
Global Awakening: My Clones Have Different Classes

Sun Xin was a martial artist that was renown to the underground fighting. He dreamed of Awakening a good power to fight villains. Until one day, he awakened a power called "Cloning". In which he could clone himself. With him as a martial artist, he fought villains but he was still regarded as trash. In this age of Heroes, Dungeons, and, Villains. With others able to breathe fire and command other elements, he could only punch and kick. Up until one day, all his clones awakened and a mass Awakening happened. Awakening, Combat Class! Dragon knight! Necromancer! Berserker! Swordsman! Druid! Lycanthropy! Conjurer! Awakening, Production Class! Blacksmith! Mechanical Engineer! Hacker IT! Inventor! Alchemist! Enchanter! Bookworm! Now, with him as their trainer and leader, all of the villains would cower in his presence.

pantserplotter · アクション
82 Chs


Dungeons appeared one by one in the Earth. Without a force to close them, government barricaded the portals that were surging monsters from within. The humanity then adapted and mana was discovered. Surging powers were next that awakened humans has. Making them have the power to fight off the Demons that plagued the lands.

With it, the Hunters association was built to eradicate the dungeons, Hero association for eradicating Villains, and Hero Police for small fries criminals.


Sun Xin was on his death's door and he regretted that he could not protect his little sister. His mother perished and his dad was left missing till now. His sister has an amnesia that forgot all of her family.

Upon his death's door, he did not regretted everything upon his meager strength that could do. He was limited with him as a normal human without powers. Though he managed to become a renown Hero at that.

He closed his eyes and passed out. His will was strong but his body was waning. All he could do was rest. Alas he died and gave up the ghost.

[Trial of the weak self has been passed]

[Slumbering power of the user is Awakening....]

[Now your true power will emerge]

[Regressing to the past.....]


Sun Xin opened up his eyes and saw the blindfold hindering his vision. He tried to move his arms and fingers first and it was numbed from all that sleep. He removed the blindfold and he saw a run-down ceiling that has water droplets dripping down on a bucket. After he removed his blindfold, he saw on the windows that it was raining. Droplets of water poured on their wooden roof that was semi rotten due to the old aged materials on the passing of time.

He could see that their home was almost run down without repairs and he only had several pairs of clothes on a wooden dresser.

He saw his face on the mirror and all his scars was gone. His skin was fair and smooth and he also looked younger. Also, his white hair regressed to black. It was all due to training his Ki in his martial arts.

With it, he realized one thing, he was indeed back in the past! He went to smack his face and his nose bled.

"Ouch! So it was all real!"

With the backing of the calendar, he concluded. It was in the past!

And so, he dashed towards where his mother's room was and saw his little sister that was still on 4's and was wiping his mother's forehead with a wet towel. Tiptoeing as she stood on a chair as she hums a lullaby. He approached his sister Xian and he immediately hugged her on her back. Also his mother Shen.

Tears ran down his eyes as he could not bear the guilt of not helping them at all.

"Big brother, why are you crying?" her smooth and soft voice soothed all the pain he held deep inside his heart. All the pain subsided as he at last was given a chance.

"At last, at last," he sobbed some more and was in his happiest time of his life.

"I will not let you all suffer. I promise," he sobbed again.

"Yes, brother. But why? I am confused," his little sister asked and was worried. But she understood their situation. "Hush, hush brother. By the way, want me to give you a coffee? It is the last food we have,"

"Drink it for your tummy, I will find money so you at least will not worry about food, kay?" Xin said to her.

With it, Xin immediately planned his actions,  

Xin was in deep thought, he had to prevent his family's demise. With it, he started with the problems with the highest priority. His mother has a life support but his sister will not eat this night if he will not buy food. Also, he has to find his missing father and older sister.

With it, he watched his pocket and he was surprised at what he saw. It has spare change with 3 dollars left.

"3 dollars? I can still buy a cabbage and a small size of meat. Also, several cups of noodles if it still has a change. My sister has to last and I can hunt tonight so my sister should be given all the food,"

Xin immediately went to his sister and patted her head. "I will buy food for you okay? I will leave a bit and take care of mommy for me," Xin smiled at Xian.

"You can trust me on that!" she expressed a determined look with a thumbs up.

"Good." Xin immediately went to the door and watched her one last time. She waved goodbye and then smiled.

Xin smiled, knowing that all was in good hands. He went outside their house and headed to the nearest grocery store. Entering the air-conditioned place, he smelt the fresh air and the temperature drop. Immediately went to the meat section and bought a slice of meat. Then went to the vegetable section and bought a cabbage. A small one to be exact.

He also went to the cup noodles section and grabbed 3 of them. All of these were for his little sister. They were poor so he needed to budget things. But if his sister collapses due to hunger, he will regret it and will punish himself dearly. His family was his all and it pained Xin. His heart was in trouble.

With it, he went to the cashier and then gave 3 dollars. Only left with a change of several pennies. He was left gulping his saliva as he saw the change. It was the last money he had and a spare change. He bought several candies so that his sister would have energy while tending to his mother with the spare change he had.

He has to survive with his family and his sister needs to eat. And that was why he had to earn money so they would have a meal everyday.

He immediately went back to their house and was humming. He walked fast and then arrived at their home. The only rotten home in their place.

With he entered their gate, his sister immediately went to greet him and hugged him.

"Brother! You are fast!" she exclaimed.

"Yes of course! I will prepare dinner," he went to carry her inside and put her down on the bed of his mother.

Xin immediately went to the kitchen and cooked. Slicing the pork and cabbages then put them in boiling water. He sprinkled salt and msg in it. Letting it boil till cooked.

He immediately went to serve it while hot to his sister and they went to the table. His sister went skipping jump as he went to the chair and then hummed a bit to express her excitement.

The thing was, Xin was an expert in the flavor of the food. His taste knew well the exact saltiness of the food. Making his sister always look forward to his meal that he serves everytime.

With it, she sipped and ate the meat. She was hungry with all those nursing her mother. That was why, Xin planned for her to be well fed so she has a lot of energy. She still has to go to school too as she was still a kid.

And so, Xin prepared to earn as much money as possible if he would be granted a chance to be a Hero and so he still have time with his sister. He talked a bit with her so she will not be lonely.

Xin told her a story telling or a bed time story about Cinderella and she liked it. To the point that she wanted to be a princess too. With it, Xin made her sleep in her room beside her mother.

Now the time was near and Xin needed to remember the important things he needed to remember from his past life. All has to be in order and well planned.