
glitch into the unkown

glitch is an agent, he is being interrogated by Agent 47, as the story counites we see into glitch's past and learn more about him and the mysterious hard drive and about the agency only known as S.H.A.D.E

Shahardel90 · アクション
32 Chs

Agents Gambit

[The episode begins with Agent 47 walking into the dimly lit room, his gun drawn. Glitch is strapped to a chair, unable to escape. As Agent 47 approaches him, he presses the gun against Glitch's temple, his expression stern and determined.]

Agent 47: (coldly) Now, for the final fucking time, what was on that hard drive?

[Glitch looks at Agent 47, a hint of defiance in his eyes, and lets out a chuckle.]

Glitch: (smirking) If you wanted me dead, I'd be seven feet under by now. You need me alive, Agent 47.

[Agent 47's face contorts with frustration, but he maintains his grip on the gun.]

Agent 47: (gritting his teeth) I need you just barely alive.

[Without warning, Agent 47 pulls the trigger, shooting Glitch in the arm. Glitch winces in pain, but his resolve remains unbroken.]

Glitch: (through gritted teeth) You can shoot me all you want, but that won't change the fact that I won't give up the information easily.

[Agent 47 narrows his eyes, contemplating his next move. He holsters his gun but stays vigilant.]

Agent 47: We'll see about that.

[Flash back - 2017 black watch HQ]

director : Agent 47 I need you and your team to retrieve an agent from a facility.

Agent 47 : (with a hint of skepticism in his voice) how did he get caught?

director : (with an annoyed tone) why dose that matter ? I need you to rescue him.

Agent 47 : now its rescue not retrieve?

director : so I used different words why does it matter?

Agent 47 : rescue means its personal, meaning this is off books, meaning I don't have to do shit.

director : and why would I go off books? we have policy on retrieve agents that are lost in missions.

Agent 47 : not if they are suspected to betray black watch

[The director surprised that agent 47 figured it out so fast, quickly responds]

Director : ok then if you don't want the mission I will give it to some one else have a good day agent 47

Agent 47 : hey, I called you out for not giving me all the details doesn't mean I am not going to take the mission , but if I am going to risk my life and my teams life I need all of the details

Director : fine I will give you what you want to know , ask away

Agent 47 : what's the name of the agent?

Director : agent L

Agent 47 : why did they get caught?

Director : we don't know…

Agent 47 : what were they working on

Director : its above your pay grade

Agent 47 : have a good day director

Director : wait wait , fine they were working on investigating the agency we believe someone stole some files regarding an agent

Agent 47 : who?

Director : the agent goes by the code name Nastor.

Agent 47 : never heard of him is he a high ranking agent?

Director : actually no not he is a low ranks agent, he dose have potential though

Agent 47 : what about agent L is he a high Ranking Agent

Director : no…

Agent 47 : why did they get this mission then? Who are they to you?

Director : agent l is my ...daughter

[agent 47 smlies and says]

agent 47 : fine i will breife my team and we will do it

Director : thank you agent 47

2 hours later

gent 47: Our primary objective is to locate and extract Agent L from the facility. She was investigating the theft of files related to a Black Watch agent known as Nastor. However, she got captured in the process, and the higher-ups suspect her of betrayal. It's our task to rescue her and find the truth.

Agent 35: Do we have any information about the facility's security measures?

Agent 47: Limited intel suggests that the facility has high-security protocols. We believe Agent L is being held underground, guarded by a team loyal to whoever is behind the theft. Expect advanced surveillance systems, armed guards, and potential reinforcements.

Agent 96: What's the plan for extraction and getting out of there?

Agent 47: Our extraction point will be a designated landing zone nearby, where a helicopter will be waiting. However, we need to secure Agent L and any evidence we find before we can make our escape. Once we have her, we'll have to fight our way out.

Agent 10: are you sure this is a good idea? i mean going beheind the higer ups is not a good move

Agent 47: im sure

4 hours later

As the team infiltrates the facility, they encounter fierce resistance from the well-trained guards. Agent 47, Agent 35, Agent 96, and Agent 10 move swiftly and silently, neutralizing enemies with precise and deadly efficiency. The sound of gunshots and the clash of combat echo through the corridors, creating a sense of urgency.

Agent 35: "There are multiple heat signatures and electronic systems behind that door. Looks like the basement is heavily guarded."

Agent 47: "We need a plan. Agent 96, do you have any explosives?"

Agent 96 nods, reaching into his gear and retrieving a small, specialized explosive device.

Agent 96: "I have a breaching charge. It should be enough to create an entry point without causing excessive damage."

Agent 10: "I can also try to hack into their systems and disable their communication temporarily, creating a window of opportunity."

Agent 47: "Good. Agent 10, disable their communication. Agent 96, prepare the breaching charge. On my signal."

With Agent 10 focused on hacking into the facility's communication network and Agent 96 positioning the breaching charge, the team readies themselves for the imminent breach into the heavily guarded basement. Their adrenaline surges as they prepare to face the unknown dangers that lie ahead.

Agent 47: "Three... Two... One... Breach!"

Agent 47 swiftly approaches a wounded guard lying on the ground. With a firm grip on his collar, Agent 47 demands, "Where are they keeping Agent L?"

The guard, gasping for breath, weakly points towards a nearby room before managing to utter, "Basement... Room C12."

Without hesitation, Agent 47 raises his silenced pistol and fires a single shot, silencing the guard forever. He turns to Agent 35 and Agent 96, his expression unwavering.

"Room C12 in the basement. That's where we'll find her," Agent 47 declares, his voice cold and determined.

Agent 35 and Agent 96 exchange glances, understanding the urgency of the situation. They nod in silent agreement, ready to proceed with the mission.

[Agent 35 quickly moves to untie Agent L, freeing her from the ropes that bound her. Agent L wastes no time and speaks urgently, her voice filled with a mixture of fear and determination.]

Agent L: Listen to me, we have no time to waste. I discovered who was behind the theft of the files, and it's far worse than we imagined.

[Agent 35 and Agent 96 exchange a glance, their expressions growing serious. They understand the gravity of Agent L's words.]

Agent 35: What did you find, Agent L? Tell us everything.

[Agent L takes a deep breath, her eyes scanning the room as she gathers her thoughts.]

Agent L: It was Agent 47. He's the one who stole the files and betrayed us. We need to get out of here now!

[Agent 96's gaze falls to the floor and walks out side the room]

[agent 47 walks into the room and before agent L can say anything]

Agent 47: (softly) I wish it didn't have to end like this.

[Suddenly, Agent 47 swiftly raises his silenced pistol and fires a single shot at Agent L, hitting her with lethal precision. She collapses to the ground, lifeless.]

[Agent 35, Agent 96, and Agent 47 exit the room, leaving behind the lifeless body of Agent L. As they make their way through the facility, Agent 10 approaches, a look of concern on his face.]

Agent 10: What happened to Agent L? Where is she?

Agent 47: They got to her first. They heard we were coming and finished her off. We couldn't save her.

[as agent 47 walks out of the facilty we travel back into 2024 into our interrogation room glitch is still in pain from the bullet he took to his shoulder Agent 47 thinking about his next respond and says]

Agent 47: Hey, Glitch, have you ever wondered what happened to your sister?

[Glitch looks at Agent 47, his eyes show anger true anger.]

if u ask me this is 1 of the best episodes i worte i really to belive that this book can do well and i thank you all for reading it

and if you have any ideas to help me story please do comment on it and let me know i will try my best to use all of your ideas

Shahardel90creators' thoughts