
Glory Of Red

History has always shown us that women have to fight for their throne but that is in history now, right? Wrong. Their is still one more queen who needs to fight for her throne. Regiana Jane Alder. After seven years of the supposedly death of the heir to the throne of Coledania, she returns with a mission: Revenge. She is ready to raise hell for all those who wronged her. She is going to modernize the old country and show to every one that a woman can be beautiful and badass at the same time. Get ready with Regiana to adventure her journey to the throne. There will be discrimination, food, humor, action and did I say food ?

Kriti_Kiara_Pathak · 歴史
12 Chs

6. Fake tears and Jealousy

If you think they looking at you

They looking at me

I can make it nice and easy

I'ma take the lead

They ain't even looking at you, baby

They looking at me

Regiana's pov

From the Bentley state limousine, Uncle Louise and Aunt Anne appeared. Uncle Louise could be labeled old from the wrinkles across his face and an almost bald head, but if you knew him personally you would know that age hasn't taken a toll yet. Though 70 years old, the King of France is more athletic than the current teenage generation.

When I was small he used to visit us with his children and wife and we had lots of fun. He taught me cricket, golf, and horse riding. Though it was not allowed in our rules, he still encouraged me to play sports.

We used to have lots of athletic competitions where Father and Uncle used to have a rivalry. Both grew to be the King of their respective country but when they are on the field playing against each other no one could stop them from fighting like small kids.

Uncle Louise greeted everyone with a smile until he saw me and his face turned into an expression of curiosity.

"Who must be this beautiful young lady? Joe, have you engaged Bates too?" Uncle Louise questioned.

Who would even want to be the wife of such a cold-hearted person, I thought.

I smiled and said, "Well uncle, I am extremely disappointed that you didn't recognize me. I am your Giana!" He looked at me astonished and then looked at my Father for confirmation who in return nodded his head. Uncle Louise started to laugh loudly, he obviously didn't believe that I was alive. He saw my funeral, for god sake!

"Well whatever you say, young lady. I am just happy that so many people have come to see Nadia!" Uncle Louise said, proudly looking at the huge amount of crowd gathered around the castle. I coughed awkwardly as the crowd was actually cheering 'REGIANA' and I could also see people waving some beautiful banners with my name but I didn't want to burst uncle's bubble so I remained quiet. He then went inside to talk with Father.

Aunt Anne slowly walked towards me with an evil smirk, she gave me a knowing look and then pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. She was one of few peoples allowed to hug me, well, actually, she would just hug me anyways. Aunt Anne had always acted as my 2nd Mother, during summer when they would come for vacation she always included me in all outings with her family. Whenever I felt sad, instead of going to my parents I would go to Anne. We would talk for hours. She was a mother and friend, something my mother failed to do. Even after my "supposedly death", she kept in touch with me and didn't rat me out my information.

Anne whispered in my ear, "I have to act like I didn't know anything so pardon my acting." After pulling away from me Anne started to fake cry.

"Oh, Regi I knew you were alive. My dear child." True to her words, her acting was terrible. From the corner of my eye, I could see Katherine squinting in suspicion. I quickly pushed Anne into the castle before she could spew more spoilers.

Martin and Anne probably clicked because both of them are too dramatic for this world.

I turned and my eyes stopped at the person in front of me. He was a few inches taller than me now, with thick and lustrous tousled dark brown hair. His eyes were a mesmerizing deep ocean blue, flecks of silvery light performed ballets throughout. His face was strong and defined, his features molded with granite. He had dark eyebrows, which slopped downwards in a serious expression. His playful smile was drawn into a hard line across his face. His perfect lips looked so ripe and pink.

His blue navy suit was a little too tight for him, as you could see his muscles bulging through it. My eyes shamelessly roamed around his body, I would have never thought that my nerdy friend would have turned out to be such a hottie. His strong hands were held out for a handshake, which I greedily grabbed.

As my small and cold hands touched his warm strong ones, it felt like sparks erupting. Sparks that you wanted to savor forever. He quickly ended the handshake and then held the waist of his to-be wife.

"Princess Regina Jane Alder, I am Prince Cayden Cassius Alexandre and this is my fiancée Lady Nadia Truie" Cayden said coldly, acting like he never knew me.

Ah! He was angry. He was acting like he never knew his childhood best friend, that he never knew how I would stop his brothers from bullying him, how we would share an interest in history and math, how we would plan to run away and become historians. How he stole my heart and how much I missed him.

Feeling a smirk creep on my lips, I evilly thought. If he wants to play a game then I'll show him how it is played. I flashed him a smile.

"I am Regiana Jane Alder, the heir to the throne of Coledania. Congratulations on the engagement". I could see the confusion flashing through his eyes trying to understand what game am I playing, an emotion quickly replaced with anger.

I turned to his fiancée who was too busy looking into her mirror making sure that she was looking good. She was very short and reached a little under my shoulder. Her platinum blonde hair was straight and emphasized her beautiful, oval-shaped face.

She had purposely applied a lot of lipstick to make her lips look bigger but ended up looking like someone applied lipstick with their eyes closed.

She wore a pink dress that had a low neckline and showed a lot of cleavages, her dress was so short that if she bent over her behind would be exposed. She had worn matching pink shiny heels and seeing those heels made me sweat, thinking of the amount of pain those devils gave.

I mentally snorted thinking that at least someone is living up to her dream and what I really liked was that she was comfortable, like how? Cayden awkwardly coughed trying to catch her attention. She looked up from her mirror and gave me a full teeth display smile which took everything to not turn my face into an expression of disgust.

"Lady Nadia Turie (It means 'pig' in French, both you and I are laughing at now, don't lie!) I am Princess Regina Jane Alder. A pleasure to meet you." I introduced myself again. She nodded her head not giving a fork enough to reply back.

Who in this satanic world does she think she is?

"Den, I really want to explore the castle. Plus it's too hot and my makeup is getting ruined." Nadia said in her sweet voice.

She pulled Cayden's arm. He was watching me intensely, I looked back trying to mimic the same intensity without blushing like a red tomato. He then turned away and led Nadia into the castle. I felt another emotion in my heart that made me want to grab his hand and drag him with me but I didn't acknowledge it.

I came here for something else and not to fall in love. The crown is my mission.

Not in the mood to have lunch, I went to my room to catch some sleep. I usually didn't get much sleep at night so to compensate, I slept in the afternoon. I'm not sure if it's a good habit or a bad one. There are a lot of problems with sleeping in the afternoon because then your night sleep is affected, but I like it that way.

As I was going to fall into my precious beauty sleep, I heard my bedroom door fly open. I jumped from my bed into an alert ninja position. Five royal guards have surrounded me, all of them had a gun and spear.

They started to advance towards me but before they could attack me, I shouted, "WAIT!" They stopped where they were on my command, I took out my knife which I kept under my pillow ( I kept it for a just-in-case situation, don't look at me like that!) and took a deep breath

. "Let's get this over with quickly!" I said to the guards before we started our epic fight. One of the guards ran with his spear pointed towards me. I ducked and slashed his shoulder. Regina: 1 Guard: 0. Another guard tried to block me from behind but I simply bent over and threw him. Regina: 2 Guards: 0.

Two guards attacked me at once. One of the guards held my hands from behind while the other tried to punch me. I ducked easily. I then kicked the guard in front of me and bent down to throw the guard behind me. After seeing all the guards knocked out, I dusted my hands dramatically before realizing that one of the guards had run away. That SOB!

I cursed and ran out of my room to see if there were any more of those traitor guards. Before I could turn the other way, I felt a blow on my head and I instantly blacked out.

Regina: 4 Guards: 60

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