
Go crazy! Billionaire claims to be poor!

Eighteen-year-old Li Shi has just entered his freshman year. While other freshmen are still studying hard and failing to pass the course, he is already worth tens of billions on Forbes! Reporter: Mr. Li, as the youngest billionaire on the Forbes list, with a net worth of tens of billions, how do you feel? Li Shi was silent for two seconds, then said: I feel a little poor! The reporter was stunned: "...". The onlookers were stunned. The audience in front of the TV was dumbfounded. Is worth tens of billions a bit poor? So what is it that we have zero deposits? Li Shi took a look at the system! title: poor The Milky Way Rich List: One Million Billion! I'm really poor, why don't you believe me!

dao_king_1850 · 都市
21 Chs

The World Series begins!

The World 4WD DIY Competition is a relatively small event.

But even if it is a niche event with the word "world" on it, the size will never be too bad.

The best four-wheel drive vehicles in the world are here, competing for the highest championship.

Of course, it's not a real four-wheel-drive car that is operated by people, but a four-wheel-drive car similar to the size of a remote-controlled racing car made by hand.

Only one representative from each competition area will be selected to participate, so for people in this small circle, the gold content of this event is definitely not low.

The entire race is broadcast live, striving to have no cheating, no cover-up, and openly and transparently to determine the real best car.

All the racing cars here are brought by the owner and assembled in front of the camera on the field. If you say it is DIY, it is DIY!

Li Shi, who represented the Xia Guo competition area, had just arrived at the competition venue and was stopped by a reporter who had been waiting for a long time.

"Hello Mr. Li Shi, are you confident that you will get a good ranking in this competition?"

"Uh, I think I should be the first, right?"

"As far as I know, although Mr. Li Shi won the first place in the East Asia Division, your result is only fifth in the World Division. What makes you so confident this time?"

"Because of my new car? I've assembled a new car, and I'm sure it will be number one!"

"A new car?"

The reporter was excited, there was an unexpected gain!

Li Shi is the king of four-wheel-drive DIY in the entire East Asia Division. His racing car has followed him for two years. No matter what event he participates in, he has never changed his car. Today, he has a new car!

"What made you give up the two-year Red Storm for a new car?"

Li looked at the reporter with a strange look.

"Needless to say? Of course it's stronger."

Li Shi took the press card from the reporter's neck and took a look in front of him.

This is a female reporter. She thought Li Shi was eating her tofu, so she quickly covered her chest.

Li Shi didn't look at her at all. He carefully compared the photos on the press card and checked the authenticity of the press card.

"It's really a reporter, I thought it was fake! What kind of questions are you asking? It's so unprofessional. Now anyone can be a reporter?"

She looked at the female reporter up and down again, and she just covered it up. You might not be as big as me if you open it up.

"It's normal, with a big chest, short hair and no ears, but how can you be ignorant and ignorant?"


"It's about to start, I'll go first, bye."

Li Shi whispered as he walked, "scare me, I thought you found out that I had awakened the system..."

Standing there, looking at Li Shi's back, the female reporter was in a mess.

The barrage flipped over—

"Hahahaha, I knew that paying attention to Li Shen must be worth watching!"

"Who is this female reporter? Interviewing Li Shi! How dare she! Didn't she do her homework before coming here?"

"The last male reporter who interviewed Li Shi has quit his job to write novels. It is said that all the villains in the novels he wrote are named Li Shi. Let Shishen write them in various ways hahaha!"

"As the god of four-wheel drive, is Li Shi so good at interviews? Don't say a word to you, you don't know that the red of the Red Storm is blood red, and the storm of the Red Storm is a storm to everyone!"

"Try God to be invincible, the red storm washed the runway with blood, no, it's a change of car, right? In short, Li Shi is awesome!"

"Who is Li Shi? Mengxin has just arrived. I ask the bosses to give Mengxin some popular science."

"As long as you try to participate in any 4WD event in East Asia, you will never finish second, understand? Don't bother us to see Li Shi, we are very busy!"


In the arena, all the players have come to their assembly area at this time, and the shots of all the players have been put on the live broadcast platform.

The commentator is in place, and the referee is in place.

There are still five minutes before the game time. As usual, the referee will read the rules of the game.

"This competition adopts a one-track system, with a total length of 1,000 meters, two laps, and the first car to the finish line wins.

After all the accident cars on the track are determined to be unable to continue running, they will be cleared out by robots within 5 seconds and will be disqualified for the competition. "

The narrator introduces the passion introduction on the narration stand.

"Hello, audience and friends, welcome to the biennial World 4WD DIY Competition Finals!

In addition to some veteran players, there are many new faces in this year's World 4WD Competition.

Among them, Li Shi and his Red Storm are called the most powerful challengers of the championship in this world! "

A bust of Li Shi and his racing car, Red Storm, appeared on the live broadcast screen.

"Everyone, this is Li Shi, a new participant from the Xiaguo Division. Since he participated in the 4WD DIY competition, he has never lost with his Red Storm! His fans even called him Li Shi !"

The picture of the racing red storm is enlarged, and parameters begin to appear.

"Although his results ranked fifth in all competitions in the whole world, everyone should pay attention to it. Red Storm's body has two slightly protruding sharp blades, both at the rear and the front, at 2.3cm.

The body is equipped with a gyroscope, as well as an automatic sensing device. Yes, you guessed it correctly, the Red Storm is a crash car!

It starts very fast, and it is always the best in the world, but when the follow-up car tries to catch up with it, the Red Storm will automatically sense to block the oncoming car..."

The commentator explained passionately, five minutes quickly passed three minutes, all players need to take out all their parts and put them on the console.

The player next to Li Shi was a player he did not know.

The man turned his head and smiled at him, his white teeth gleaming coldly, and he drew his palm under his neck at him.

This provocative behavior was quickly captured and posted on the Internet, and the crowd was excited.

"He's courting death! Li Shi, use your red storm to cut his rotten car in half!"

"Too arrogant! Cut him up! Let him pretend to be a jerk! Let him pretend to be a grandson later!"

"Wait! This man, his racing car is the king of destruction?"

"The King of Destruction? The King of Destruction who only had one car left in the race with him? The most brutal car?"

"Red Storm is not a pure collision type. It is a racing car that takes into account the speed type collision type. If it really hits the king of destruction, it will be more fortunate than for luck."

"Are you really fans? You tried to change to a new car, saying that if you can win this competition, you don't need Red Storm!"

"Really! Wait for Li Shi's new car, hurry up! Quickly pour out all the parts!"


Over there, that arrogant player has already dumped all the parts of the King of Destruction on the console, and started to place them, so that they can be assembled as quickly as possible.

Li Shi was too lazy to pay attention to this man, and poured out all the parts in his backpack, but unlike the others who were light-handed, he was extremely casual.

Ding ping bang ~!

The huge sound attracted everyone's attention, and it had to be a sound made by heavy objects.

The closest player heard the loudest noise, which startled him. He turned his head and glanced at it and jumped three feet in place!

"You also call this a four-wheel drive?!!"

He raised his arms, crossed them, jumped and jumped.

"Referee! This thing is also worthy of participating in the World 4WD DIY competition?!!"