

Jason really wanted to have some peace for himself, and he didn't really believe that it was a good sign to encounter Miranda and the people behind her.

They looked at him weirdly, unsure whether they should look at him in anger for wasting their time, or with interest because he might be able to help them.

In the end, some chose one reaction while the others took the latter.

Yet, Jason could only look at Miranda before he simply asked her.

"Am I not allowed to be on Kinra island, Miranda?"

He had a faint smile on his face, but it was not difficult to understand that Jason was in no mood to spend more time with them.

The tone of his voice suggested this as it sounded slightly off, and annoyed.

This caused Miranda to feel a little bit odd, and she recalled the prank she and Leo had played.

As such, she couldn't help but think that he acted like this because of the incident.

Thus, Miranda didn't mind it that much.