
Goblin Dragon

what happens when you combine the bloodline of the weakest and the strongest monster? what happens when two most hated and feared monsters are combined into one being? will it struggle and collapse under the weight of its heritage? or will a monster unlike anything ever before seen be born...

Leviathan_Daoist · ファンタジー
6 Chs

A cascade of halfbreeds(Prologue)

A man with unkempt white hair and a scraggly beard mumbled with delight

"I did it! I finally managed to get a halfbreed between a goblin and a dragon!"

The man stared at the large egg in front of him with a slightly mad glint in his eye

"I should have known the goblins genes needed to be suppressed! Why else would half breeds with goblin blood be so rare despite goblins mating almost exclusively with other races?"

The man slammed the heel of his palm into his forehead with a self deprecating expression, before seemingly forgetting about it a second later as he grinned in anticipation

"Just you wait world! I, Malemor, the last prince of the fallen kingdom of Azenor, am about to create a monster unlike anything you've faced before! And no one will be safe! Not the royals or the peasants, beasts or man, elf or demon! All shall feel my wrath!"

Malemor began giggling uncontrollably as he pulled out a knife from his robes

"Ehehehe... Dragons need royal blood to hatch properly right!? Well then I humbly offer you the blood of the last living royalty of Azenor!"

And with that, he plunged the dagger into his heart, collapsing to his knees as he ripped it out, spraying a torrent of blood directly onto the egg in front of him.

As the life drained from him, a single tear drop went down his face

"I curse you world"

"May the earth scream out in pain"



Within a large stone temple, ten figures obscured by black robes surrounded an altar, on the center of which a baby with pointed ears and gray skin lay sleeping

"The time has come" said one of the robed figures in a reverent tone "the blood Moon has arrived, the ritual can begin"

After the figure had spoken, the one opposite to them pulled out two teeth,

One of the teeth resembled a human canine, but upon coming into contact with the moonlight, began to grow into the shape of a wolf tooth while glowing silver,

The other tooth was much larger than a human canine, and upon being exposed to the red light of the bloodmoon, began dripping blood from the tip,

"The preparations are complete, tonight, none shall stop the incarnation of the night god from being born!"

And with that, the figure stabbed both teeth into the back of the infants neck, who started to wake up before one of the other figures waved their hand, at which point the infant stopped,

As the moonlight fell directly on the infant, the rampaging energies from the two teeth threatened to tear the infant apart, at which point five of the figures placed their hands on the altar, the altar lighting up with symbols of the moon and stars before the light began flooding into the infant, stabilizing him,

Eventually one of the five raised their hand before stepping away from the altar, heaving tired breaths as one of the figures who hadn't participated in the ritual thus far took their place providing energy to the altar, this process repeating whenever one of the figures ran out of mana for the rest of the night



In an ordinary blacksmiths house on the side of a mountain, a baby was soon to be born,

Lying in an oversized bed was a one eyed woman, who somehow made the oversized mattress look tiny, with a belly half the size one would expect from a woman about to give birth,

Standing next to the bed was a short man with a beard reaching down to his knees, holding the one-eyed woman's hand as she breathed

"That's it dear, just push a little bit each time, you should know by now you need to be consistent when dealing with dwarves" the dwarf said in a slightly joking tone

The woman breathed one more time before snorting,

"Consistency eh? Is that why you never gave the same advice twice whenever I asked you how to improve my smithin'?"

"Just because I had to word it differently every time you failed to understand what I said doesn't mean I was inconsistent" the dwarf clapped back, hiding a smirk upon realizing his wife had been partially distracted from the pain of labor

"Failed to understand? I swear by the three god-smiths a wood-elf would give clearer instructions on how to chop down a tree if I were to ask!"

The dwarf and cyclops continued to bicker until the cry of an infant interrupted them



In a realm of endless clouds, two beings fought

The first wore white robes, had white feathered wings and had a golden halo above there head which occasionally contracted before shooting a beam of light at the other combatant

The other had wings with silver feathers, and wore an armour complete with a winged helmet, in her hand she held a spear, which she used to block the angels beam of light when she was unable to dodge using the fighter-jet like maneuvers she made with her wings

"Give it up Valkyrie! I know thou can feel the holy light from that newly ascended soul just as I can!" The angel shouted in a deep voice

"I am on orders to retrieve the soul that bears the spiritual signature of a Valkyrie, I will not abandon them without good cause" the Valkyrie calmly stated as she took advantage of the lull in the battle to rush towards the angel, making it into melee range before the angel could react

The angel hastily blocked as a golden sword appeared in his hand, only to be quickly disarmed by the Valkyries superior spearmanship

However, before the Valkyrie could go for the kill, she had to block as the angels halo shot out a beam of light at close range, knocking her out of melee range and setting the battle back to zero

Meanwhile, as the two beings fought, several miles below them, a transparent soul was slowly becoming more distinct, as a halo formed over its head and metal feathered wings sprouted from its back...