
Global Martial Arts: Invincibility Begins with Basic Archery

Chen Fan journeyed to a high martial arts realm where spiritual energy thrived and acquired the martial arts panel. This panel not only fortifies the body but also enhances martial arts proficiency, unlocks unique skill attributes, and facilitates continuous improvement. At Basic Archery Level 1, the characteristics include: Physical Strength Level 1, Arm Strength Level 1, and Slow Shooting Level 1. Upon reaching Basic Archery Level 3, the characteristics progress to: Physical Strength Level 3, Slow Shooting Level 3, and Riding and Shooting Level 1. Upon attaining Basic Archery Level 6, the characteristics become: Physical Strength Level 6, Riding Archery Level 4, and Rapid Fire Level 1. Chen Fan's journey encompasses a diverse range of martial arts, from basic boxing and footwork to Taijiquan, Xingyiquan, Baguazhang, and Yijing Jin. Step by step, he ascends to the pinnacle of this world.

BLACK_CAT_096 · ファンタジー
72 Chs

Chapter 17: Hush, That's Iron Rhino

A gentle breeze rustled through the air, carrying the scent of earth with it. Surveying the surroundings, Chen Fan found himself in a desolate expanse, enveloped by wild grasses that reached up to his calves. Amongst them, colorful flowers and unfamiliar plants bore wild fruits, sparking memories of unpleasant times in Chen Fan's mind.

In addition to the weeds, interconnected shrubs were also scattered around. Not far away, scattered trees stood, accompanied by remnants of tree stumps. It was evident that these trees had been felled for construction or used as fuel.

Even in the distance, the outline of a mountain range remained discernible.

"That's the direction of Ansan City," the bald man declared.

"Ansan City?" Chen Fan queried, casting a curious glance at him.

"It's a small city nestled against the mountains, fortified like a fortress. I've heard that awakened individuals govern it. It's a place many people aspire to reach," the bald man added, his eyes reflecting his longing.

"Awakened individuals?" Chen Fan nodded, understanding that entry wouldn't be easy.

"Yes, if you had awakened abilities, you'd be able to enter, not just on your own but also with your father and others," the bald man jested.

Chen Fan rolled his eyes in response. Although he hadn't been in this world for long, he did possess some common sense.

He knew that the earlier someone's ability awakened, the better. While awakening at an older age wasn't impossible, it was highly unlikely. Additionally, possessing a high spiritual attribute was crucial. A glance at his own spiritual attributes reminded him that he had some self-awareness.

With everyone keeping a vigilant eye on their surroundings, they continued their journey. However, the initially cheerful atmosphere gradually waned as time passed and their physical strength dwindled.

It was then that a dark figure appeared not far away.

Chen Guodong, leading the group, suddenly wore a serious expression and signaled everyone to halt.

"Is that an Iron Rhino?" someone in the group exclaimed.

Chen Fan examined it closely and was taken aback. It was nearly the size of a big truck!

"Let's detour and try not to draw its attention," Chen Guodong advised in a hushed tone. He turned to Chen Fan and explained, "This armored rhinoceros is covered in thick armor, making its defense extraordinary. Even among the fiercest beasts, it's one of the most challenging opponents to deal with. It's best to avoid it when we encounter it."

Chen Fan nodded, looking at the bow and arrow in his hand. He doubted whether it could penetrate the creature's defenses. Moreover, if the behemoth charged at them, it would be like getting hit by a massive truck.

The group circumvented the rhino, and relief washed over them as it faded from view.

"It's not just the armored rhinoceros," Chen Guodong cautioned. "Whenever we encounter mid-level ferocious beasts, it's best to avoid them and take a detour. If we alarm them and engage, even if we manage to kill one, we'll likely pay a hefty price."

"Understood," Chen Fan replied.

Mid-level beasts referred to creatures that required the combined efforts of several adult men to defeat. While they could be vanquished, it wasn't without a cost.

Hunting the armored rhino, for instance, required someone to get up close to it. Even if there were shields for protection, the person doing the deed would still be at significant risk. Few ventured into such perilous situations.

Low-level beasts, on the other hand, were creatures that a single adult wielding a weapon could overcome. Their range was vast, some displaying aggression and others fleeing when danger loomed. Some left victims injured, and in rare cases, casualties occurred.

"It's something you'll get used to after seeing it more often," the bald man offered, smiling, while others nodded in agreement.

Chen Fan returned their smiles, admitting that he had indeed been quite nervous just moments ago.

"Let's proceed to the first trap and hope for a good catch," Chen Guodong suggested, leading the way.

The others followed in succession, with Chen Fan guarded in the center.

After a few minutes of walking, Chen Guodong, who led the group, stopped again and pointed ahead.

Everyone peered ahead and spotted a wasteland rabbit amidst the lush grass, nibbling on grass seeds, seemingly oblivious to their presence.

"That's the wasteland rabbit," the bald man whispered, lowering his voice. "Their eyesight is poor; they can only see objects within ten or twenty meters clearly. Beyond that, everything appears blurry. They make up for it with their sharp hearing."

As if to confirm his words, the wasteland rabbit suddenly stood upright, sensing a change in its surroundings.

"This rabbit is huge," Chen Fan couldn't help but remark. It was as large as the stray dogs he'd seen in his previous life, if not bigger, thanks to its plump appearance.

"Pass me the arrow," the bald man requested in a hushed tone.

"Huh?" Chen Fan was surprised. "Uncle Liu, can you still shoot arrows?"

"No, but given the circumstances, why not try? Desperate times call for desperate measures," the bald man replied casually. After all, what harm could come from trying? If they approached the rabbit, it would likely flee before they could get close enough to catch it.

Chen Guodong also looked at Chen Fan, harboring some hope but not daring to expect too much.

"Uncle Liu, let me give it a shot," Chen Fan offered.

"Sure," the bald man agreed, nodding.

Chen Fan gripped the bow in his left hand and held an arrow from the quiver. His heart raced more than he'd anticipated. It was his first time hunting in the wild, and he was facing potential prey. A successful shot would secure food for the village and earn him plenty of potential points. However, if he missed, it would be a lost opportunity that would disappoint his father.

He struggled to maintain control over his nerves, but distracting thoughts persisted, causing even the arm holding the arrow to tremble.

Observers shook their heads secretly, understanding that it was perfectly normal for someone to tremble nervously during their first wilderness hunt.

Chen Guodong sighed inwardly, thinking of it as a practice run for Xiaofan. Just a few attempts to build some experience.

However, the moment Chen Fan nocked the arrow and drew the bowstring, all his distractions vanished. He aimed the arrow at the prey and gradually pulled the bowstring. The sequence of movements seemed well-practiced, executed almost automatically based on muscle memory.

Although it may seem like a long process, it occurred in the blink of an eye. As the bowstring reached full tension, it made a quiet gurgling sound before the arrow whooshed away.

The wasteland rabbit, sensing danger, twitched its ears and attempted to leap off the ground.

To its fortune, it managed to jump. To its misfortune, an arrow pierced its head and propelled it several meters through the air due to the strong force.

After soaring for about three or four meters, it plummeted to the ground. The wasteland rabbit twitched its hind legs twice and then lay still.

In that moment, Chen Guodong and the others fell silent, their mouths agape as if they had been petrified.