


Looking at the poisonous baneling insects rolling in, Luo Ziming's eyes moved slightly.

He has also seen Lu Yuan's game footage before.

In his opinion, the most outstanding aspect of the Baneling Bug's power is the exploding venom.

As a mutated desert snake-man who possesses highly venom, he has no fear of this venom at all.


Before he could finish his thoughts, Lu Yuan's poisonous baneling bugs had already begun to self-destruct.

"Bang bang bang!"

A series of explosions of poisonous banelings were heard.

Yellow-green venom bloomed in the void like a fountain.

No matter how fast the snake man is, he can't avoid being enveloped in venom.

For a moment.

They seemed to have taken a bath in the venom, and were completely enveloped.

"Haha, you don't know we use poison..."

Before the contempt in the mutated desert snake's mouth dissipated, it suddenly stopped.


Their strong, tight, and flexible scales actually made a sizzling sound.

It was corroded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"How can it be?"

They are naturally poisonous beings, and their body's own resistance to toxins is extremely strong.

But he never expected that Lu Yuan's poisonous baneling bug would break through his proud defensive scales.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yuan's eyes were still as calm as a deep pool.

"Poison banelings, keep blasting!"

"Boom boom boom!"


Before the first round of venom dissipated, the second wave of poisonous banelings exploded directly in front of thousands of snakemen.


The venom in the poisonous baneling insects is not only highly toxic, but also highly corrosive.

The strong acid inside is the nemesis of scale armor.

If you really want to resist, only armor mixed with high-grade metals such as mithril or fine gold can withstand it.

Otherwise, it can only be resisted by relying on the defense of the high-level position.

No matter how strong the mutation of the Desert Snake Man is, it is only at the first level.

It would be too naive to think about resisting the corrosive poison of the baneling insects.


Under the continuous corrosion of venom, the defense of the mutant desert snake people has been completely broken.

A look of horror appeared on their faces.

Subconsciously, he wanted to escape from the venom.

But how could Lu Yuan give them such an opportunity.

Before the snakemen could retreat far, the tens of thousands of tearing springtails that had been prepared were already flooding towards them like a torrent.

The desert snakemen who had broken through their defenses were completely overwhelmed without any suspense.

In just a few dozen seconds, their bodies would be eaten clean by the tearing springtails.

Lu Yuan raised his eyes and looked at Luo Ziming in mid-air.


What surprised him was,

Luo Ziming didn't feel any despair or panic now.


Not even a hint of nervousness was seen.

"Could it be?"

Lu Yuan's heart moved, and he suddenly looked towards the place where the tearing springtails were submerged.



A series of extremely shrill roars came from it.

at the same time,

In mid-air, Luo Ziming's face suddenly showed a crazy smile.

"Hehe, hehe, Lu Yuan, you forced me to do this."

"What trump cards do you think I got from the Luo family?"

"Today I will show you how powerful the distortion factor produced from hell is."

He suddenly raised his arms, his pupils shrank suddenly, and countless bloodshot threads spread from his eyeballs like spider webs.

In just a moment, it rushed out of the eyes and spread all over the face.

A ferocious, evil, and chaotic aura bloomed from his body.

And below,

Those mutated desert snake people seemed to have received the same feeling.

"Evil distortion, splitting python!"

Under Luo Ziming's crazy roar.

Just heard a loud noise,

The mutated desert snakeman who was originally overwhelmed by the tearing springtails suddenly burst out with terrifying power, knocking away the surrounding tearing springtails in one fell swoop.

Immediately afterwards,

Everyone in the examination center witnessed a scene that surprised them all.


In the virtual divine realm,

A thousand mutated desert snakes let out shrill screams,

The reason for screaming was not because of the enemy's attack.


A huge pain came from within his body.

They struggled, waving their sharp hands to grab at themselves.

Completely ignoring the torn claw marks appearing on his body.




A heart-wrenching voice sounded.

One of the snake men actually tore his body apart.

The next moment,

Giant pythons covered in blood and with bone scales crawled out of their bodies.

"Oh my God, what is this? It's so disgusting!"

"Look, these giant pythons are growing rapidly!"

"The aura is so strong, is this some kind of witchcraft?"

Principal Hong Qinghe, who was originally watching the battle, suddenly changed his expression.

"A distortion factor from hell? And it's not a complete bloodline, otherwise it wouldn't tear the body apart."

"Hmph, even if Luo Ziming can get the reward for letting the Luo family take action, he won't give him anything good."

Frost appeared on Ning Yun's face.

She knew that Luo Ziming would not lose easily.

Sure enough, I got the trump card from the Luo family.

In just a few moments, ten mutant pythons split from one thousand mutant desert snake people.

When the system generated their information for Lu Yuan, it was surprising that all of them had become second-order.

PS: Second update, don't worry, Blade only chooses to update in the afternoon and evening in order to get more traffic.

After sorting through it, I found that I currently owe 25 updates, less than 40,000 flowers, and less than 2,000 reviews.

There were six updates in the past two days, which is equivalent to two updates.

Still owe 23 updates.

Blade remembers it, don't worry! So feel free to send flowers and comments!


[Name]: Chaos Python

[Category]: Orcs

[Stage]: Level 2

[Ability]: Python heavy armor, venom spitting, dark night vision, whirlwind strike

[Life]: 11 (total blood volume of two adults)

[Strength]: 15 (Tearing humans apart is easy)

[Agility]: 10 (speed is faster than 90% of human beings)

[Intelligence]: 4 (forget about spells and stuff)

[Evaluation]: A body contaminated by aberrant bloodline has no desire except madness and killing.

From a thousand first-level snakemen, they suddenly turned into ten thousand second-level pythons.

The originally one-sided situation was reversed again.


I saw those chaotic giant pythons raising their heads and letting out bloodthirsty roars, and their three-meter-long bodies instantly launched an attack on the tearing springtails in front of them.

"The poisonous banelings attack!"

Lu Yuan calmly asked the tearing crawlers to retreat, and then all the poisonous banelings rushed forward and exploded.


When the self-explosion venom contaminated the chaos python,

Apart from leaving a few marks, it actually didn't cause much damage.

Even if it can be damaged, it will take a long time.

By that time, Lu Yuan's army might have been severely damaged before the defense could be broken.

"Hahaha, Lu Yuan, use whatever means you have!"

Luo Ziming, who had become a little nervous, laughed maniacally.

"I'm going to make you completely despair."


Lu Yuan smiled contemptuously, "Then let's see who is desperate!"

"Infectious bugs, move out!"

Lu Yuan's oracle sounded.


Below, at the very rear of the army, the infected bugs that had been motionless finally moved.

Behind the infected bugs, Abathur, the psychopath, shouted loudly.

"People, the great oracle of natural disasters has arrived."

"It's time for us to shine, even if it means sacrificing everything for the Lord."

"Come on, let the enemy know our strength."

"Come on, let the glory of the great Lord shine on everything!"


Under Abathur's command, five thousand infected insects instantly exploded with their charging capabilities.

It looked like five thousand brave dead soldiers rushing towards those chaotic pythons.

"Haha, Lu Yuan, are you exhausted? Are you ready to self-destruct on another race?"

Luo Ziming laughed disdainfully.

He did not believe that Lu Yuan could possess a method more terrifying than poisonous baneling insects in just a few days.

"Chaos Python, tear them apart for me."


Although the Chaos Python is already in a frenzy at the moment, it can still be suppressed by the gods in its mind.

Seeing this,

They rushed towards the infected insects.

The twisted snake tail is ready to attack at this moment. As long as it enters the range, it will whip out the infected insect's head like a whip.


Just when the distance between the two sides was less than twenty meters.

The infected insect that was originally charging was suddenly stunned.

Immediately, without Lu Yuan's instructions at all, Abathur roared from behind.

"Fungal growth!"


for a moment,

Five thousand balls of viscous liquid were spit out from the infected insect's mouth like cannonballs, and landed under the chaotic python with great accuracy.


The fungi that landed on the ground began to grow crazily, and in a blink of an eye, they covered most of the chaotic python's body.


He couldn't move for a while.

Seeing this scene, Luo Ziming's expression changed.

Before he could speak.

Then Abathur roared again.

"Nerve paralysis!"


A dark-brown mouthpart shoots out from the heads of all infected insects.


It cut through the void of more than ten meters and bit into the head of the chaotic python.

Behind the mouthparts, long fleshy ropes are connected, as if building a bridge between the infected bugs and the chaotic python.

"What are they doing?"

Ning Yun looked at the big screen and couldn't help but wonder.

"With the power of that mouthpart, it is impossible to break through the defense of the Chaos Python!"


Hong Qinghe couldn't help but frowned when he saw this scene.


His eyes lit up, as if he thought of something.

"Perhaps, they are not meant to break defenses at all."


Indeed, the sharpness of the mouthparts cannot break the opponent's defense at all.


The germ spores containing psychotoxins have already penetrated through the gaps in the opponent's scales.

It only takes a few seconds to complete the invasion and grow like crazy.

"What are you doing? Fight back!"

Seeing the motionless chaotic python, Luo Ziming roared angrily.

But at this moment,

The giant python that was connected suddenly let out a long roar, and in the midst of many astonished eyes, it opened its big mouth and bit into the same kind next to it.



This word popped up in everyone's mind.

They looked on with shock as the chaotic giant python crazily attacked its kind.

He simply had to work as hard as he could without caring about his own injuries.

Almost in the blink of an eye, both sides were injured in a fight with the opponent.

"Is this okay?"

At this moment, watching the chaotic giant pythons hurting each other on the big screen.

All the students were completely shocked.

This game was full of twists and turns.

I originally thought that the Zerg army could crush them, but the opponent actually changed from a thousand people to ten thousand people.

But just when everyone thought Lu Yuan had nothing to do.

The miraculous ability of the infected bugs actually reversed the defeat in an instant.

"No, it's impossible, I can't lose!"

In the virtual divine realm, Luo Ziming roared like a beast.

He never expected that Lu Yuan could make a comeback in this way.

"Luo Ziming, don't you want me to experience despair?"

Lu Yuan spoke indifferently.

"Now, who is more desperate?"

"Impossible! Impossible!"

Luo Ziming's eyes became bloodier and redder.


His hands suddenly hugged his head, and a sharp and shrill laugh came from his mouth.

"Hahaha, Lu Yuan, I won't lose, no."

"You forced me, it was you!"

"Second stage distortion, fusion and regeneration!"

His shout rang out, and Principal Hong Qinghe's expression suddenly changed in the stands.


"No, he wants to forcefully activate his distortion potential, which will cause his body to backfire. Stop him quickly."

The moment Hong Qinghe's voice sounded, he rushed directly towards Luo Ziming's login cabin.

"Invigilator, open it quickly!"

"Principal, all login cabins have user protection mechanisms. Unless the user's consent is obtained, or the other party interrupts the connection to the divine domain, no one can easily open it."

The invigilator rushed over and spoke anxiously.

"damn it!"

Hong Qinghe punched the hatch and found that it could only leave a shallow dent.


Hong Qinghe thought, and there seemed to be a powerful light brewing on his fist.

But after brewing for a moment, he took the initiative to disperse it.

Although his divine power is suppressed by the rules of the main world, he can still use it.

But after all, there are still many new students here.

If it breaks out rashly, innocent people may be hurt.


As early as the design and construction of this login cabin, the user's own safety issues were fully considered.

In order to avoid being violently destroyed by external factors, the materials used cannot be destroyed even by gods with elementary divine power.

"Bang bang!"

Hong Qinghe punched him one after another.

Unable to use his divine power, he could only choose this method.

Once the opponent's second level of distortion is fully released, even more terrifying monsters will definitely be born.

This monster is not only powerful, but also capable of losing its mind.

What worries him even more is that even in the virtual divine realm.

Chaotic attacks full of distortion factors can affect Lu Yuan's spirit.

Once mentally injured, Lu Yuan's potential will be greatly affected.


Just as Hong Qinghe was frantically attacking the login cabin,

In the virtual godhead, the five thousand giant pythons that were originally struggling actually abandoned their opponents controlled by the infected insects.

They all gathered together in unison.

Their eyes turned extremely red at this moment.

They were exactly the same as Luo Ziming's eyes.

Lu Yuan's expression changed,

It feels like something bad is happening.

But before he could make any move,

All the chaotic pythons bit and killed each other like crazy.

"This is..."

Lu Yuan's pupils shrank,

In the center of the chaotic python group, these mutually killing pythons are actually devouring each other.


A giant python that was five meters long and seemed to be made up of countless broken bodies was born from it.

[Tip]: The enemy race is undergoing distortion.

[Tip]: The enemy race has fallen into a state of madness.

[Ding! Tier 3 race was discovered, and the target's power is increasing rapidly]


At the same time as the system prompt sounded, Lu Yuan saw the chaotic pythons that were devouring each other.

In the end, it was pieced together into a terrifying monster that was more than ten meters long and had dozens of heads.

at the same time,

The system also extracts the other party's information.

[Name]: Distorted multi-headed python

[Category]: Hell Subspecies

[Stage]: Level 4

[Ability]: Python heavy armor, venom spitting, dark night vision, whirlwind strike, evil fanaticism


[Life]: 30 (this is not the blood volume that the fourth level should have)

[Strength]: 35 (the same is true for the weaker seventh level)

[Agility]: 20 (knights with speed expertise may have a chance to catch up)

[Intelligence]: 2 (maintain basic instincts, nothing more)

[Evaluation]: The impure bloodline of hell creatures has produced irreversible distortions that cannot be stopped unless they die.

"Level 4 creature?"

Lu Yuan's brows frowned slightly. He didn't expect Luo Ziming to activate the second stage of distortion so crazily.

Even though Lu Yuan doesn't know what he did,

But what is certain is that

Luo Ziming's mind must have been affected.


Even in the battle in the virtual divine domain, as long as you want to use your own methods, you must have it.

In other words,

If Luo Ziming wants to activate the second stage of distortion, he must inject the distortion factor himself.

Otherwise, the virtual divine realm will not be effective.

In order to win this game, Luo Ziming did everything he could.


The roar of the deformed multi-headed python brought Lu Yuan's thoughts back to reality.

"Hurry up, principal, it has completed its distortion."

Ning Yun looked up at the big screen and couldn't help shouting anxiously.

this moment,

Everyone began to worry about Lu Yuan.

Such a huge, violent, bloodthirsty, and chaotic fourth-level creature appeared.

Don't know how to resist at all.

"The great devil must find a way!"

"Big Demon Lord, give up now! It's better to lose than to be mentally affected by this monster!"


"It's over. I thought the big devil could crush everyone, but I didn't expect it!"

While everyone was discussing,

In the virtual divine realm,


The mentally aberrant Abathur, who was originally commanding from behind, actually kept accelerating and rushed towards the aberrant multi-headed python.

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed when he saw this scene, but he didn't stop him.

Abathur has high intelligence and has his own judgment on the battlefield situation.

At this time,

Lu Yuan chose to believe him.

I saw the six legs running wildly under Abathur's body, and he was about to rush to the deformed multi-headed python.

"Abominable deformed creatures, prepare to perish under the glory of the God of Natural Disasters!"

"Spirit screams!"

An extremely sharp roar suddenly resounded from Abathur's mouth.


A scream from the spiritual level suddenly turned into ripples like ultrasonic waves and enveloped the deformed multi-headed python.

The deformed multi-headed python is certainly powerful, but after incorporating the deformation factor, it has been replaced by chaos and madness.

He could no longer maintain even basic sanity and turned into a monster who only knew how to kill.

And the mental scream happened to be its biggest nemesis.

for a moment,

At the moment when the mental scream ripples enveloped him.

Only a muffled sound was heard,

Dozens of giant python heads that were still roaring wildly snapped.

The next moment, it exploded like a watermelon.


"Bang bang!"

The huge body that lost control of its head just shook for a moment before falling heavily to the ground.

For a moment,

The whole place suddenly fell into silence.

Everyone opened their mouths in disbelief.

"This, is this solved?"


Teacher Ning Yun was stunned for a long time when she saw this scene, and then she suddenly came to her senses.

He shouted towards the principal who was still banging on the cabin door frantically.

"Principal, stop it! Lu Yuan has solved it."

"No, not yet...huh? What did you say?"

Hong Qinghe had just finished speaking when he raised his head in confusion.


The fallen corpse of the deformed multi-headed python made his pupils shrink, and then he exclaimed in an extremely rude manner.

"How can it be?"

[Tip]: Your believer race successfully annihilated the opponent with a huge advantage.

[Hint]: You won

[Tip]: Your believers have been tempered in this war, and their faith has deepened.

[Tip]: You have gained 70,000 faith points

After seeing the prompt, Lu Yuan moved his mind towards the system.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving an additional reward: 70,000 faith points! ]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving an additional reward: Chaotic Hydra Factor]

[Ding! The host triggers the lucky reward, and the chaotic Hydra factor is purified. ]


Lu Yuan looked happy, he didn't expect the system's functions to be so comprehensive.

Hydra is a powerful creature from hell, commonly known as Hydra.


Of course, there are also legends that Hydra has hundreds of heads.


No one has ever seen the real Hydra, which existed in ancient times when the gods ruled everything.

Now Ragnarok has arrived, and everything has been suppressed by the power of the main world.

The originally powerful god died, escaped, and sealed.

Naturally there is no news.

And Hydra is an extremely powerful creature in hell.

Even just a trace of its own blood factor is enough to cause a huge transformation.

Just like the original desert snake man, he was able to become this strong under the influence of the complex and chaotic Hydera factor.

How powerful would it be if it were truly fused with Hydra Factor?


Lu Yuan understands that the system has eliminated the chaos.

It is also equivalent to eliminating the possibility of Hydra's second stage distortion.

Although the reinforcement after such fusion is reduced a lot, it is safer.

After understanding the reward information, Lu Yuan directly exited the divine space.

When he walked out of the login machine, he suddenly saw the staff of the school medical room, paying a price and leaving in a hurry.

I happened to see Ning Yun's figure.

Lu Yuan couldn't help but ask.

"Teacher Ning, what's going on?"

Ning Yun was relieved to see that Lu Yuan was fine.

"It's not that Luo Ziming. He was sent to the medical room for emergency treatment because his brain was damaged due to forcibly stimulating the second stage factor."

"I see!"

Lu Yuan nodded.

He knew that this kind of thing must not be used casually.

If it didn't even have side effects, it wouldn't be everywhere.

The appearance of Lu Yuan immediately drew everyone's attention back from Luo Ziming.


Different from before,

All the freshmen looked at Lu Yuan now, no longer as angry as before.

After all, Lu Yuan's Zerg army still made many students feel extremely unbalanced.

But now,

Lu Yuan was actually able to deal with even the second-stage aberrant race in one go.

This huge gap in strength has already opened up with all the freshmen in the entire No. 1 Middle School.


Everyone's eyes naturally changed from anger to envy and admiration.

In fact, some female classmates looked at Lu Yuan with even more brilliant eyes.

Even all the teachers and staff looked at Lu Yuan with admiration.

"It's been so many years since No. 1 Middle School has produced such a talent!"

"Indeed, the name of Caiyun City's No. 1 Middle School has disappeared for too long.

If this child can grow up, maybe he can really make No. 1 Middle School rise! "

"That's right, a good seedling worth cultivating!"

Under the admiring gazes of many, not far away, Principal Hong Qinghe also walked over.

"Lu Yuan, what race did you use to kill the fourth-level multi-headed python just now?"

Hong Qinghe couldn't help but ask.

"This race doesn't seem to appear in historical data!"

"Principal, that is a new species that has mutated from my Zerg. It is a Zerg that specifically targets the spirit. I call it a mental aberrant."

Lu Yuan answered truthfully.

This kind of thing itself has nothing to hide.

"Psychopath? No wonder!"

Principal Hong Qinghe nodded, "Fortunately, I am a believer who specializes in spirituality. It has good potential and is worth cultivating."

"Thank you principal for your advice!"

Thanks to Lu Yuan.

"Don't be polite to me. This time you were able to get the first place in the basic exam, which can be considered a twist and turn."


Hong Qinghe frowned and said,

"Luo Ziming actually used the chaotic Hydra factor. We failed to detect and stop it in time, which was a bit derelict in our duties."

He looked at Lu Yuan,

"Originally, the school took out a high-level God's Domain Opening Card as a reward this time. In view of your current situation, I will upgrade you to a top-level God's Realm Opening Card.

how do you feel? "

"A top-level divine domain opening card?"

Lu Yuan's eyes lit up. The value of this kind of divine realm opening card was more than ten times higher than the high-level divine realm opening card.

He didn't expect such extra gains.

"Thank you principal!"

Lu Yuan bowed slightly.

Next, the test results are announced and the principal hands out the awards.

After some encouragement, the entire examination finally came to an end.

Lu Yuan returned to his dormitory with the box containing the top-level God's Domain development card.

Just take it apart.

The top-level divine domain opening card carried by a special alloy looks like a palm-sized playing card.

There is a faint light flowing on it, and there are extremely complex seal patterns.

With the development of the main world, all aspects of technology have completely surpassed those of the ancient gods.

Various resource cards and development cards are the crystallization of this technology.

Lu Yuan subconsciously picked up the card, and suddenly a system notification sounded in his mind.

[Ding! The host picked up a top-level divine domain opening card! ]

[Ding! The top-level divine domain opening card has been strengthened, and you will get double the effect after using it. ]


"Is this okay?"

Lu Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but marvel.

The system is simply awesome.

With such an enhancement, one is equivalent to the effect of two.

Just this operation is equivalent to saving him a small target.

Because today is the preliminary exam, all freshmen in the school can have a day off.

Lu Yuan simply ordered a takeaway and took a bite, then couldn't wait to enter the login cabin with his top divine domain opening card.

There is a special card slot in the login cabin, and you only need to insert your own card into it.

After connecting to the divine space, the power in it will naturally be transmitted into the divine space.

However, the number of card slots in the login bay is limited.

If you place multiple cards at once, you need to exit the God's Domain space and perform manual operations.

This is indeed a bit troublesome.

But there is no way,

Before the divine fire is ignited,

Lu Yuan can only do it this way honestly.

Once the divine fire is lit,

Through divine fire, you can directly connect to your own divine space.

At that time, cards or other supplies can be sent directly into it.

Putting the card away, Lu Yuan lay directly in the login cabin.

Suddenly, the login cabin prompt appeared in my mind.

[Tip]: The subspace domain has been linked


[Tip]: The user is about to enter his own exclusive divine space.


The familiar feeling reappeared, and when Lu Yuan appeared again, he had already arrived in his own divine space.


This time,

When he first appeared, messages popped up one after another on the God's Domain interface.

[Record]: Your believer race has increased

[Record]: Your believer race is feeling hungry

[Record]: 32 nest larvae died

[Record]: 835 nest larvae died


Lu Yuan couldn't help but be stunned when he saw these records.

His spiritual thoughts subconsciously scanned the entire divine space.

Suddenly saw,

Many insect nest larvae are dying of hunger.

Not even the tearing springtails moved.

This time,

Lu Yuan suddenly reacted.

The 200,000 troops in the entire God's Domain space have been deployed since the last time the intermediate resource cards and newly added God's Domain resources were released.

He was never given anything to eat again.

Zerg also need to eat!

Not eating for nearly half a day is equivalent to not eating for half a year.


The mutated springtails and infected bugs can still hold on for a while, but the larvae can no longer hold on.

"This is a bit troublesome!"

Lu Yuan frowned and said to himself.

The food consumed by the more than 200,000 troops now is a huge expense, and as time goes by.

The Zerg army will definitely grow in number.

The consumption will definitely increase by then.

Where can Lu Yuan get so many resources?


It's not like Lu Yuan has never thought about buying some agricultural and industrial races here, specializing in growing food or raising animals.

Not to mention whether the entire God's Domain is big enough, even if it is feasible, how many animals must be raised or how much food must be grown for these Zerg races to eat?

Lu Yuan suddenly lowered his head and looked at the top divine domain opening card in his hand.

If you replace it with a top-level divine resource card, it should be able to last for a while.

Just when he was thinking about whether to replace it,


A prompt message popped up on the God's Domain interface, which made his eyes light up.

[Tip]: Your religious race is mutating.

The moment he saw the message, Lu Yuan looked directly towards the Zerg mother nest in the divine space.

I saw,

The Zerg nest, which was originally ten meters in diameter and covered with ferocious barbs, had now expanded to a radius of twenty meters.

"Bang! Bang!"

There was a loud noise, and huge horns as sharp as ivory began to rise from around the nest, turning into huge bone spurs that filled the surrounding area.

at the same time,

A powerful wave emerged from above.



All the nearby Zerg could not help roaring.

As if celebrating the evolution of the brood.

[Tip]: Your believer race: Zerg Brood, has completed evolution.

"Open the race panel!"

Lu Yuan raised his hand and swiped, and information about the Zerg mother nest suddenly appeared in front of him.

[Name]: Zerg Brood (Intermediate)

[Category]: Zerg

[Stage]: Level 4

[Ability]: Larvae breeding, carpet land, worker bee mutation (main), telepathy (main), insect network (main), insect nest altar

[Life]: 50 (a huge body must have a lot of physical strength)

[Strength]: 0 (unable to move)

[Agility]: 0 (unable to move)

[Intelligence]: 30 (the terrifying value makes it enough to learn mental spells)

[Evaluation]: The evolved Zerg mother nest has the powerful ability to lay a carpet of bacteria, and its powerful telepathy is not inferior to Abathur.


Lu Yuan couldn't help but marvel at the changes in the Zerg nest.

He didn't expect that the opponent's evolution after devouring countless resources would be so powerful.

Not only did the original place of corrosion evolve into a place of fungi.

There are four more active abilities.

[Place of Creep]: Where the mother nest is located, a thick carpet carrying countless bacteria and mucus will automatically be generated around it. Its main function is to provide necessary nutrients for the survival and evolution of the Zerg units, as well as the necessary items for constructing the Zerg Way.

[Worker bee mutation]: The mother nest mutates into worker bee insects through larvae. As an exclusive type of resource collection work, their efficiency and speed are stronger than the larvae.

[Telepathy]: The powerful intelligence attribute allows the Brood to have the ability to communicate with people, allowing it to rule the surrounding Zerg more quickly.

[Insect Network]: Use enough resources to lay insect tunnels under the carpet, allowing the Zerg to shuttle through them. (PS: The insect tunnel allows the Zerg to travel. If you want to leave the insect tunnel, you will have to spend more resources to mutate the tunnel worms.)

[Insect Nest Altar]: A unique altar form is born in the evolved mother nest, which can be used to make sacrifices to the gods.

Lu Yuan almost laughed out loud after seeing several introductions of abilities one after another.

He may not care about anything else, but this place of creep is a big surprise.

When I really doze off, someone gives me a pillow.

He was worried about how he could solve the problem of feeding so many Zerg.

Unexpectedly, the Zerg mother nest evolved directly.

Among them, this place of fungi is simply an artifact custom-made for the Zerg who don't want to eat.


Although the carpet land here is powerful, it can only provide the Zerg with necessary nutrients.


In other words, the Zerg can use the carpet land to hibernate in it and ensure their immortality.

But if you want more evolution and improvement, you still need to continue eating.


For Lu Yuan, this is already a very good result.

At least it solved his urgent need.


The range of the carpet land is limited. Based on the current level of the Zerg mother nest, it can only spread within a radius of ten kilometers at most.

Moreover, although the creep is automatically generated and has the ability to spread, it also consumes the resources of the mother nest.

"It would be nice if we could build more brood nests."

Lu Yuan couldn't help but think.

But as soon as this thought came to his mind, the system's voice sounded directly.

[Ding! To detect the host's willingness, please note: the evolved Zerg mother nest has the ability to command the secondary brood. A single evolved brood can control five primary broods, and the primary brood can share all the abilities of the intermediate brood. ]

"Very good!"

Lu Yuan shook his fist fiercely.

The addition of five additional Zerg mother nests will not only greatly increase the area of ​​the carpet, but also increase the reproductive output of the larvae.

This will be of great help to his plan to increase the number of races.



This number is not unlimited.

First of all, the size of the entire divine domain space is limited, and it is impossible to increase the number of Zerg without limit.

Secondly, if there are too many Zergs without the help of creep, the resources they consume will not be replenished.

"System, what if I need more Zerg nests?"

Lu Yuan couldn't help but ask.

[Ding! The host can upgrade any elementary brood to an intermediate brood, or upgrade an intermediate brood to a high-level brood, to increase the number of new brood nests. ]


Lu Yuan nodded. After knowing the entire method, he no longer had to worry about the number of nests and the scope of the carpet.

After he accumulates enough, even the entire space of God's Domain can be covered with germ carpet.

By that time, even if an outsider invades the God's Domain, they will probably be shocked.

After solving this big problem, Lu Yuan finally got the idea to start opening up the divine realm.

With a thought in his mind, he directly released his top divine domain opening card.

Suddenly, a mysterious, mysterious, and extremely powerful wave began to emerge at the edge of the divine realm.

In the chaotic and misty void, Lu Yuan's exclusive divine space began to expand.

[Tip]: You used the top-level divine domain opening card

[Tip]: Your divine space is expanding

[Tip]: Your believer race feels the greatness of the miracle, and the believers' faith deepens.


[Tip]: You have gained 150,000 faith points

It lasted for several days before Lu Yuan saw that the development of the entire divine realm had stopped.

At this time, he subconsciously called up the God's Domain interface.

Look directly towards the area above.

I saw,

The original area of ​​500 hectares suddenly increased 100 times, reaching a terrifying 50,000 hectares.


Lu Yuan couldn't help but gasp.

What is the concept of fifty thousand hectares?

It is a square land with a length and width of more than fifty kilometers, equivalent to the entire size of a small city, making the entire divine domain space instantly spacious.

All the Zerg were originally so crowded, but now they relaxed instantly.

PS: There was a clerical error in the previous chapter. The Zerg Brood is missing an ability, the Zerg Nest Altar.

This ability is very important because the protagonist is about to start making sacrifices and reveal some secrets.


"It seems that the system's rewards have taken effect!"

Lu Yuan knew that a general top-level divine domain opening card could only expand to an area of ​​10,000 hectares at most.

However, with the system's bonus, this range has been increased five times.

"System, give me five mother nests scattered around the entire God's Domain space."

Seeing the expansion of the divine domain, Lu Yuan immediately asked the system to release the mother nest.

Then let the bacteria blanket continue to spread.

During this period, he must stop the mother nest's function of hatching larvae.

Only when the carpet spread is completed can these larvae not starve to death.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

In the entire divine domain space, the ground in five directions trembled.

next moment,

Zerg mother nests grew out of it.

The growth was completed in less than ten minutes.

Without Lu Yuan opening his mouth, the intermediate brood had already begun to control the five broods spreading the carpet according to his will.

This process is not fast and takes some time.

Lu Yuan took a look, and now his faith value has recovered a little again.

Lottery is out of the question.

And the Hydra factor obtained from Luo Ziming was not used.

Lu Yuan also decided to wait.


After clearing out all consumables in the system space that can be used as food for the mother nest.

He broke the link to the divine space.

"You still need resource cards!"

Lu Yuan rubbed his eyebrows. The evolution of the brood requires nutrition. Although it is much smaller than the needs of all Zerg species, it cannot be underestimated.

I took a look at my universal point balance.

Lu Yuan sighed, and when preparing to go to class tomorrow, he asked the class teacher Ning Yun if there was any way to find a part-time job to earn some general points.

A night of silence,

Early the next morning, Lu Yuan came to the classroom to prepare for class.

But when he was sitting in his seat, a figure suddenly appeared next to him.

"Hello, big devil, we meet again!"

Lu Yuan looked up and saw a fat man standing in front of him.

He is 1.7 meters tall and weighs 200 kilograms.

Who is it if it's not Zhen Gang?

"Huh? Why are you in our class?"

Lu Yuan looked at Zhen Jingdao in surprise.

"Bah, God, your class is ours too, okay?"

Zhen Jian smiled and said, "In order to be closer to you, the great master, I specially applied for a class change."

"So it was passed so easily?"

Lu Yuan was a little surprised.

This kind of already divided classes cannot be changed casually in No. 1 Middle School.

It must be approved by the original class teacher and the new class teacher, and finally the principal's consent.


But the other party actually applied yesterday and changed it today.

This shows the depth of his background.

"Haha, don't worry about those details."

Zhen Jian sat next to Lu Yuan, reached out and took out a card full of patterns and handed it to Lu Yuan.

"I plan to ask the Great God for advice on how to gather the faith of believers."

Zhen Jian smiled and said,

"This card can be regarded as a tuition fee for me to ask God to help me."

Lu Yuan turned his head and glanced, suddenly said.

"Advanced resource card?"

I want to ask a question and need a high-level resource card?

When did premium resource cards become so worthless?

Lu Yuan thought for a moment and understood.

Asking for advice is just a pretense. In fact, the other party wants to show kindness to you.

"Zhen Han, Zhen Han, are you from the Zhen Cheng Chamber of Commerce?"

"Haha, great god's wisdom."

The name Zhen Gang doesn't sound good, that's because his father is Zhen Cheng, the boss of Zhen Cheng Chamber of Commerce.

Specializing in the sales of various cards, its scale is very famous throughout Caiyun City.

When Zhen Jian was born, Zhen Cheng followed the principle of relying on his reputation to make a living and named him Zhen Jian.

I hope he is lucky enough to become a powerful god.

"Master, tell the truth, my father asked me to pass this on to you. I want to ask you for a favor."

Zhen Jian said directly.


"Help? What are you doing?"

Lu Yuan was confused.

"Help invade other people's divine realms."

Zhen Jing's words were astonishing.

In general, there are two situations for invasion of God's Domain: One is the school's practical examination, which can only be carried out after being reported and approved by superiors.

This is legal behavior and can only occur in schools.

The other is a forced invasion of the divine domain without permission.

Lu Yuan's previous invasion of Luo Ziming's divine domain was like this.

Originally, this was already a very serious illegal act.

If it happens in society, you will be directly arrested by the law enforcement team and put on trial.

But in high school, because students have not yet ignited their own divine fire, no matter how strong their own divine space is, the damage and losses they can cause are very limited.

Therefore, it will be classified as a violation.

In the event of a violation, the ruling will be arbitrated by the school's agency.

There's a lot of maneuverability here.

But no matter how you operate it, it is always against the rules!

After thinking about it, Lu Yuan was about to refuse.

But I heard Zhen Jiang say hurriedly.

"Don't worry, the one who invaded is none other than my cousin's divine space."


"What? Your cousin?"

Lu Yuan looked at Zhen Jian with some doubts.

Is his dad crazy?

Actually looking for outsiders to invade the divine domain of your relatives?

"Aha, that's right."

Seemingly seeing the confusion in Lu Yuan's eyes, Zhen Gang hurriedly explained.

"My cousin is in No. 3 Middle School. She is one month younger than me, and she is also the freshman king there."

"My uncle said that she has been a little crazy recently, and this mentality is not conducive to her development. That's why I asked my dad to help find someone to invade her divine domain so that she can taste failure."

"I happened to know about it, so I recommended you immediately."

Zhen Jian said excitedly, "The Rookie King of the 3rd School vs. the Rookie King of the 1st School, I feel so excited just thinking about it!"

"Is he also the new king?"

Lu Yuan was silent for a moment. There were more than a dozen high schools in Caiyun City.

The strongest one among them is not one of them.

No. 3 Middle School, No. 6 Middle School, and No. 9 Middle School are all in the first echelon, while No. 1 Middle School can only be considered the second echelon.

The No. 3 Middle School is even better among the first-tier schools, and it feels like it has surpassed the other two high schools.

This cousin of the other party was actually able to stand out among the freshmen in No. 3 Middle School. She was definitely not a Xibei.

"It seems that my strength may not be able to defeat her, right?"

Lu Yuan was modest.

"Don't worry, all I give you is a deposit. Regardless of whether you win or lose, there will be additional rewards when the time comes."

Zhen Jian explained, "Of course, if you can defeat her, the reward will be even more generous!"


"Is that so?"

Lu Yuan thought in his mind that he just lacked resource cards.

If you can make some extra money here, it will be much more cost-effective than going out to find a part-time job.

"Okay, I agree."


Lu Yuan nodded and said, "Did you say when?"

"You can set the time yourself."

When Zhen Gang heard that Lu Yuan agreed, his face suddenly lit up with joy.

"When the time comes, you tell me in advance that my uncle will give you encryption authorization, and you will invade her divine domain as a divine domain robber.

Don't let her know it was planned. "

The God's Domain Bandit is a notorious existence in the God's Domain space.

They include people from the main world, as well as evil gods who accidentally meet in the void of the outer world.

An existence that specializes in plundering other people's divine realms.

"no problem!"

Since his identity can not be revealed, Lu Yuan has nothing to disagree with.

After the two discussed it, the bell rang for class.

The first period happened to be the class teacher Ning Yun's class.

She has long wavy hair and a dark purple tight leather jacket.

Very tight.

The appearance of the other party caused the entire class to fall into silence.


"Students, today we are going to talk about several major elements of the ignition of divine fire and the division of factions of extraterritorial races."

Soon the class started.

The courses in the first year of high school are mainly theory-based, and practical classes are not too frequent.

Lu Yuan has not traveled through time very long, so he lacks most of this knowledge.

From beginning to end, he listened very carefully.

After two hours, the class ended.

Ning Yun closed the textbook in her hand and said goodbye to many classmates, but before leaving, she suddenly said.

"Lu Yuan, come here."


Lu Yuan followed him out of the classroom, and soon arrived at Teacher Ning Yun's office.

"Teacher Ning, what do you want from me?"

Lu Yuan asked subconsciously.

"No big deal."

Ning Yun glanced at Lu Yuan, "I just want to tell you that Luo Ziming escaped."

"Luo Ziming escaped? What do you mean?"

Lu Yuan's heart moved and he became a little confused.

"Luo Ziming suffered damage to his brain yesterday because he forcibly fused the second-stage distortion factor."

Ning Yun said, "The situation was stabilized in the school medical room. Unexpectedly, last night, he suddenly went crazy. Not only did he seriously injure the nurse on duty in the medical room, but he also escaped from the school directly."

"I called you here to tell you that you should be mentally prepared. There are no special circumstances in the recent period, so it is best not to leave the school."



Lu Yuan didn't expect that Luo Ziming was really capable of doing such crazy things.

But this kind of thing doesn't matter much to him.

The security in the main world is pretty good.

Nodding, Lu Yuan said.

"Okay teacher, I understand."


Ning Yun nodded, reached out and handed three resource cards to Lu Yuan.

"This is a resource allocated to you by the school. The principal has included your name on the list for this Caiyun City High School Exchange Competition.

The time is just two months away, you must seize the time to improve. "

Lu Yuan's eyes lit up. This kind of opportunity was rare, so he couldn't miss it.

"Don't worry, teacher, I will try my best."

"I know you are a promising student."

The look on Ning Yun's face turned solemn.

"But if you participate in the high school exchange competition, you will face opponents at the level of senior high school students, and they are also the elites of the entire Caiyun City high school students. Those students are much stronger than the freshmen.

Not to mention Tier 2 races, Tier 3 or even Tier 4 races may exist.

Remember not to be careless, understand? "

"Thank you, teacher, for reminding me, I will pay attention."

Lu Yuan nodded. In two months, his believer race should have grown greatly.


Less than a thousand kilometers away from Caiyun City, it is a huge city.

Its scale is several times larger than Caiyun City.

Even in the entire Emerald Alliance, it ranks high.

Blood River City, a huge city guarding the rift in hell, is bound to give birth to an extremely powerful family of gods.

The Luo family is one of the most powerful families.


In a quiet villa of the Luo family, a red-haired young man was sitting on the sofa, admiring the beautiful scenery of the lake in the distance.

While looking at the "Illustrated Book of Hellish Creatures" in his hand.

"Master, I just received news that Luo Ziming inspired the second level of distortion and was defeated by Lu Yuan. He was affected by the distortion last night and escaped."

A middle-aged man wearing black clothes and without a smile suddenly appeared beside the young man and bowed and said.


The young man who heard this raised his eyebrows and seemed to show a hint of interest.

"That lord's descendant is really amazing!"

"It seems that my random actions have paid off quite a bit."


The young man closed the book casually and said, "Continue to collect Lu Yuan's information for me. The current natural disaster growth is still too weak, and it is not worthy for me to devour him."

"Yes, Master."

After saying that, the middle-aged man turned and left.

at the same time,

Of course Lu Yuan didn't know that he had been targeted.


At this time, he was on his way back to his dormitory.

Since he agreed to invade someone else's divine domain, he had to be fully prepared.

Go back to dorms.

After a simple dinner, Lu Yuan entered the login cabin.

[Tip]: The subspace domain has been linked

[Tip]: The user has entered his own exclusive divine space.

A familiar feeling emerged, and Lu Yuan entered the divine space again.

But this time, as soon as he entered it, he saw countless records on the God's Domain interface flashing across the screen.

[Record]: Your believer race has increased

[Record]: The land of creep has spread on a large scale, and your believer race feels comfortable.

[Record]: You gained 20,000 faith points

The front was normal, but as he went to the back, Lu Yuan suddenly discovered that records he had never seen before appeared.

[Record]: Your followers sacrificed red-tailed deer

[Record]: You gained 35 points of faith

[Record]: Your followers sacrificed white fish

[Record]: You gained 26 faith points

Sacrifice, his own believers actually started to offer sacrifices.

Lu Yuan originally thought that things like sacrifice could only exist among other races.

My Zerg race only knows how to eat and attack by nature.

If it weren't for the help of the system, I probably wouldn't have such a fanatical belief in myself.

But now, I actually know how to sacrifice.


All these changes are due to the evolved Zerg mother nest.

The Brood Altar ability that Lu Yuan ignored actually took effect so quickly.

Just as Lu Yuan was looking at these sacrifice lists.

Suddenly, the system prompt sounded in my mind again.

[Ding! Your believers sacrificed the red-tailed deer, and you gained an additional 35 points of faith]

[Ding! Your believers sacrificed the white fish, and you gained an additional 26 points of faith]

[Ding! Your followers sacrificed the Wasteland Gray Wolf, and you gained an additional 0.1 point of strength]

"Is this okay too?"

When Lu Yuan heard the system prompt, he couldn't help but be stunned at first, and then he couldn't help but become ecstatic.


The extra reward from the sacrifice can actually directly enhance his own strength.

The normal level of a strong demigod is equivalent to around level fifteen.

Its own attributes are not significantly different in the main world.

Once in the outer realm, the average level is around 75 points.

but now,

Lu Yuan was able to improve his attributes by making sacrifices. This discovery surprised him.

The improvement of basic attributes will be of great help in igniting the divine fire in the future.


What makes Lu Yuan even more happy is that since the sacrifice can obtain attributes under the bonus of the system, he may also be able to obtain more benefits.

This is equivalent to giving yourself another way to become stronger.

There are not many valuable things in the entire divine space, so even with systematic blessings, Lu Yuan did not gain much.

He appeared this time to place resource cards.

The second one is to strengthen the Hydra factor obtained last time.


"System, let me fuse the Hydra factor into all the Zerg."

[Ding! Start merging! ]

In mid-air, familiar dust fell.

This time,

All Zerg have awakened from hibernation,


What greets them is an unprecedented transformation.


Pain and roars resounded throughout the entire divine space.

The Zerg Legion, which has grown to more than 200,000 troops, has begun a new round of transformation.

The body of the springtail, which was originally more than one meter, grew again.

It reached over 1.5 meters.

Not only that, their two front paws became raised high, and the front half of their originally prostrate body began to tilt up, making them look like centaurs on all fours.

Their armor becomes more powerful.

The appearance is also more fierce.

[Tip]: Your believer race is undergoing mutation.

[Tip]: Your believer race has advanced

[Tip]: You have gained 200,000 faith points



[Purified Hydra Factor]: It is composed of broken genetic fragments from Hydra, contains extremely weak Hydra blood, and is forcibly removed from the negative effects of hell by mysterious power, so it can be used with confidence.

Lu Yuan looked away from the item introduction. It was worthy of the bloodline of a powerful creature from hell.

Just this little bit of bloodline power can allow all of his Zerg races to advance.

In addition to being larger in size, the transformed tear springtail is longer and more flexible than before.

Not only the tearing springtails, but also the infected insects and the original poisonous banelings have undergone huge transformations.

Of course, the one that has changed the most is Abathur.

As a mentally deformed person, it has a weakness in terms of physical strength.

This time, the Hydra Factor was incorporated, which just made up for his shortcomings.

Not only has his body become taller again, but the blade in front of him is also longer and sharper.

[Tip]: Your religious race is undergoing changes

[Tip]: Your religious race has advanced.

[Tip]: Your believers have witnessed the grace of the gods, and their faith has deepened.

[Tip]: You have gained 100,000 faith points

Finally, after nearly an hour, the entire transformation was completely completed.

Lu Yuan hurriedly opened his race interface, and the two most obvious changes were.


[Name]: Hydra tear springtail

[Category]: Zerg

[Stage]: Level 2

[Ability]: Devouring collection, enhanced tearing, charge (main), claw slashing, fire resistance, bacterial infection, armored stab (main), underwater breathing, swimming proficiency, Hydra heavy armor scales, enhanced regeneration

[Life]: 12 (total blood volume of two adults)

[Strength]: 14 (can compete with human warriors)

[Agility]: 12 (ordinary people can no longer catch up)

[Intelligence]: 9 (can become a magic apprentice)

[Evaluation]: The defense added with the Hydra factor is amazing, the flexibility is also greatly improved, and more importantly, the brain is more flexible.

Lu Yuan was very pleased with the advancement of the tearing springtail.

Especially seeing that its own combat power has grown, surpassing most Tier 2 units.

This shows the huge effect of the Hydra factor.

As the tearing springtails advance, the poisonous banelings transformed from them also advance.

Its most intuitive change is that its body size has become larger, the explosion is more corrosive, and the damage is higher.

As for the infected bug, because it is a second-level race, although it has been greatly improved, it has not continued to advance.

However, during this period of time, Abathur, who worked diligently and uncomplainingly to contribute to the evolution of the brood, ushered in the first advancement in his life.

[Name]: Psychopath Abathur

[Category]: Zerg


[Stage]: Level 3

[Ability]: Enhanced tear, charge (main), claw slash, fire resistance, bacterial infection, underwater breathing, swimming proficiency, armored thrust (main), brood pulse (main), psychic wave (main) , Mental Scream (Main), Hydra Heavy Armor Scales, Enhanced Regeneration

[Life]: 15 (average level for third-level units)

[Strength]: 19 (can also play a great role in melee combat)

[Agility]: 15 (no longer a shortcoming)

[Intelligence]: 30 (It is difficult for fourth-level creatures to resist its spiritual effects)

[Evaluation]: Bloodline makes up for Abathur's shortcomings, and his mental strength makes him no less powerful when facing fourth-level creatures. In particular, his mental attacks make it difficult for opponents to guard against.

The ferocious Abathur let out an excited growl.

Now he wanted to charge into battle like a warrior.

In addition to these obvious changes, both hive larvae and mutated worker bees have also been improved.

Even the defense of the insect nest is stronger than before.

At this time, Lu Yuan looked towards the divine space again.

Within the 50,000-hectare divine domain, 80% of the area is covered by fungus carpet.

"I can finally let go and breed!"

Lu Yuan waved his hand and put the high-level resource card into the divine realm.

The resources inside are enough for the Zerg mother nest to obtain enough nutrients to give birth to more larvae.

After taking care of all this, Lu Yuan temporarily chose to leave the divine space.

He was not in a hurry to complete the task assigned by Zhen Jian.


After the insect nest completes a new round of reproduction, it is not too late to go there with all preparations.

Next, everything calmed down for the time being.

Lu Yuan goes to and from school every day, at two o'clock and one line at a time.

However, what gave him a headache was.

Since the past few days, no less than three hundred love letters have been received in the classroom seats.

Yes, most of the freshmen female classmates chose to confess their feelings to Lu Yuan.

There is no way, the devil's charm is too great.

In addition, Lu Yuan himself is relatively handsome, making it easier to attract the admiration of others.

In this regard,

Lu Yuan could only put away these love letters temporarily with a headache.

It's more important to concentrate on your studies.

In the blink of an eye, seven days passed.

When Lu Yuan entered the divine space again, there were already more than 1.2 million larvae in the entire divine space.

This is because the creep range is limited, otherwise it could exceed 1.5 million.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yuan knew that the day had come for him to complete his mission.


"The system mutated 300,000 Hydra tearing springtails, 200,000 poisonous banelings, and 200,000 infected worms, while the remaining larvae remain unchanged."

Lu Yuan thought for a while and directly ordered such a plan.

After a series of mutations, Lu Yuan now has an army of 500,000 tearing springtails, 200,000 poisonous banelings, and 200,000 infected worms.

The faith value generated through mutation is as high as 1.1 million.

Including the faith points accumulated previously, the total must have reached around 1.5 million.

With this amount of faith value, you can already try to light the divine fire.

The process of lighting the divine fire is to understand the rules of one's priesthood by burning faith values.

Once you understand part of the power of the rules, you can keep the divine fire burning.

In this way, it will be considered a success.

However, one million faith points is only a preliminary standard. If you want to make your divine fire stronger and more stable, the more the better.

"Send a call request to Zhen Jian!"

Lu Yuan was almost done and contacted Zhen Jian directly in the divine space.

Soon, Zhen Gang directly answered the call request.

"Hey, Master, are you planning to do a mission?"

Zhen Jian answered the phone and naturally guessed Lu Yuan's plan.

"Send me the coordinates of her divine domain!"

Lu Yuan got straight to the point.


Zhen Jian nodded repeatedly, "It has been prepared for a long time. I will send it to you right away."


After hanging up the phone, Lu Yuan quickly received Zhen Hard's coordinates, and the other party told him that his invasion of the divine domain had been encrypted.

This way the other party won't discover your true identity.

"Search for the coordinates of the divine domain and prepare for invasion."

Lu Yuan took a look and started searching directly in the divine space.

at the same time,

In a luxurious flat-floor building not far from the No. 3 Middle School, a child-like beauty with a suspender belt and hot pants was lying in the login cabin.

Chen Lingshan had just received the Rookie King reward from her father and couldn't wait to enter the divine space.

In the divine space of more than one thousand hectares, deep in a grassland, a voluptuous elf with pointed ears and clothes woven from grass was kneeling respectfully on the ground.

A rich aura with fluctuations in the earth element erupted around her.

After a moment, she opened her eyes.

With big watery eyes, he knelt on the ground with great excitement and began to pray towards the altar in front of him.

"Thank you to the great God of Mire and War. It is your gift that allowed Nootgal to advance successfully!"

High in the sky, Chen Lingshan transformed into a hazy shadow of a god.

When she heard the prayer, she couldn't help but clapped her hands excitedly.

"The divine fragments given by dad are really powerful. My level 3 earth elf has been upgraded in no time."

"I really want to fight someone right now!"

As the God of War, despite her kawaii childlike appearance, she is actually a fanatical militant inside.


Someone seemed to have heard her wish.


Just when she thought about it,

A message appeared on the God's Domain interface.

[Alert]: An external force is invading the divine domain.

[Alert]: God's Domain will be invaded in ten minutes

[Alert]: Players please be prepared, the countdown begins

"Huh? Who will invade my divine domain?"

Chen Lingshan was stunned for a moment, then a look of fanaticism appeared on her face.

"Come on, come on, let me show you how terrifying my aunt's realm is."

She waved her little hand, and the oracle sounded throughout the space.

Immediately, the figures of the believer races began to gather and gather.

[Alert]: The divine space has been invaded!


A tearing sound spread across the entire divine realm.

Due east, a dark crack suddenly appeared.

As soon as the cracks appeared, they continued to spread towards both sides.

Immediately afterwards,

It was as if a pair of giant hands had grasped the crack and tore it open.


A space crack nearly a hundred meters long emerged.


At this time, Chen Lingshan also looked towards the crack.

A desolate, dry, and terrifying divine realm filled with thick fungus appeared.

"Who are you? Dare to invade my divine domain?"

Chen Lingshan was stunned when she saw this divine realm. She thought it was her teacher or classmate, or worse, her father came here to test her.

Unexpectedly, the environment of this divine realm was nothing like that.

That's why I asked.


As she finished speaking, she saw a huge face emerging from the cracks in the opponent's divine domain.

Not only did he not answer her question.

Instead, he spit out two words directly.


As soon as the words fell, a mighty army of tearing springtails surged from the crack.

"No, it's a robber from the Divine Realm."

Chen Lingshan exclaimed when she saw the ugly Zerg army.

He suddenly shouted loudly.

"My followers, start fighting back!"