
Global Cataclysm: Get Level 3 Civilization at the Start

[alarm! Zombies have broken through our country’s defences, please enter the underground shelter as soon as possible! ] [alarm! Countries around the world are falling one after another! ] [In 2065, on December 31, human beings are now extinct. ]

VutukuriHarish · SF
120 Chs

What's this?

Li Chen glanced at the iris recognizer.

The corners of the lips are slightly raised.

If the big metal lock was replaced, he might not be able to open it.

But this kind of electronic lock can't trouble Noah at all!

"Noah, open the lock."

Li Chen ordered.

"Yes, the database is being attacked, please wait..."

But a few seconds.

Everyone only heard a crisp "click".

The metal door is open!

"Luo Mingyu, the highest level of authority has been activated." The iris recognition device made a sound.

Xu Ruoxi was surprised and raised her slender eyebrows.

"Commander, this..."

"Nothing, Noah hacked his database."

"Now let's go in."

Li Chen waved his hand.

He was the first to jump out of the metal door.

Under the metal door, there is a small platform.

Can be used as a pedal.

It doesn't fall directly into the room.

After entering the semi-circular building.

Li Chen found that the space inside was larger than he imagined!

Snow-white walls, and some rooms made of metal.

From time to time, you can still hear a little screaming!

Li Chen and others lowered their footsteps and slowly approached the most central place.

Da da da.

At this time, footsteps came from ahead.

Li Chen immediately led the crowd and hid in the next room.

"Hey, today's experimental body is still unstable, Teacher Luo is very angry!"

"Is there any way? Mr. Luo studies this monster all day long, I think he is a little crazy!"

"Who says it's not, I can't stand it anymore! Hurry up and go, I'll eat something to fill my stomach later, and I will continue to do research in the afternoon."

"I heard that the experimental subjects on your side ran away a lot last time. What's going on?"

"It's not Mr Luo, I have to give it a try and let the experimental body devour the failed products on the periphery. In the end, it ran away without a trace!"

As the two walked away, their voices became smaller and smaller.

Until Li Chen couldn't hear it!

Li Chen caught a very crucial name.

Teacher Luo?

When Noah attacked the database just now, he entered with Luo Mingyu's authority.

Thinking of this, Li Chen asked: "Noah, what information is there in the database just now?"

"There are three groups in this laboratory, and the person in charge is Professor Luo Mingyu."

"After scanning, the laboratory map is as follows."

Noah answered immediately.

Immediately afterwards, in front of Li Chen's eyes, a holographic screen appeared.

The crooked ones are the roads and maps of the laboratory!

The places where the experiments were conducted and where the experimental subjects were held were marked.

Li Chen nodded in satisfaction.

The moment Li Chen stepped into the semicircular building.

The electronic equipment in the entire laboratory has already fallen into Noah's control!

Now Li Chen wants to close the door, but the people in the lab can't do anything!

"Let's go, let's go directly to the place where the experiment is done."

Li Chen waved his hand.

Take the lead with the electromagnetic gun and walk in the forefront!

Xu Ruoxi and the others immediately followed behind.

All unbolted.

Be alert and move forward.

In the very centre of the semicircular building is a room covered with bulletproof glass.

You can see clearly what the people are doing from the outside!

"Teacher, the experimental subject is dying!"

"Adrenaline shot now!"

"Teacher, the experimental subject started to go berserk!"

"Go on, intravenous sedative!"

"Teacher... ah!"

Da da da-

In the glass house, researchers in white coats are busy.

Beside them stood more than a dozen soldiers with guns.

As soon as the experimental subject ran away, it was immediately dealt with by the soldiers!

But it's a pity.

Because the assistant is too close to the subject.

When the experimental subject was out of control, he was directly bitten on the neck.

Luo Mingyu took off his gloves and anxiously wrote down something in his notebook.

The others quickly packed up and dragged away the body of the subject and the body of the assistant.

"What's going on? Is my research direction wrong?"

Luo Mingyu muttered to himself.

Of course, he still couldn't find the answer.

Because Li Chen and others violently broke open the glass door.

Soldiers from the star shelter, file in!

"Stop! Which laboratory are you from!"

The person guarding the glass room immediately roared angrily.

Luo Mingyu then raised his head from the file and glanced at Li Chen.

"Professor Luo?"

Li Chen didn't take the other people in the room seriously at all.

Just like being at home.

Walking around in the courtyard, he flipped through the information on the desktop.

Luo Mingyu felt a chill run down his spine: "Who are you? How did you get in?"

When this building was built, the security level was very high!

If it is one of our own.

Definitely will be notified in advance.

However, Luo Mingyu didn't receive any notification!

Li Chen snorted softly and said with a smirk on his face: "Yes, in this kind of ravine, we can do inhuman experiments."

"What exactly do you want to research?"

Luo Mingyu opened his mouth.

Immediately afterwards.


The answer to Li Chen was a bullet!

The guards of these laboratories, directly pull the trigger.

Want to keep Li Chen's head in the lab?

However, Li Chen has already broken the third layer of genetic locks.

A mere bullet is nothing to fear in his eyes.

Tilting his head slightly, Li Chen stretched out his index and middle fingers.

Immediately afterwards, the bullet fired by the guard was caught between **** by Li Chen!

The soldiers in the star refuge also raised their guns.

All it takes is an order from Li Chen.

Everyone in the laboratory will become a sieve!

"Is this how you treat your guests?"

"Professor Luo, I'm asking you something, don't make me lose my patience."

Li Chen smiled, his black eyes were like a bottomless abyss.

Luo Mingyu leaned against the cold wall.

But I can't say anything!

He felt a strong killing intent from the man in front of him!

"Don't say it, right?"

"Everyone has an order, except for researchers, other idlers, etc., shoot and kill them all!"

Li Chen gave an order.

Da da da-


In the laboratory, intensive gunfire sounded.

The security of those laboratories is no match for the artificial warriors.

In just a few strokes, it was cleaned up.

Now, the entire glass room can be seen inside.

Besides Luo Mingyu, there were only two assistants left.

They looked at each other, and no one dared to move easily!

"How? Can you tell me now, what are you studying?"

Li Chen opened the documents on the desktop bit by bit.

It's a pity that it's all data, and Li Chen can't understand it at all.

Luo Mingyu gritted his teeth and didn't say a word.

The assistant next to him was scared.

Just when I was about to speak.

bang bang—

Luo Mingyu took out a pistol from his white coat.

Simply kill the two assistants directly!

Xu Ruoxi and the others were all stunned.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of muzzles of guns came to Luo Mingyu's forehead.