
Global Descent: My Soul is Incorruptible!

Check out my other novel. I Am a Necromancer in A Cultivation World Humanity had gradually been assimilated by the all powerful system and placed into their very own Haven. Competing against themselves and other races,humanity was constantly embroiled in a struggle for survival and dominance. Leon, a simple soldier for humanity, was sure that he had died once he felt his head swept off of his shoulders. So you can just imagine his disbelief once he found himself not in the afterlife but back at the start of it all. The day humanity descended into their very own hell

NineSleepyDragons · ファンタジー
45 Chs

A Freak

Jeff was a threat, a weed that needed to be nipped in the bud, if he could catch him when he least expected it....

But before Lucas could act on these thoughts, he was interrupted by someone.

"Quite the mean gaze you've got there."

Lucas turned towards the sound, only to be greeted by the annoying face of Leon looking back at him.

"And what does it concern you?" Asked Lucas in a cold tone.

"I've told you to watch your tone, but now look at what happened. You ended up getting into a fight."

As Lucas heard this, his rage only increased.

"What? Should I have just stayed there and let him walk all over me? Should I just let him control my sister? " as Lucas asked this, his killing intent flared, even leaking towards Leon.

In response to this aura, Leon's tone chilled as his eyes narrowed.

"You should learn to be humble, especially whilst you're still weak"

Once Lucas saw Leon's icy gaze, it was as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on his head. Lucas instantly retracted the Killing intent that had been getting out of hand.

But even with that humbling experience, Lucas still couldn't agree with everything Leon had to say

"Weak? If it wasn't for your help, that man would be dead"

"Don't lie to yourself Lucas," said Leon

"You, more than anyone, should know how lucky you were to win that fight."

"Did you ever consider how your fight would have ended if Jeff wasn't injured or even had a just bit more discipline? The only end would have been me saving your ass instead of his.

I'm not saying don't fight, but you even chose the stupidest method.

Forget about sneak attacks, you actually chose to confront him head on.

And to make matters even worse, you were actually considering attacking him once he was fully healed!

Look here boy. Like I said, I'm not your nanny. Feel free to make your choices as you wish."

As Leon spoke, he had already started turning around.

"I'm only saying this because since you decided to follow me, it would be a shame if you died before you could be of any actual use."

Having said his piece, Leon left to check up on the others.

Despite reverting back to a much younger age, Leon felt his stress rising. Just dealing with the brat made him feel like he was nearing his forties all over again.

Now Leon was starting to remember why he hated dealing with kids so much,

They were so fucking annoying!


In the aftermath of all this, Jessica was left watching on bewildered and could just glance at Leon suspiciously as he walked away

'Did he know about this outcome, or did he not really care either way?'

No matter how she thought about at it, she just couldn't figure out the motives of this man.

"You're staring."

"Kayla!" Said Jessica in surprise

"If you kept staring longer, I would have thought you'd fallen in love!"

Hearing Kayla's joke, Jessica just sneered.

"Please Kayla, now is not the time for jokes."

Turning away from Kayla, Jessica turned back towards Leon with a suspicious gaze.

"That man, I just can't figure him out. Something about him is just off."

Hearing this, Kayla couldn't help but nod in agreement.

"I have to agree with you Jess. The mans a freak!"

"His stony expression and the way he kills, he does it so casually it's actually starting to get creepy. Makes you wonder what kind of psychopath he had to be before all this. A person that fits so perfectly in such a twisted world can't be anything but twisted themselves."

Tired of this discussion, Kayla turned around and spoke

"Jessica, you've not taken all the attribute crystals from the monsters you killed. If you don't do anything, I'll take it as if you've given them all up!"

As Jessica heard this, she snapped out of her suspicious thoughts and desperately spun around.

"Hold on Kayla! Don't touch my stuff!"


As all this was going on, Leon was lost in his own thoughts.

'A healing skill.'

Originally, Leon had been prepared to take things slowly.

Since it was only the first day, he couldn't afford to let his eagerness lead him to failure.

But now things were different.

If he could just use the healing skill effectively…

Leon looked at his rewards, a lesser mana potion and a lesser potion of resistance and a smile could be seen forming on his face.

A plan was starting to form in his mind…

Under Leon's guidance, the group travelled through the forest, defeating the occasional attack of monsters.

Eventually, Leon led them to a clearing with a large cave entrance.

'We're here.' thought Leon in excitement.

Leon was sure if he had gone the right direction.

In his last life, Leon was still a struggling teen at this stage and it would remain like that for the all the 5 days temple stage of tutorial.

He had only heard of this place from the stories others who came back on the last day.

The Cave of the Arachnid!

After confirming his suspicions, Leon then turned to the rest of the group.

"We'll stop here for a while and while we're here, I'll need you guys to gather some wood. The more, the better."

"Wood?" asked a puzzled Jessica

"Why would you need us to gather some wood?"

Although almost none of the others dared to question Leon in such a fashion, similar questions were also on the mind of everyone else.

"Just get the wood first. I'll explain everything later."

Eventually, the group gave in and all spread out, collecting wood from the nearby forest.


Almost an hour later.

Leon was standing in front of a gigantic pile of logs and branches and smiled.

The others had been busy grabbing these resources but Leon it wasn't like Leon had been idle either.