

        In 'Glance,' love and fate collide in a story of second chances. Follow Zavier, a man scarred by betrayal, as he finds unexpected love with Tessa. But Tessa's heart is divided between the man who saved her and her departed best friend. In this emotional rollercoaster, 'Glance' explores the power of forgiveness, redemption, and the unbreakable bonds of the heart. Dive into a tale of love's twists and turns that will keep you turning pages until the very end On a misty, moonlit night, Zavier found himself on the edge of destiny. Beneath the canopy of stars, he stood overlooking a tranquil lake, its waters mirroring the shimmering night sky. In that serenity, his thoughts were consumed by one memory—a single glance. It was the glance that had ignited a fire in his heart, the moment he met Tessa. In that gaze, he found not just a reflection of his own longing but also a promise of a love deeper than any he had known. Little did he realize that this glance would become the first chapter of a love story written in the language of whispered secrets and stolen kisses. As he breathed in the fragrant night air, Zavier made a vow to himself—to cherish and protect this love, to build a life with Tessa that would forever be a testament to the power of that one enchanting glance.

Blue_Beauty7 · 都市
27 Chs

Chapter Nineteen

Tessa smiled widely as Zavier's arms were wrapped around her waist. He kissed her temple and told her that he loves her. She blushed as soon as he said that.

"You should have woken me up to help you out", he whined sadly.

"Samuel helped me out", she replied and he frowned.

"That flirt? Jun ho sends his greetings", He announced and she smiled.

"I'll talk to him later. Oh gosh! I miss him", She pouted cutely and he got jealous.

"Guess what's going on with Kim and Luke?", she asked. Zavier still has his hands wrapped around her waist.

"Everything is fine, right?", he asked.

"Of course. But what do you notice about them?", Tessa asked again, this time pausing to hear his answer.

"Nothing. What do you notice?", Zavier asked.

"They did fuck", Tessa responded but he didn't look surprised.

"I didn't get that look on your face. Don't tell me…. wait-you know?", Tessa raised her brow in surprise.

"Of course. It's normal"

"No, it ain't. We didn't-we haven't fucked ", Tessa replied and he laughed.

"I know that you're keeping your virginity till wedding night. But your husband will get it if I'm the unlucky one", he laughed and she removed his arms from her angrily.

"How did you know that? Did you -"

"I didn't mean to. Your book was with me, remember?", he said, laughing at her angry expression.

"But you read it"

"Yes", he replied and bit his lips.

"You don't get to talk to me for an hour. That's your punishment", she said.

"You don't get to see my handsome face for thirty minutes. That's my way of saying I'm sorry", Zavier responded.

They both stared at each other as if they were participating in a staring contest. Zavier was the first person to break the contest by bursting into laughter. Tessa was also forced to laugh when he laughed.

"I'm serious though", Tessa continued.

"But I'm sorry babe. You know you can't stay that long without talking to me for that long", he said and began stroking her beautiful face.

"Let's go on a quick date", he said but she declined.

"I'm sorry babe. What do you want me to do?", he asked helplessly.

"What can you do for me?", she queried back.

"What do you want?", he asked.

"Then, let's watch a Korean drama together tonight. If you reject, accept my punishment", she said.

Zavier had no choice than to accept her proposal with open arms.

"Don't worry. My boyfriend is a character", she said and he frowned.

Her stupid korean 'CRUSH' was Cha Eun Woo and she's the one he was referring to. Zavier always gets jealous when she talks about him. There are many crushes. They include; Song Joong Ki and Lee Jun ho. The rest are not included in his list because to him, they are just three he can remember.

He prefers watching American action dramas to what she's suggesting.

"What?", Tessa asked when Zavier wasn't eating his food.

"I don't have the energy to eat myself. Feed me", he commanded with a smirk.

Tessa reluctantly stood up to feed him. Zavier stared at her face as she rolled the spaghetti on the golden fork.

"Damn. You're pretty", he said and she blushed.

She brought the food to his mouth and he ate it.

"It's so strange", she said, invading Zavier's thought.

"What is?", he asked.

"Mum still hasn't called me. She isn't like this. She didn't even send me a text to greet me. The last text she sent me was about you", she furrowed her brows.

"About me?"

"Yes. She was telling me to listen to you. Am I supposed to listen to all that you have to say? She's…my mom", she laughed.

"As your boyfriend, you have to listen to me. Mom's right", Zavier smiled bitterly.

"Is she fine? Dad's not picking his call too", she said, fishing out her phone but he placed it on the table.

"No phones when eating", he reminded her.

They ate their food in harmony. Zavier told her stories of events that took place when he was abroad. She laughed so hard and shared her own story.


Water dripped off her body as she stepped out of the bathroom. She got her towel and wiped the water off her body. She got her transparent white nightgown and wore it without any undies. Her hair was dripping wet, not that she minded it.

She looked for the hair dryer and remembered that she left it in Zavier's room the last time because he asked for it.

'I must be in the living room by now', she thought and left to take the hair dryer.

She didn't bother to knock and entered the room. It seems like he was in a meeting because he was speaking to someone on his laptop. 'But,why is he shirtless?', Tessa asked herself but didn't find the answer to the question.

Zavier stopped in as soon as his girlfriend came in. Tessa looked away when she realized that she was gawking at him. She was staring. Girl!!

"I-I-I came f-for the dryer", she stammered and licked her lips. Zavier gulped when he saw her full perky breast underneath the gown. His dick did twitch on sighting her and his throat got dry.

"Let's continue this meeting later. Till tomorrow", he managed to say and ended the meeting.

Tessa began fidgeting with her nightgown and her nipples grew hard. She cursed and bit her lips. There's no way that Zavier won't know that she's damn hard. What the hell?!!

"The dryer?", Zavier asked and stood up. He wasn't embarrassed to see the bulge formed in his pants by his girlfriend. In fact, he was pleased. Not all girlfriends know how to make their man aroused.

"You didn't have to end your meeting because of me", she spoke softly and he chuckled. Tessa loved his laugh and blushed.

"Sit", he ordered and she sat. "Let me help you with your hair", he offered and searched for the hair dryer.

He could see her fair legs and breasts from his view. He bit his lips and plugged the dryer into the socket. He helped her dry her hair carefully as if her hair was made of the slightest feather. There was no conversation between them except the sound of the hair drier.

He got in-between her legs for a better position and caught her staring at his bulge.

"I'd tend to it. But you can still look", he said and she was embarrassed.

"I…I d-didn't mean to", she said.

"I know. You didn't mean to seduce me coming like that", he replied and she blushed.

"You did a great job. You did seduce me", he whispered into her ears seductively. Tessa blushed and wanted to tell him that she didn't mean to but she kept mute. She can't do anything about it.

She thanked him and kissed him to appreciate his effort.

"Thanks for the present. You get a peck as your punishment", she added and he took over the kiss.

He rubbed his head on her fair lap and placed his cold lips on hers. His hands began exploring her body as she moaned as a response to his touch. She did like it and at the same time she's remembering her one time promise to her (late) mother.

"Ahh", she cried in pleasure when his hand found its way to her breast.

Her head was bent backward as she moaned while his hand fondled her breasts. It was a feeling of pleasure and happiness. She didn't want him to stop. She could feel something rush in-between her legs. Should be that stuff that comes when she's in the mood.

At this rate, her nipples were erected independently as he circled his hands around it.

"I'm not ready for this Zavier", Tessa managed to say between moans.

"I'll make you feel good Tess. I promise we won't fuck. Besides, I made a promise to your mother not to make love to you if I won't marry you", Zavier replied.

Tessa was surprised to hear that. Her mother never told her anything. Mum!! Since when had she said that and now, it's the time it got revealed to her. Who does that shit? Anyways, it's for her own good.

Tessa got to the gate of heaven when she felt Zavier's warm tongue around her breast.

"Oh!", she screamed in pleasure as he continued to suck her. She held his head fondly as he delivered his service to her perky breasts. He did suck and tease her titties with his tongue multiple times.

He repeated the same process with the other breasts and she begged him not to stop. She is indeed trying hard to keep her sanity. The things he's doing to her can drive her crazy if he doesn't stop.

Oh God!!

No one had to tell her the pool she had formed in her pants. She's wet, that she knows.

Zavier kissed her as he did justice to her breasts.

"I love you for being you", he said sweetly and she replied with, "I love you too"

They didn't end up watching the Korean drama because she slept on his bed after their intense episode. Zavier had to deal with his bulge himself. Tessa didn't know what to do so he had her sleep on his exposed chest while feeling like the best boyfriend that he is.

"Forgive me love and marry me when I propose to you. I really can't hold it in anymore but I can wait for you", He whispered and went outside to smoke a little.


Cassie wore her sunglasses and followed her brothers into a room. She stuck her left ear to the door as they spoke.

"No", She heard Raymond's voice. "Let her go to mother before you send her away"

"But I have given her a few weeks before she goes to your house", her other brother said.

Cassie smiled when she got a hint of what they're talking about. So, they are planning to send her back to the states. They can't be serious. She wanted to barge in but decided to hear more.

"Doesn't she have a boyfriend?", Raymond asked.

"I don't know. I don't think she's in any relationship "

"You ought to know as her favorite brother", Ray hissed.

"Favorite my foot. Do something about it. She's turning my children on me. Cassie is evil ", William whispered and she gasped.

"What. Did. You. Just. Say?", Cassie barged in and the man looked at her in shock.



'Since when?'

They both looked at each other and spoke while changing the topic, "It was the duck that did give birth".

"Ah yes. You said fifteen eggs", Raymond also said and Cassie hissed.

"Dumb! How can a duck give birth to fifteen eggs", Cassie asked.

"A miracle. Yes, miracle", Raymond replied.

"I heard you guys. I'm gonna report you to mum. Y'all are bullying me again", she stated.

"All I did was tell them not to eat and cry because I want to stay in your house", she cried out and stopped when she realized that she had revealed her secret.

"And…that was in the past", She said boldly.

"Never mind, I'll return to…"

'The States'

'The States'

The two men said in their minds but were wrong when she said.

'-Your house", she said and smiled widely.

"When will you go back? And don't you have friends?", Raymond asked, pissed off.

Tessa didn't reply to him and they both heaved a long sigh.

"I knew she was going to be a pest, Ray. I heard you went to Zavier' s house. How's he doing?", their other brother William said.

"Ah yes. I went to Zavier's house. Though I met Tessa. Oh God!! Zavier is so thoughtful to have me there for some days' ', she smiled and they exchanged glances.

"Some days?", William asked and she nodded.

Raymond cleared his throat and asked, "What do you mean earlier when you said they threatened Liam and Gem?"

Cassie wanted to defend herself but William was faster to answer. "She told them not to do anything we say unless we agree that she stays for some days", William answered and Cassie smiled proudly.

"It was just a simple request from their aunt", Cassie replied and held William's shoulder.

"I didn't know you guys would end up discussing me", she pouted.

"I am the best aunt, singer, sister, friend and human on this earth", She boasted to them.

"Yet you don't have a partner to boast of", Raymond cut in and they began laughing at her.

"I hate you boys. I'll go to mum's place tomorrow. I don't care about Liam and Gem anymore. I'll tell them not to talk to you and your wife and I'll beg Vivi not to ever speak to you again", she said to Raymond and Raymond scoffed.

"She won't do that. She can't do without me", Raymond boasted and Williams agreed.

"Anyways, I have to go somewhere ", Cassie said and walked out with an annoyed expression.

The men ignored her and continued their discussion but this time it was different. It was about their future.


Tessa stared at Zavier with different emotions and thoughts. She just found out that he kept the death of her mother away from her. She had also suspected that something went wrong with her mother but she couldn't really know what went wrong.

Her mum didn't call or send a text for twenty four hours to her. She didn't even send an emoji. Her dad called but gave one excuse or the other when she asked for her mum. She asked Austin if he had heard from their mum but he lied. He freaking lied to her and she's angry.

Ryan had come home but she also had to twist a story to make him believe that his mum is still abroad.

"It was for your own good", Zavier said but she said nothing.

He has come to know his girlfriend after these months. Whenever she's silent means she's damn angry. When she replied to him with some unusual response, he knew that she's angry with him. He knows when she's happy and sad but right now, she's FURIOUS!!

"I don't want to hear your voice Zavier", Tessa said calmly.

Zavier looked at Damon, Luke and Cold for help because they were the closest to her. They can help him to plead with her.

"Tessa, he di-"

"Don't, Luke '', Tessa held her hand in the air. The students looked at the drama that was unfolding but they didn't care if they even made a video of it. What Zavier wants to accomplish is to get Tessa's forgiveness.

He was actually expecting something like this but why is she so angry with him? Zavier held her hands but she didn't speak.

"I still can't believe that I can see Zavier kneeling for a girl" Simon smirked and Matthew slapped his head to bring him to reality.

Zavier held Tess's hand fondly and spoke, "From the depths of my heart, I want to express my sincere regret for not sharing something as profoundly important as your mother's passing. I've been carrying the weight of this decision, torn between honoring her wish for secrecy and realizing the pain it has caused you. It tore me apart to hold back such crucial information, especially knowing it coincided with your special day"

At this point, Tessa's fans were begging her to accept his apology but Zavier wasn't done with speaking.

"Please know, my intention was never to add to your pain but to respect the bond you had with your mom. I'm here, ready to listen, hold you, and support you through this grieving process in any way you need. Your forgiveness means the world to me, and I'm committed to making things right and being your pillar of strength during this difficult time. I understand if this may take time, but I genuinely hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. Your emotions matter most, and I'll do everything I can to help ease your burden", concluded and the girls were already blushing and hopping from one foot to another even though the words were not meant for them.

Tessa knew that she couldn't get angry at Zavier for too long. And she also knew that her mother instructed him to hide the news from her because her day had to be special.

"I forgive you", she said softly but Zavier still knelt by her side.

👥 I wish I have a boyfriend like Zavier

👥 Awwwwn. This is so cute. I hope you're recording the perfect moment

👥 Damon is so handsome today or is it my eyes

👥 Shut up! Zavier is the hottest!!

The girls screamed and watched Tessa forgive her boyfriend. Zavier smiled as the boys watched the romance that was being displayed in their presence.

"Get a girlfriend dude", Luke said to Simon.

"He's got many hoes around him so I don't think he can find true love. Simon's a dick!"Drake replied.

"See kettle calling pot black", Fred cut in and they laughed.

"All you both do is fuck around. Simon fucked a junior in the lab yesterday noon", Cole announced and Simon smiled.

"Man's gonna satisfy his needs", Simon said nonchalantly.

They laughed together when Simon asked, "I guess Zavier did Tessa bad when he's in the mood"

Tessa was shy and embarrassed at the same time.

"They've never fucked", Cole announced and they gasped.

"Shut up Cole", Damon said.

"They haven't fucked guys. It seems like they are practicing something more…. special ", Cole whispered and they got what he wanted to say.

"That'll be nice. I'll make it for the wedding", Matthew said.

Zavier kissed Tessa's knuckles as she went through his phone. She goes through his phone whenever she likes as if she owns it and he lets her. There is nothing he's hiding.


Henry walked forth and back as he stared at the exit door. He's waiting for Vivian. The employees were coming and going but no one looked like her. The door was pushed and he finally saw her.

He had to say she has changed. She had become a successful woman and damn! She's glowing. Today, she was wearing a pink nylon shirt and a black trousers with a flashy handbag.

'How much can she be getting as her salary?', Henry thought and quickly approached her.

"Vivian. I have…listen to me", he quickly said but she wasn't sparing him a glance.

"Damn it!! Listen to ME!", he yelled and she paused to hear him out. She took him to a quiet place where her mates won't see her. Gossipers were everywhere in the company. They can come up with different headlines like:

•Secretary Vivian meets her sugar dad after a long while•

•Secretary Vivian reveals her boyfriend•

•Meet Miss. Vivian's boyfriend•

"I want to see our son", Henry spoke after Vivian gave him the chance to speak.

Vivian laughed when he finished speaking. "Our?", she asked and he nodded affirmatively.

"Yes, our son. Angelo", he said and she mouthed an 'Oh' as if she was surprised to hear that.

"You can't be Angelo's dad. He doesn't even know you. He doesn't know anyone bearing Henry Hart", Vivian said sternly.

"Stop playing with me Vi", Henry said.

"What do you mean by he doesn't know me?", He asked and she answered, "You were never there for him, for us. So to him, you're dead. Also, to me, you're not in my life"

Henry turned around and laughed hysterically. "So, where is this father of his that Angelo can recognize?", he asked with his brow raised.

"Here he is", Raymond spoke and wrapped his hand around her waist.