did you come all this way just to piss me off? "

"No, I was wondering about your silence. Primrose broke the rules. Then why aren't you doing anything? "

In his question, Acacia smiled as she gazed at him silently. The smile on his lips changed the mood of Acacia.

"I see why you're here. Why are you still here? You want me to invade Primrose's realm right now and attack her? You want me to tear her apart, punish her for her sins, and be executed? "

"The fewer competitors, the better. "

Christopher did not deny Acacia's question. He raises his glasses and tears a thin lip and smiles. The tail of the mouth that goes up to the ear and the teeth that appear between the open lips are sharp like carnivores.

"Then even more so. I don't do anything. I'm not punishing Primrose for messing with my toys, and I'm not going to do what you think. "

"That's too bad. I thought it was a good opportunity to eliminate two annoying competitors. "

"But just this once. "

Acacia has definitely drawn a line. She narrows her eyes and stares at Christopher.

"This time, I'll stay put. Just like Primrose broke the rules, I mocked the rules a little... I'm going to stay put. But if you ever touch my toys again, "

"What if I do?"

Chrysanthemum glows and asks. The peaceful black eyes behind the glasses dim and erode the white masturbation. Looking at it, Acacia takes a quiet breath.

"Since you broke the rules, you must formally propose an execution. Gladiolus is gonna love it. "

At that, Christopher bursts out a low smile. He turns his staff around, nodding his head over his shoulder.

"You speak of a great man. But I don't want to provoke him. I'm not that interested in your toys. "

Christopher turns around. He doesn't seem to want to continue the conversation. Acacia scowled her shoes again and asked for the back of a distant creature.

"What about Hyacinth? "

"She's not very enthusiastic about this game. I'm just silent. Not you, not me... not Primrose, not Karleya. "

As expected, Acacia nods her head, thinking of Hyacinth's face. Hyacinth has not been so supportive of this game from the beginning. I followed orders from Gladiolus.

I don't know, but the other three, including Acacia, would have intervened to some extent in the 300 toys that they were given. Acacia chose the energy drain with her expertise, just as she allowed her body to. She would have chosen one of the 300 possible toys and intervened in the right line. But Hyacinth wouldn't. She would have done a simple tutorial, simply silent, faithful to the helper NPC.

'I can ignore the 300 assigned to Hyacinth. '

As he stared at the disappearing back of Christopher, Acacia smiled thinly. Then she turns her head sideways.

".. but not the other 1,200. "

In the crooked space, he saw a sleeping pain in his bed.

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The beginning is a game fantasy, and the back is a fusion. For revenge, please wait a little longer.