
Don't even ask

Jason couldn't tell if the things he perceived within the Yvaldranite ore should happen or if it was something out of the ordinary, but the paper-thin mana threads he had already cleansed of all the impurities began to push away his soul imprint.

This was weird and Jason had to focus on sustaining the soul thread he was controlling to maintain the soul imprint. At the same time, he had to take care of Solaris, the purification process, and the fact that the impurities wouldn't injure anything else.

Suddenly, the stigma on Solaris' mana core and above his right eye began to fluctuate as Jason's Celestia aura began to envelop the soul threads firmly.

The Celestia aura forced its way through the Yvaldranite ore inside the soul imprint which it enveloped. After splitting up a small part of its aura, it had been retracted by Jason who was astonished by the sudden behavior displayed by his aura.