
Reunion and farewell

Jason felt a little bit weird seeing Gabriella once again, and he didn't dare approach them.

Maybe they hated him for being the reason for their pain and agony.

As such, he stayed rooted to the sidewalk, standing stiffly, while looking at the reuniting family.

A faint smile could be seen on his lips, while his eyes revealed his insecurity that held a tinge of jealousy.

It had been a long time since he'd felt insecure about something, and Jason couldn't help but feel uncomfortable right now.

Only a minute later Mark appeared, and at the sight of his children, the usually emotionless middle-aged man began to sob like a three-year-old as he hugged his two children tightly.

More than 10 minutes passed before the Flers let go of each other, and Gabriella finally saw Jason as she lifted her head.

He simply looked at her with a nervous smile without saying anything.