

Around three weeks passed while everybody was actively searching for the best location to build their shelter in addition to all the necessary defensive mechanisms.

During that time, Jason and the others not only searched for a suitable location to build the shelter, but also to find the Sacred beast.

That was even more important after he had been informed about the reluctance of the Mewi villagers to leave their old homes once a good location to hide was found.

They didn't trust his words about the Oceanfolk, even after the tribe chiefs were trying their best to convince them.

Contrary to Jason's expectations the tribe chiefs seemed to be more helpful than expected. Thus, after the option of shifting their entire village to a secure location had been rejected by the Mewi villagers, they switched to start an arduous training that every single Mewi had to undergo.

This included the young Mewi too, though Jason was unsure of how much it would help.