
Baby girl

When Jason arrived above the flooded capital, that was called Kadran, Artemis left his mana core to let Solaris occupy it.

Artemis' wings disappeared before they were replaced by Solaris' replica made out of black flames as Artemis manifested right next to him.

At the same time, Jason reverted the changes of his facial features before he and Artemis dived towards the districts that were the most affected by the flood of water.

Most of the water was already flowing back slowly, but it was way too slow for Jason to remain idle.

Diving into the water, it began to evaporate due to Solaris' highly compressed flames that had a high temperature.

Grasping the arm of the man whose weak mana fluctuations Jason had perceived through his mana eyes, he turned around and shot out of the water once again, bringing the man with him.

He looked fine, and his biggest issue should be the water he had gulped down.