
Give & Take

Sair Amhaz has been closed off, unpopular and friendless all his life. If there was one friend he could count on, it was Chloe Maxwell, who triumphed over one of his bullies and instantly made him fall in love with her. But love's no walk in the park, especially not the one-sided kind. So, when he never gets around to make a move that would set the record straight and his expectations are on the brink of extinction, he finds Chloe's long time rival—Garo Lewis' personal diary lying around in the school hallway and decides to make the best of it.

hushhushcrush · 都市
11 Chs


I wasn't quite sure what to do with it when I found it.

How could a bright pink diary covered in glitter benefit me in any way? But when I read the name inside and looked up at Chloe sitting across from me in the cafeteria, I knew I had to do something. What exactly? I wasn't sure.

"What?" Chloe narrowed her eyes at me. I had been staring at her longer than usual. I shook my head, dropping my gaze at the diary in my lap.

Everything I knew about Garo Lewis was because of Chloe. She loathed her for whatever reason. I wouldn't even be aware of her existence if Chloe hadn't mentioned her at least once whenever we talked. It was kind of annoying. All I ever wanted her to talk about was herself. I wanted to know her better even though I had known her all my life. But Garo always made the cut in our conversation somehow.

To actually figure out what I wanted to do with Garo's diary I had to go through it and I definitely wasn't going to do that with Chloe sitting right in front of me. So I sneakily slipped the notebook in my backpack, thrilled to go home and read it.

"Day ruined." I heard Chloe sigh deeply as Garo made her way inside the cafeteria, accompanied by two of her friends. Sometimes I could see why Chloe despised her so much. She seemed stuck up and selfish. Being popular made her that way, I guess. "I've got an assignment, see you." With that, Chloe left.

"Attention, everyone!" Suddenly, there was pin drop silence. I looked up from my phone to see Garo standing up on one of the chairs. "I misplaced my notebook this morning. I have some important notes in there, so yeah, give it to me if you have it. It's pink and my name's on the first page."

"What do we get?" Some guy yelled.

"Um...my number?" And just like that there was commotion all around.

"For real?"

"Find my notebook and we'll discuss the terms, okay. Have a great day." She smiled and waved before getting off the chair.

I consistently failed to understand why everyone was so obsessed with her. Having her number was the least of my concerns. What I wanted to know was if she really just had class notes in her notebook or was she lying to try to stop anyone from looking into it? I needed an answer and I was going to get it very soon.

Hello! Thank you for choosing to read Give & Take. The book is equally divided into the male and female lead's p.o.v with a little switch up here and there. Just clearing these things up before you actually start the book. I hope y'all have a good time!

toodles xoxo

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