
Gilgamesh Untold

As time passes, and Ages come and go, history holds firm as the reminder of humanity's story. Stories are passed down, immortalized, and never forgotten. One such story has stood the test of time, and is considered the very first, oldest story ever told... 'Though this history shall soon be forgotten, the Epic of Gilgamesh shall live on forever in my memory, as a sign of who I once was and the sacrifices I had to make.' 'I have learned many things, and have seen even more. I have lived fulfilling lives and accomplished great things. That story has long ended, but my story still remains unwritten!' 'So now, I write my own story! A story of the things unknown to all! The story of Gilgamesh, untold!' *Inspired by the Ancient Mesopotamian 'Epic of Gilgamesh,' and Based off of the work of iKissTurtles (Who I am working with to publish this fantastic take on the age-old character).*

iKissTurtles · ファンタジー
176 Chs

Knowledge of the Omniscient Author


"You think the Divine Ones would stoop to your level by scheming?"

Gilgamesh yawned, "Of course you would. That's what you're doing isn't it?"

After he said that, he looked around at the Divine Ones that were before him and nodded slowly, "Just four of you, huh. I guess the others don't share your views. You made it sound like there was complete unity between all the Divine Ones, but I guess not."

"That's just because the others detached themselves from this minor universe a long time ago." The Old Power said.

"Yes, they did not want to waste their time here any longer. However, if you do not relinquish your connection to that power, they will learn of this and shall turn against you as well."

"Oh? Will they now? If that's the case, and they really were wary of me deciding not to destroy this power, they would have stuck around like the four of you did, wouldn't they?"

"Please," Gilgamesh looked at the four Divine Ones with disdain.

"If you must lie, then at least try to lie well. Okay?"

The four Divine Ones were all silent. Finally, Truth's Mind spoke up.

"How did you find out?"

"I started to have my suspicions from the moment you brought up wanting me to do something in return. I'm a bit of a cynic, so I'm wary even of beings like you four. From that point on, everything you had done for me felt like you were trying to overwhelm me with benefits to make me overlook something."

"I admit, my desire for vengeance and my arrogance have blinded me to a few things in the past, but that was not the only reason you thought you could trick me. You also pointed out that, of all the fateless, I was the most ignorant of my situation, as I wished to get my fate back."

"Meaning, you already knew that I did not truly understand just how great it is to be fateless. It means that I exist somewhere where I can benefit more from you Divine Ones, but it also means that I am in a position where it is even harder for you to act against me."

"Isn't that right?"

The four Divine Ones had no words to respond to Gilgamesh, because he was completely right. They had expected to be able to control him, but they realized that they had not been able to provide a big enough benefit to persuade him.

"As for that stupid reason about not destroying the power yourself, its because something prohibits you from destroying it completely, right? After all, if it was erased, then even if Anu was connected to its nature, that wouldn't have been enough to have him restore it."

"The power itself must have still existed, and simply chose to use Anu to help itself recover. It seems your only mistake was underestimating this new power of mine."

Gilgamesh's laughter was the sound of ridicule that irked the Divine Ones to no end. Yet, they could say nothing. When had he seen through them? Were they not the Divine Ones?

How could he look down on them like this? Where had they ever wronged him? Wasn't Gilgamesh supposed to be a person motivated solely by revenge? Had they not delivered to him the exact tools he would use to seek vengeance?

They felt like they no longer understood him!

"You already knew I was ignorant, and perhaps the only fateless one to be so ignorant. Truly a fortunate find! Perhaps a fateless is the only person that can destroy this power, but you knew that another fateless wouldn't be ignorant like I am, and would never choose to destroy this power."

"You tried and failed to take advantage of the fact that I was a fateless you could control. Isn't that right, you four Divine Fucks!?"

"You were so sure that I would dance to your tune. Did you perhaps think that you understood me? Did you not forget that I became fateless? I am no longer someone that you can see through, not so? That must be why you all despise fateless ones so much."

"I can understand. Imagine being unable to utilize the tools that would be most useful to you. Ah, that would piss me off! Haha! You poor fools!"

Realizing that they had been completely and utterly seen through, the four Divine Ones wasted no more time.

"We are the Divine Ones- just us four." the Obscure Spark started.

"We represent the Will of the Pious, and stand on the side of The Light. Remember this, little mortal. You have angered the Pious, and will be hated by every Heaven you have the misfortune of existing under. Even the ones within this collapsing little universe." It was the Old Power that said this.

"Enjoy your reign within this mystic realm. When you return to your true home, you will no longer possess our blessings."

"I hope you survive. I look forward to the day you become exempt from the rules, and I am allowed to tear you apart," Truth's Mind spat, finishing the Divine Ones' threat.

Gilgamesh waved their words off with a grin.

"I appreciate it, but never fear-- I won't die. As far as angering the 'Pious,' goes, I don't really care. I would have never submitted to the rule of a Heaven anyway."

"You have seen nothing yet, little mortal."

Gilgamesh smirked as the four Divine Ones vanished from sight, and then he sighed. "What the hell did I just get myself into. The Will of the Pious? Standing on the side of The Light? That sounds quite serious... heh, heh."

Once Gilgamesh was done lamenting his life choices, he properly inspected the new nature he had acquired by properly assimilating his fifth source of true energy.

Once again entering his sea of energy, he looked at the emergence of a sea filled with water that consisted of inky black words, and blank sheets of paper, all waiting to be written on. When Gilgamesh approached, and allowed the understanding of the power to come to him, he gleamed total understanding of it.

He immediately began cold sweating, and an expression of worry surfaced, making it appear as though he felt like he was in extreme danger.

"The Omniscient Author... I really have done it now."

He fell into deep thought for a moment. 'If the Divine Ones wanted this power destroyed, then does that mean that the others like them want the opposite? It seems I was truly lucky that I was underestimated.'

"Tch! This bittersweet taste. Just what is my life?"

Gilgamesh finally decided to stop thinking about it, and instead prepared to leave the empty space he was in. Once he ejected his consciousness, he saw that the giant brain had lost its glow. 

However, the lack of gravity around it still persisted, and he was able to propel himself upward by kicking off of the brain. While he was doing this, he also noticed that the system had vanished. He guessed that Truth's Mind had revoked it; it was never really his anyway.

After climbing back up through the hole, he saw that his companions were actually all restored, and sitting together.

When they saw him return, they all got to their feet.

"Good to have you all back," Gilgamesh smiled, but his eyes were trained on Ishtar. They all gathered as he recounted the details, and Marshall and Sylvia took the time to inspect the Beast's body, finding it quite interesting. They had never seen anything quite like it.

"By the way, did any of you see any strange visions or have dreams that you didn't quite understand?"

"Nope," Marshall answered.

"Not at all," Sylvia said, and Crimson concurred. Ishtar also shook her head, and so Gilgamesh figured that they had likely experienced the truest kind of death possible. Maybe that was why his spirit ended up returning to the world that he had come from.

'Wait... I don't have to guess anymore, do I?'

Gilgamesh immediately summoned and coated himself in his five types of true energy, then superimposed the combined energies in order to fuel the usage of his newest power.

"The Omniscient Author... Let's see what you can do."

Gilgamesh thought back to the vision he had seen, and quickly his mind was filled with images of the girl, 'Little Feather.' However, as he thought more and more about that world, he felt as though his body was beginning to shut down.

He also felt a strange sensation, almost like if something was violently shaking him. It was only after he decided to stop using the true energy of the Omniscient Author that he opened his eyes, and he realized just how much danger he had put himself in.

His eyes, ears, mouth and nose were bleeding; Ishtar and Sylvia had been crazily shaking him in an attempt to wake him. It appeared that his senses were cut off by him using that power, and he was unable to properly sense the damage he was doing to himself.

"I apologize for worrying you," Gilgamesh placed a hand on Ishtar and Sylvia's shoulders, thanking them with his eyes for worrying about him.

His first attempt at using his new power was not fruitless however. He learned that the little girl called Little Feather was actually named Ateah, and that he had been her one and only friend within the entire sect.

As for the sect, it was called the 'Forest-Gate Guardians' Society,' and was a third-rate sect within the Forest Nation. Aside from this, he also learned that his parents were killed when he was just a baby, and he was raised in the sect by a number of older outer disciples and a sect elder.

The last thing he learned was that, ever since he disappeared from this world, 5 years had passed.

After digesting his gains and also taking some time to heal himself with the Obscure Spark, he gathered himself and prepared to leave with the others.

Gilgamesh commanded the mirelings to take them through the channel that the beast had summoned them from, and so they were all carried through the channel and toward the surface.

While they were being transported by Gilgamesh's mirelings, they all engaged in conversation to help the time pass. Gilgamesh listened to their conversations with a smile, but his mind soon began to wander.

He thought about his next steps, and realized that there was no longer any reason for him to stay in this world. He could now take the fight to Anu, and finally put an end to that chapter of his life.

Once he was finished, he would use his power to reshape the minor universe, and restore his parents once all threats to their lives were eliminated. He almost could not wait to see them again.

Ishtar noticed how quiet he was being when she looked over to him, and so she used their spiritual link to speak with him.

"Are you alright, Gilgamesh?"

"Of course, Inanna. With you by my side, I can only ever be happy."

Ishtar smiled and blushed a little, "I'm glad, then."

"The truth is, I was thinking about my parents. I want to put an end to Anu's reign immediately, so I can spend as much time with them as possible before I leave this mystic realm."

Ishtar nodded, "I understand. But, do you think you're ready now?"

"I am. Anu stole my fate thinking it would ensure his escape, but by making me fateless he has made it possible for me to deny him of even the things he is fated to receive."

"I will destroy Heaven's Door, and eradicate Anu. There will be no mercy for anyone that chooses to get in my way."