
What are you?

However, while most of the races that had been sent out by individuals belonging to the Primordial race in order to hunt down Jason, or to catch him by all means, the Elvyrs task was a tad bit different to the others!

After all, it had been Yaldra, Jason's father, who had given them the task to find Jason, and to take him somewhere safe, where nobody would expect him to be! 

Unfortunately, this was easier said than done because it had been nearly three years since the dozens of races had started to search for Jason.

Yet, until now, nobody found even the slightest clue of his whereabouts.

Rather, it was easier to find other races that were searching for Jason than the young halfling himself.

This was rather annoying, but also something that caused most Primordials to think that Jason had already left Manyr.