

As flocks of women poured into the club, Hiroto and the others all lined up side by side.

"Welcome to our establishment. We are the hosts that will be accompanying you beautiful young woman for the night. Please, let us know if there is anything you would need." Hiroto said elegantly, as he and the others bowed forward.


"Oh wow! He's so handsome!"

"Let's take him!"

"Yeah! Have him pour some drinks for us!"

Hiroto had a bad feeling about what's to come and quickly said, "Uhm, please, ladies. How about we go over to a booth, there are limited seats so I will not be able to accompany everyone.

"Oi, you heard what he said, right? So move out of the way ugly."

"HUH? What did you say, hag?"

"You girls aren't even close to my level, you think you can have him to yourself?"

"Pft, aren't you over 40? You think he would want to be with an old hag like you?"

"You damn vixen!"

On the side, Shinpachi whispered to Gin, "Hey, Gin. Are they ignoring us? Don't they see that we're also here?"

Gin replied, "Shinpachi, if there is anything you need to learn from this experience, it's that whenever you go out at night with Hiro, expect yourself to be the 7th or 8th wheel."

Hiroto appeared from the side and asked, "Say, I know I didn't say anything yet, but what have you guys decided to do about Sadaharu?"

"Well." Gin scratched his head and said, "We were going to look for people who would be willing to adopt him. And girls are suckers for cute dogs, so maybe we can get them to adopt him."

"Yeah, for normal sized dogs! Do you see the size of him?" Shinpachi retorted.

"Hm? What about dogs?" Kagura appeared besides them and asked.

"Ah! Nothing!" Shinpachi quickly reacted. "We were just saying how dogs make for cute pets!"

"That's right!" Kagura responded, hugging Sadaharu's neck. "Sadaharu is the cutest dog in the world!"

"Woof!" Sadaharu barked.

��Oi, Hiro. Aren't you going to do something about those girls fighting over there?" Gin pointed to the side, seeing the girls wearing boxing gear around a makeshift ring from tables and chairs.

"Bah, it's fine." Hiroto shrugged it off. "They're having fun, aren't they?"

Shinpachi and Gin looked at the situation closer, seeing the girls fight each other with such great ferocity, even having an announcer from the side set up in a makeshift box, with people shouting around them, holding bets.

"Well, whatever, we're still going to get paid in the end." Gin said, "Besides, we can probably ask for one of the girls to adopt Sadaharu as well."

"Adopt Sadaharu?" Kagura's voice came from the side, as Gin and Shinpachi froze in their spot.

Hiroto shook his head and said, "You should've been quieter, idiot."

"Gin." Kagura said, looking up to Gin. "Are you going to give Sadaharu away?"

"Ah, Kagura. It's not like that. We were just thinking that Sadaharu might not like living with us. We don't have much money to feed such a big dog and all." Gin quickly responded, waving his hands around.

"No one is taking Sadaharu away!" Kagura shouted, punching Gin.


"Aghhhh!" Gin shouted, as he flew across the hall and crashed into a booth.

Kagura then spoke up, rubbing Sadaharu's fur, "I used to have a pet long ago. Sadaharu No. 1."

'Eh? Sadaharu No. 1? So Sadaharu wasn't a made up name?' Hiroto thought.

"Sadaharu No. 1 was super cute and I loved him so much." Kagura continued. "I kept Sadaharu No. 1 outside, but one night, I really, really wanted to sleep with him, so I snuggled with him under the covers without telling my parents."

Sadaharu tried to bite Kagura, who just casually stopped him with one hand while continuing, "I had a nightmare and thrashed around all night. It was a terrible nightmare, and when I woke up… Sadaharu was lying there stiff." Kagura wiped a tear from her face.

Gin, Shinpachi and Hiroto just stared at Kagura, thinking to themselves, 'Should I be laughing or crying?'

"After that, I swore I'd never get close to animals. I'm not good at controlling my strength, and I only end up hurting them. But maybe this Sadaharu and I will make a good pair." Kagura said, petting Sadahaur's nose.

Hiroto stretched his back and walked past Kagura, patting her head and saying, "Do whatever you want. If it makes you happy, then having him around is fine by me. Just make sure to clean up after him." Hiroto went to the boxing ring.

Gin sighed in defeat and said, "Fine. He can stay."

"Yay!" Kagura shouted in joy, hugging Sadaharu's neck. Gin and Shinpachi approached Sadaharu.

Shinpachi said, "Well, I guess he is cute."


"Guah" Both Shinpachi and Gin's heads were inside Sadaharu's mouth.

Hiroto turned to look at them and said, "Maybe he could eat robbers, well, not that we have anything for them to steal in the first place. Now, how am I supposed to find this mole?"

"Hiroto!" A man's voice came from behind him. Turning around, Hiroto saw the same nervous man from the changing room.

"Ah, its you. Side character #6" Hiroto responded.

"Who's side character #6! My name is Roku!" The man, Roku, said.

Hiroto thought to himself, '... Roku means 6.'

"Ahem, so, what do you want?" Hiroto asked him.

Roku gestured to Hiroto to follow him, leading the two to a side room. Entering, Hiroto looked around and saw the room to be mostly empty, with some old chairs in the corners of the room.


The door to the room was locked. Hiroto turned and saw someone, or rather, something, smiling at him. "So, I'm going to give you a choice. You can either leave the establishment right now and not speak a word of this to anyone. Or, I'm going to make your life a living hell."

Hiroto's eyebrow raised, as he said, "Oh? And how do you plan on doing that?"

Coming out of the shadows, the figure emerged. It was a humanoid mole, standing in front of Hiroto. "If you don't I'll get my boss and his men to go and destroy your place."

Hiroto stayed still, thinking to himself, 'It's an actual, fucking mole. An Amanto at that.'

Unmoved, Hiroto walked up to the man.

"Wh-What are you doing? Just so you know, if I don't leave this room in less than 5 minutes, the boss will know something happened to me!" Roku nervously said.

Hiroto stood face to face with the man and slowly said in a chilling tone, "Listen here. You won't do any of that. First, I have to thank you. I wasn't sure how I was supposed to find the mole in the first place, but now you just presented yourself to me, it makes my life a lot easier."

Hiroto continued, ignoring the sweat that formed on the mole's neck. "Secondly, your boss isn't going to do anything, because I already know you don't have one. You're bluffing, I can just tell from how you present yourself."

"N-No! I'm not bluffing." The mole retorted.

"Oh please," Hiroto said, relaxing his body and dragging the man by his collar to the locked door. "I just remembered who you are. You're the owner of that host club that shut down a week before. It took me a while to recognize you since I was so drunk with Gin that night."

The mole's face paled, as he watched Hiroto kick the door open, dragging him along the ground by the back of his collar. "W-Wait! I can pay you!"

"Nah, I'm good." Hiroto casually said, "Also, next time you want to harass those around me, you should probably do some more research. Do you actually think we have things of value in there? Hahaha."

Coming out of the room, Hiroto quickly grabbed the man that led him there by his collar, dragging him and the mole away.

Arriving at the front of the club, Hiroto threw the man and the mole down towards Honjo's feet. "Well, here you go. One order of mole, on the house, with a side dish of mole."

"Roku?" Honjo said. "Why? Why did you try to sabotage the club?"

"It's because you took all of my guests away!" Roku cried out. "Once people stopped coming, I couldn't pay my hosts, so they all started to leave, leaving me with nothing!"

Honjo shook his head and said towards Hiroto, "Thank you. Here, take this."

Hiroto took the envelope of money and walked away, not giving Roku another glance.

Gin approached Hiroto and asked, "What was that about?"

"Ah, just some host club owner trying to cause trouble," Hiroto responded. "At least it's over now. Look, I even got paid, we can splurge on food tonight."

Gin grinned and wrapped an arm around Hiroto's shoulder, saying, "Yeah, let's drink the night away once this is all over. Besides, you still have another hurdle to overcome."

"Huh? A hurdle? Like what?" Hiroto asked.

"HIROTO!!!" A group of women screamed out, charging towards Hiroto.

"Oh no, I'm out of here," Hiroto said, turning around.

"Not so fast!" Gin smiled, tripping Hiroto over. "You've got to entertain the guests. That way, I won't have to do anything and still get paid."

"Traitor!!" Hiroto screamed out, as he was dragged away, never to be seen again.

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