
Give Me a Chance (A Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Fanfiction)

Former bully, current classmate, definitely not future partner. Of all the people Night City has coughed up, David’s eyes landed on the one person who had brought him nothing but pain recently. Their relationship was incompatible—he knew that from the start. So why did he like the damn choom so much? The color blue never looked so attractive before…

BeesThatBoo · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

Call Me By Your Name

It had been a while since they've both talked, no communication via text or call—not even a short conversation in class. David stopped keeping track of the quiet days, not wanting to deal with another crisis—his lower half was sore as hell, and he tried his best to walk normally, masking his soreness with a tiresome face.

He grumbled under his breath, thighs and behind giving off an ache with every step. If he could go back in time, he would yell at himself to take it slow and to start things off small. That wasn't the case last night, and he greatly overestimated his body's potential, the soreness a painful reminder.

David knew the gay BD felt off—the scroller had a goddamn Mr. Studd installed, giving him a sexual advantage. Of course, when David tried the real thing with a certain smart penetration toy, he realized he was fucked—literally. Did he use lubricant? Yes… copious amounts, in fact. Yet looking back, it felt like it wasn't enough. He should've stuck with his fingers and called it a night, but that didn't satisfy him enough—didn't feel enough—and he wanted to experience being full again, just like in the braindance. Although the sensation was new to him, it felt comforting and uniquely good.

Getting into his seat felt like a mission, but he managed nonetheless, immediately equipping his old wreath. There was still five minutes before class officially started, but he didn't care. It's not like Katsuo was going to talk to him anytime soon.

Class went smoothly as ever, but about a few minutes before they could be dismissed, the AI instructor disclosed their annual midterm assignment. The class quietly viewed the available prompts they could write on, while the instructor added a few more important details to the requirements:

-minimum ten pages, all in the correct font and writing format

-of those ten pages, three must entail the Arasaka Corporation and their influence

-sources must be displayed in superscript citation form

David made an apprehensive face as he read the prerequisites. Ten pages? That was double what they had to do last year. He only hoped they would get extra time to complete this—

"You will all have one week to complete this assignment. This essay is crucial to your Literary Analysis grade. Are there any questions?" the AI stated.

No one said anything; the whole class stayed quiet as they still read their assignment. David quickly skimmed through his interface panel—where was the percentage score? A paper like this was going to do wonders if he aced it, not wanting to think about what would happen to his grade if he tanked horribly. Then he found it:

Literary Analysis midterm essays account for 40% of the pupil's grade.

Forty percent?! They even doubled that too?! Fuck! His anxiety spiked, leg beginning to bounce up and down on its own. At this rate he would have to cancel his plans with Doc if he wanted to finish it on time, hoping the ripperdoc would understand.

"Class dismissed."

Getting out of his seat was less of a struggle, and he quickly rang up Doc as he exited the classroom. "Hey Doc? There's something ya need to know…"

David made his way to the bathroom, relieved that the spot was vacant yet again.

"Yeah, I know… I don't like it either, choom, but this paper's a big deal…" He leaned against the elegant sink. "I dunno… I could sell some BD's in the meantime, but I doubt students are gonna buy some right now, with the essay and all…"

The bathroom door slid open, and David inclined his head slightly to the student that entered, instantly recognizing that blue hairstyle. But something told David that the rich boy wasn't here to take a piss.

In a quiet manner, David quickly finished up his conversation with Doc. "Yeah, I'll give 'em a heads up… 'Kay… Nova, see ya…" He hung up, now very aware of his classmate's presence, grateful that he waited instead of interrupting.

A small quiet moment passed between them before David said something first. "Hey, Katsuo." He turned his head towards him, noticing the rich boy seemed hesitant. Tense.

"Hey…" There was something about his tone of voice—he sounded… off?

David started talking, trying to figure out what the blue-haired boy was up to. "If you're lookin' to buy some BD's, I don't have any right now. Although I can request whichever you're looking for from my supplier and have them available in the next two—"

"I'm not here to buy XBD's, David," Katsuo cut in bluntly.

"Oh," David blinked, clearly confused. Why was he here then?

Katsuo straightened himself. "I just wanted to ask…" he began, but paused for a brief moment. "Are you free tomorrow?" He averted his gaze upon asking the question, hands resting in his pockets.

David's breath caught in his throat, eyebrows raised. Well this was unexpected… and strangely suspicious. His brain automatically assumed the best, thoughts quickly jumping to a single conclusion: was Katsuo asking him out? If so, why now? Especially with their monstrosity due next week.

Katsuo noticed David's quiet expression and he continued, emphasizing, "I was wondering if you'd wanna work on the essay together. At my place. After school…" David's brown eyes lit up, expanding. In his home too?!

He noticed a faint blush on the rich boy's face. This was all so sudden. "Uhh…" David stuttered out. But then he vaguely remembered Katsuo's father, Mr. Tanaka. "Won't your dad be mad—"

"My father won't be home until late at night. We can work together until then," Katsuo pointed out, easing David's nerves.

Upon hearing this, David wanted to ask the most obvious question, but something in the universe told him that wasn't a good idea, and he refrained from doing so, holding his tongue.

"I understand if you can't. I wouldn't wanna interfere with your work schedule," Katsuo quickly added. His blush greatly deepened, ears turning red as well.

"Umm—y-yeah, sure," David responded timidly, face feeling warm in kind. They both stood there quietly, the tension now slowly becoming awkward.

Katsuo cleared his throat, a hand going to scratch his right dermal cybernetics. "I'll see you tomorrow after school then," he said quietly, turning to the door, head slightly bowed.

David's eyebrows furrowed amusingly, and he smiled as he watched Katsuo leave, still surprised by the sudden invitation. Before he left as well, he turned to the sink and splashed cold water on his face, waking himself. Wait till Doc hears this… he thought as he dried his face with a sanitized paper towel.


Katsuo couldn't contain the smile wanting to creep up to his lips, and he covertly covered his mouth with his hand, passing it off as a cough, not wanting to look like an idiot smiling at nothing.

Before he left the bathroom, he quickly glanced at his reflection, instantly noticing his very flushed face. Why was he so nervous? He had mentally prepared himself to go up to David, and seeing the choom head to the bathroom was the perfect opportunity. Despite hyping himself up for just one simple question, he still ended up feeling very self-conscious, almost botching the whole thing in the process. It felt awkward, almost as if he were asking a girl out on a date—

Wait… Oh no. It didn't sound like that, right? Katsuo didn't even realize, and he cursed under his breath. He didn't mean to phrase it like that—he just wanted to ask David if he wanted to work together. Was that too much to ask? Apparently so, with his body language giving him tingly vibes. A warm feeling began sprouting in his stomach, that same smile still wanting to break free.

Even Shira noticed his happy mood when he arrived home. "Mr. Tanaka," she greeted, bowing down. "You seem to be in good spirits today. Class went well, I take it?"

He sat down on one of the kitchen island stools, fingers tapping nervously on the smooth surface. "One could say that," he said, giving a small smile.

"Green or oolong today?" she asked, making her way to the tea station in the kitchen.

"I'm feeling oolong," Katsuo replied thoughtfully. He watched as Shira used fresh tea leaves, hands quickly and expertly preparing the drink. "It'll help me get started with the ten-page midterm we got assigned."

Her eyes widened a bit in surprise. "Oh my… That sounds excessive," she commented as she poured the tea into its proper cup. "But I know you'll manage, Mr. Tanaka. You always perform well when it comes to writing." She handed him the cup, the aroma fresh and hot.

"Thank you, Shira," Katsuo said, taking a sip.

"If you'd like, I can get in contact with some private tutors—best in the city—should you need the help," she added.

Katsuo took another sip. "Actually, I'm gonna work on it with one of my classmates. He's coming over tomorrow. Thank you for the advice, though."

"Friend of yours?" Shira asked, curious. She'd seen him invite several different classmates in the past, most of them being that lanky short kid and the big tall fellow. Sometimes the French girl. But they never visited solely for the purpose of schoolwork or studying. No, this was something new.

Katsuo paused before answering, sipping his tea in silence. David wasn't… his friend, per say. Katsuo didn't see him as one—it's not like they conversed or engaged closely, not counting their little meetup some weeks ago.

Staring at his cup, Katsuo pondered. "Not really," he replied in a quiet tone. "Just a classmate. One of the top students in our class, too." He didn't need to lie. David—despite being poor and not having the privileges almost every Arasaka Academy student had—was very smart and intelligent.

Shira smiled at him. "No doubt you two will ace this, then. With both of you working together, you should be able to finish it before next week," she said.

Before next week…? Katsuo thought. Ten pages, one week. He mentally laid out his plan: two pages per day, with revising and editing left for the weekend. It sounded manageable. There was definitely going to be a lot of reading between certain shards, scrolls, and any important articles they might find on the Net, but it was doable.

"Dinner will be ready in an hour," Shira reminded him, smiling. "I've prepared your favorite."

Katsuo thanked her before heading to his room. In his study area, he quickly logged into his computer and accessed the Net. Looking at the time displayed on the bottom corner of the screen, he hoped to get at least two pages done before calling it a night.


David gave out a small huff of breath, biting his lip as he slowly inserted the toy inside him. Come on, he thought impatiently. He wasn't using the smart penetrator from the other night—that one would have to wait until much later. Right now, he was using a standard dildo from the vending machine in his apartment. Despite its smaller size and girth, he was still having trouble fully inserting it all the way.

"Son of a…" he breathed out in an annoyed tone. The bottle of lube was next to him on the bed, and David was about to reach for it until he stopped, groaning in frustration. He'd already applied sufficient lube, not wondering why he would even need more. If he kept this up, he would need a new bottle before he fully inserted the damn toy. "Come on…"

Maybe he was tense? He tried relaxing, or so they say, and it really didn't help. He shifted his body. Maybe it was the position? His back was flat on the bed, legs splayed out, cock hard and heavy against his stomach.

He mentally told himself he wouldn't touch his dick until he could at least insert the toy halfway. Assuming a different position, like the one from the BD, he slowly positioned the toy, feeling the tip of it enter him. This part was always easy. It was the rest of the toy that he had a hard time with.

His hand began to slowly push forward, while the other was under his pillow, forehead beading sweat from frustration rather than sex.

David held his breath as a little more pushed through, stopping so that he could get used to the feeling. Ok, progress… he thought positively, inching the toy a little more. Come on, come on—

Incoming Call: Katsuo


Katsuo: Yo

David accidentally accepted the call, completely stopping his ministrations, face plopping onto the pillow.

David: H-hey…

The toy was still somewhat inside him, and he gritted his teeth, trying hard not to make any unwarranted noise.

Katsuo: Am I interrupting?

David bit his lip, suppressing a whine that wanted to escape his throat.

David: K-kinda doing a workout, but it's fine… What's up?

It was a good excuse. A passable one, too, and David tried to mask his voice.

Katsuo: Do you own a laptop? Or some kind of tablet…?

David made a deadpan face.

David: … No… Should've been obvious from the start, choom…

There was a pause before Katsuo continued.

Katsuo: It's ok… I'll let you borrow one of my own.

The rich boy owned more than one of those devices? Didn't surprise David to the slightest. Life must be nice when money isn't a constant issue.

David: [sigh] Is all this really necessary, Katsuo…?

Katsuo: What do you mean…?

David hesitated before answering.

David: Wanting to work on this assignment… with me… of all people…

Katsuo blinked, taken aback by the statement.

Katsuo: You don't want to…?

David noticed his classmate's voice had quieted.

David: I didn't say that, choom. And I don't mind, either… Just surprised, is all…

He gently pushed the toy back in, letting out a soft breath. His eyelids fluttered closed as he felt the dildo go in further, pressing against his sweet spot. Why was it going in all of a sudden?

Katsuo stared at his high ceiling as he lay down on his bed, hands resting behind his head, eyes not focusing on anything in particular. They were still in the holocall, but he didn't want to hang up just yet.

David: Can't we just work together online? I don't see why I have to come over to your place… And no offense, choom, but I'm kinda nervous…

Katsuo rolled his eyes. Not this again.

Katsuo: You won't be seeing my father, you gonk…

David: Ok, well what about your mother? Or any other family members livin' with you? Pretty sure they're pissed I broke your nose and—y'know…

Katsuo audibly sighed, and he rubbed his face.

Katsuo: If it makes you feel better, my mother isn't living with us right now. The only other person who stays at our home is our housekeeper… and occasionally security or bodyguards, but you don't have to worry about them…

Katsuo let out a breath through his nose, thinking back to when their fight happened.

Katsuo: Besides, I'd like to think we've come a long way since that day, David…

David stilled, not saying anything, although he did somewhat agree to Katsuo's statement.

The blue-haired boy noticed the silence, and he shifted nervously on his bed.

Katsuo: Look, if you don't wanna come, it's fine… I'm not gonna hold a grudge against you or anything—

David: Jeez, choom… No need to get all sentimental…

Katsuo scoffed.

Katsuo: I'm not!

It sounded pretty defensive, and David giggled.

David: Yeah, yeah. Relax, I'll come over…

Katsuo muted his end for a brief moment, letting out a sigh of relief. Another small moment passed between them before David changed the subject.

David: You finish the homework, too? I thought it was too much—

Katsuo: We have homework?!

David: Yeah…?

Katsuo: Shit!

He quickly got up from his bed and went over to his study area again.

David: Better get to it, choom, if ya wanna get any beauty sleep tonight…

Katsuo: Goodnight…

David: Buenas noches

Call Ended

David mused, grinning. That went better than he thought. He changed positions on his bed, going back to laying on his back. The toy shifted inside him as he did, and he squirmed, letting out a soft noise. When he reached down to retrieve it, he noticed it wasn't sticking out anymore—the base was flush against his ass, the dildo fully inside. When did that happen? Did talking to Katsuo ease his lower body?

David slowly slid out the toy, only to push it back in, mind only thinking about the blue-haired boy as he fucked himself slowly.

“I caught it bad yesterday

You hit me with a call to your place

Ain’t been out in a while anyway

Was hoping I could catch you throwing smiles in my face”

MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name) - Lil Nas X

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