
I can't be lazy?

Penalty for failure:-40 strength -20 endurance +7 negative Karma


I need to exercise so much? Well, at least I have a healthy body, so it won't be as difficult as in my last life. Still, 100 minutes of doing the plain exercise? That's a little..crazy. But so am I. Can't wait to go to the exam! But I need apply first, how do I do that? I wondered . I have to go and do some research. System, how do I apply for it?


Host just needs to know the place where to go and order the medium rare steak, just like in your memories, that's it.No need for a paper or something.


Ah, ok.Thanks.


No problem.System advises host to do the daily exercise. If host wants to not fail the given mission.


Yeah,yeah.What do first?Swim?No, that's for the end since it's refreshing and relaxing.Let's do the push-ups.






Hah,hah.I will need to get used to this.So exhausting .Now, the squats!






I then took a break for 5 minutes and drank some water.I stretched a little and got into position for the 100-minute-long-plain.




5.Min My back is killing me, ah!


50.Min This is tough!


90.Min Ten minutes to go!I can do this!


99.Min Almost!



Then, only the swimming is left right?System, check progress.


Host has done 75 % of the daily exercise. The last 25% is to swim or run 10 kilometres.


Okay, now the relaxing part, swimming!

I dived into the water and swam around.

As I swam I heard a ding after a while, I was done with the daily mission!


Host has done the daily exercise. Host gains 3,333333333 Exp.


Ahh, so I will have 100 by the end of the mission!I will be level 2 by that time!I wonder what changes there will be?

I went to the forest and actually found some poisonous mushrooms!They were pink, with green spots that glowed in the dark, it was already evening. I then took a bite, it was utterly disgusting!It tasted like pickels with Nutella and rotten eggs!They smelled bad too!


Host has consumed tier 3 poison,raw poisonous mushroom, 10 grams.


For the power!I vowed and took a huge bite and gulped it down.Rugrgh!


Host has consumed tier 3 poison,50 grams.


I then ate the rest of the first mushroom .


Host has consumed tier 3 poison,110 grams in total, host has gained 0.5 strength stat.


I felt less tired and continued eating these gross tasting mushrooms 30 minutes my status looked like this:


Name:Lea Emeralds

Level:1 Exp ( 3,333333333|100)

Species:Magical Human


Sex (Gender at birth):Female


Skill/s:I love poison( lvl 1)

Title/s:Linguist (You can speak and read every language),Reincarnated (You have reincarnated):Luck +10,Transmigrator(You have transmigrated):You can shapeshift


Endurance: 20 ( average)

Strength:43.5 ( very good)

Agility: 15 (average)

Intelligence: 77 (You are incredibly smart and good at learning skills ect.)

Luck: 77 (You have incredible luck)

Magic:50 (Magical endurance, talented)

Karma:Positive:777 Negative:50

(You are a kind person and have helped many ppl-You don't like to say no and like to help nice ppl)


Hidden stat:???


I gained 0.5 strength about every 5 minutes so it makes sense that I didn't gain that much.But still if I do this 3 times a day for thirty days, I will be pretty op!

Timeskip °•°•°○°●°○°•°•°-It's the 30th of December-

Wow,I'm so strong now, I can probably push like 100 tons or sth, with these stats!



Exp ( 0|200)

Species:Magical Human


Sex (Gender at birth):Female


Skill/s:I love poison( lvl 2);effect is doubled

Title/s:Linguist (You can speak and read every language),Reincarnated (You have reincarnated):Luck +10,Transmigrator(You have transmigrated):You can shapeshift, Swimmer(lvl 2); You can get 2 points agility per 10 kilometres


Endurance: 600 ( legendary)

Strength: 315 ( athletic)

Agility: 250 (incredible)

Intelligence: 77 (You are incredibly smart and good at learning skills ect.)

Luck: 77 (You have incredible luck)

Magic:50 (Magical endurance, talented)

Karma:Positive:777 Negative:50

(You are a kind person and have helped many ppl-You don't like to say no and like to help nice ppl)


Hidden stat:???


I should be stronger than Hisoka right?But he already has nen and I don't yet.


Mission accomplished:Train till 30th of December

Reward:Knowledge of the nen forms



Once a person has opened their Aura Nodes, they must learn to keep their aura from leaking away from their body. Ten (, Ten; "Envelop"/"Shroud") is the process of keeping the nodes open, but also having aura flow through and around the body rather than away from it. Once maintained, it creates a shroud around the user that feels similar to standing in a lukewarm, viscous fluid. Ten maintains youthful vigor and reduces one's aging, since the energy powering the body no longer leaks away; one can keep the body from breaking down and deter the aging process. Ten is the most basic defense against emotional Nen attacks, and it also offers limited protection against physical attacks, but hardly any when said attacks are enhanced with aura.


While Ten allows a user to keep aura from leaking away from their body, Zetsu (, Zetsu; "Suppress"/"Null") stops the flow of aura from their body altogether. By closing all of their Aura Nodes, the user is able to halt all outflow of their aura like water from a valve, making their presence much harder or even impossible to sense. Shutting off the nodes in their eyes prevents the user from being able to see aura, but, since they are no longer surrounded by their own aura, they become more sensitive to the aura of others. The enhancement in perception is such that Zetsu can counter In, although it is not advised to employ it this way. This technique is thus doubly useful when tracking another person, as not only it will make it easier to follow them, it will also prevent other users of Nen from noticing their pursuer. However, there are other ways to perceive a person hiding with Zetsu: aside from the five senses being effective, particularly perceptive individuals are capable of detecting the gaze of another person, although they might not manage to discern the position and number of onlookers. Furthermore, if Zetsu is utilized within a certain range from a Nen user, that Nen user might notice their presence disappearing, especially if the Zetsu user's aura is powerful. Despite the technique not affecting vision directly, activating Zetsu in front of someone else will give them the impression the user has turned transparent.

Zetsu can also be used to relieve fatigue, since it forces the body's external layer of aura to be fully contained within. However, for the same reason it can be dangerous due to it leaving the body defenseless against any aura attack. Even a weak attack enhanced with Nen could do massive damage. Since even the thin protection offered by Ten is gone, a Zetsu user is particularly susceptible also to hostile emotional attacks, resulting in their mind becoming as vulnerable as their body.


Ren (, Ren; "Refine"/"Enhance") focuses on outputting a larger amount of aura than Ten, projecting it outwards explosively. This amplifies the user's physical strength and durability and provides a large pool of aura for any advanced techniques or individual skills they decide to use, albeit at the cost of expending said aura. One can train their Ren to extend its duration and increase the amount of aura at their disposal. It is said it takes one month to prolong one's Ren outside of combat by 10 minutes. If Ten is considered purely defensive, Ren can be regarded as its offensive counterpart, although it also grants the user vastly enhanced defensive abilities. With the right timing, Ten can be used to contain the aura produced with Ren.

By tingeing one's Ren with hostility, a Nen user can exert what is colloquially referred to as "bloodlust". A prolonged emission of malicious Ren can induce uncontrollable dread in those who cannot use Nen, paralysis and if contrasted without Ten, even death. On the other hand, a neutral Ren can rarely be felt by non-users.


Hatsu (, Hatsu; "Release"/"Act") is one's personal expression of Nen. Its qualities are influenced by but not restricted to the Nen user's natural Nen category, one of the six available. Hatsu is used to project one's aura to carry out a certain function, creating a special and unique paranormal ability that is colloquially referred to as a "Nen ability" (, Nen nōryoku), or simply "ability" (, nōryoku).


Gyo (, Gyō; "Focus") is an advanced application of Ren by which a Nen user concentrates a larger than normal portion of their aura into one specific body part. It increases the strength of that one body part, but leaves the rest of the body more vulnerable. Gyo is most often used in the eyes, allowing a Nen user to see aura and Nen constructs concealed with In as well as traces of aura so faint that they might go unnoticed otherwise.


In (, In; "Conceal") is an advanced form of Zetsu used to render one's aura imperceptible, effectively concealing it. Unlike Zetsu, however, In does not stop the user's aura flow; instead, it hides it, making it impossible to perceive with any of the five senses or extrasensorial perception. Hence, this technique is perfect for launching sneak attacks or laying traps, as it can conceal not only the user's presence, but also Nen constructs generated with Transmutation, or Conjuration.

In can be countered by using Gyo in the eyes or through Zetsu.


En (, En; "Circle") is an advanced application of Ten and Ren. In Ren, aura usually envelops only a small amount of space around the user's body. En is when one extends their Ren so that their aura extends further than normal, then uses Ten at the same time to contain and give shape to that aura, normally a sphere. The minimum requirement is to extend one's aura to a radius of more than 2 meters (6.56168 feet) and hold it longer than 1 minute. Someone using En can feel the shape and movement of anything within the area covered by their aura, with the degree of awareness and finesse depending on their level of skill. Nen users can be told apart from regular people due to their stronger reaction to the En user's aura.


Shu (, Shū; "Enfold") is an advanced application of Ten. Shu allows a user of Nen to enshroud an object with their aura, allowing them to use that object as an extension of their own body. For example, one could use Shu to extend their Ten around a weapon, which would strengthen and protect it. Shu can be combined with other techniques, such as Ko.


Ko (, Kō; "Temper") is a combination of Ten, Zetsu, Hatsu, Ren, and Gyo in which all of the user's aura is concentrated into one particular body part. Gyo is utilized to focus aura on a part of the body, while Ten is used to prevent it from dispersing. Zetsu is used to completely stop the flow of Nen in all other parts of the body, increasing the output in the desired area. With Ren, the amount of aura is increased even further. This makes that one body part extremely powerful, but at the cost of leaving the rest of the user's body completely unprotected. Due to the risk it carries, Ko is regarded as a purely offensive technique. An incomplete version of this technique can be utilized without Ren, primarily to master the other steps before increasing the amount of aura to concentrate and contain. Some Nen users, Enhancers in particular, employ Ko as a Nen ability by adding conditions to it.


Ken (, Ken; "Fortify") is the advanced version of the basic Ren and Ten techniques. It is a primarily defensive technique where a Nen user maintains a state of Ren for a prolonged amount of time. The amount of aura surrounding the user's body during Ken is about 10 times higher than during Ten. Ken allows a Nen user to guard against attacks from any direction, but the large amount of aura produced makes it tiring to maintain. It is considered the best option to defend from Ko, despite not being as powerful as the latter on any given part of the body, as it protects all of it evenly. When not immediately at risk of being struck with Ko, Ken is utilized when one wants to be cautious. Some Nen users choose to expand its radius so as to sense incoming attacks they are unable to see, as a miniature En of sorts. Sometimes Ken is colloquially called Ren owing to the similarities between the two techniques.


Ryu (, Ryū; "Flow") is the term for use of Gyo from a state of Ken to perform real-time offensive and defensive value adjustments. If Ko devolves 100% of one's aura to offense or, much more rarely, to defense, and Ken splits it evenly between the two, Ryu is redistributing one's aura according to any other percentage, for example by focusing 70% of one's aura in one fist as one is about to strike, or 80% in one's leg to block an incoming kick. It is utilized to damage a Ken user without leaving oneself as unprotected as during Ko, although the power of the technique is lower. Ryu is difficult to master, as it requires not only to control one's aura flow with great precision, but also to be able to estimate the amount of aura utilized by the opponent at a glance. Even if the technique is performed correctly, the movements of the aura flow risk giving away the user's next move if they are too slow.


That was a lot of info!Then how about I go to the restaurant and apply for the exam?

Timeskip °•°●•○°°•°●•° - At the restaurant-

I ordered a medium-rare steak and got into the elevator. It stopped at the basement (the tunnel).I got my number from a green bean.I got the number 77.The other applicants looked at me strangely, but that was to be expected, I was like the only woman there.I noticed Tonpa was walking to me.He had his laxative lemonade in his left hand.He wanted to introduce himself, but didn't get to.I stole his can and drank all of it.


Host has consumed 200 grams tier 2 poison and gains 0.4 strength stat .


He looked confused but then grinned, thinking the laxative would soon affect me.But no.Of course, it didn't!I then took his whole bag too.I also crushed his left hand so he could never use it to hand others his laxative drinks . He screamedband cried in pain, some looked at him with pity, others laughed at him.He deserved it.I said in low tone: Don't ever give others your laxatives again or something else will be crushed, got it?He shivered and ran away as fast as he could.Hisoka then looked at me with stunning golden eyes, I was mesmerised. I mean how can somebody so horny and perverted be so handsome?He smirked.Kyaa! I then went over to him but the examiner interrupted me.Because I wanted to see him again in the next exam , I dropped out later.I drank the rest of Tonpas laxatives and gained another 2 strength stat pts.I meditated to open my aura nodes.Arter 7 days, all were opened. Then I used ten to stop my aura from leaking.I learned Zetsu,Ren , Gyo and so on.Now after 2 months it was time to do the water divination.

What nen-type will I have?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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