

In this world of normal, there are things happening that not many people could see. A world where extraordinary things happened, a world where extraordinary people live and a world where the impossible becomes possible. You think you know everything but in the shadows Gifts and Chaos clash. Where Shadow creatures wrecking havoc in our land, where Chaos takes human forms and where people with extraordinary Gifts protect our world. Remember two things: That things aren't always what they seem and That everything happens for a reason. Chapters 1-10 are told in June's Pov and the rest will be a Third person Pov. Warning: This novel contains Graphic content, Sensitive topics, Violence and any other 18+ content related. You've been warned GENRE: Young-Adult, Teen Fiction, Supernatural, Contemporary Romance, Urban Fantasy, Science Fiction, Paranormal, Action, Superpowers. Thank you so much for reading!

harpdance26 · ファンタジー
112 Chs


Cameron was still beat red when he left the living area. He was taking breaths to calm himself down, as he walks to the front door.

When he reached the door, he took one final deep breath then opened the door, only to be startled by a flurry of bright pink that greeted him.

"Hi!" A bright, bubbly voice greeted

Cameron took a step back and saw a petite and vivacious girl, giving him a bright smile. She has pink hair that's tied into two pigtails and her whole attire made her look like she just came straight out from an anime.

Cameron quickly composed himself not wanting to be rude to the waiting girl.

"How may I help you?" Cameron asked with a polite smile.

"Oh, is this Lady Maria's Guild?" The girl asked

"Yes-" Cameron answered, but before he could say anything else the girl already began speaking.

"That great!" The girl fist pumped. "I'm here to officially join Lady Maria's guild, whose gonna make me a super star!" The girl said, handing Cameron her card info, with sparkling eyes.

It didn't immediately register to Cameron what the girl was saying but when it finally did he was completely stunned.

"Wait, let me get this straight. Did you just say you're wanting to join the Guild?" Cameron confirmed, making sure he heard it right.

"Yes" The girl answered bubbly "Oh, and it's not just me but them too" The girl said, pointing a finger behind her.

Cameron's brows furrowed in confusion, as he opened the door wider. Then his eyes started to look like it was about to pop out from their sockets.

Fifty or so Gifteds stood in front of the Guild mansion, all wanting to join the Guild? Cameron was astound that his jaw was left hanging.

For a long time, even before the recruitments for the Guild happened, Cameron already lost hope that Gifteds would be joining the Guild, and it was no different now. So when June and the rest came followed by Minerva, Shiro, and Nadet; It already made Cameron's heart burst. He was already contented with the new members that joined. He was already happy that at least this year would be different and that the Guild would be more of a real Guild. But now, seeing the Gifteds standing outside of the Guild Mansion, wanting to join the Guild, overwhelmed Cameron greatly. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Instead he returned to look at the girl in front of him, who by the way, is still smile brightly at him.

"What's your name?" Cameron asked, taking the info card from the girl.

"My name's Pan and this is Dora" The Girl introduced herself, then lifted her bag, introducing it as well.

"Well Pan and Dora welcome to the Guild" Cameron said with a big smile "Please proceed to the main hall"

"Thanks!" Pan squealed excitedly, then gave Cameron a wink before skipping her way to the Main hall. Cameron couldn't help but smile at her bubbly personality, but then he suddenly frowned.

"I might have let trouble into the guild" He said, referring to combined name of Pan and her bag Dora, being PanDora. But then his smile returned "Nah! A little trouble wouldn't hurt"

Cameron then turned back to the crowd of Gifteds and started welcoming them one by one while getting their info cards. The Gifteds excitedly entered the mansion, bringing with them their hopes and dreams (*Writer Speaking* Yup, It's starting to sound like a star search).


Lady Maria's Guild,

Living Area

"It's awfully getting noisy out there. What on earth did Cameron let into the house this time?" Maria said, standing up and started walking to the door.

"I think we better check it out too" Jordan said, jumping to his feet and started following Maria but when he notice the others were still sitting he said "What're you guys wait for, C'mon!"

The others were really curious as to what's happening as well, so they decided to also follow Maria to also check it out.

Exiting the living area, they were startled by the crowed that's gathered in the main hall.

"Whoa!" Andrew said in amazement when he saw the crowd of Gifteds.

"Well this bunch is very..... " Fleur said, not quite finding the exact words she was searching for, to describe the group of Gifteds in the main hall.

"Weird?" Jordan supplied only to be swatted in the arm by Fleur. "Aw! What was that for?" He protested as he rubs his sore arm.

"Couldn't you think of a better word for it." Fleur said in a scolding manner.

"How about Colorful?" June suggested, who couldn't help but smile.

"Colorful!" Fleur repeated exaggeratedly, showing Jordan her point.

Jordan just rolled his eyes at Fleur only to be swatted on the same spot on his arm again, making him let another cry "Awwww! What was that for? you won already." He protested once more, but kept trying so hard to keep his voice down.

"Oh, that was just for fun." Fleur said playfully, winking at him.

Jordan wanted to get his revenge so badly, if not for the fact that Fleur is a Girl. He could just stick out his tongue and pouted as he continues to rub the sore spot on his arm.

"What a colorful bunch indeed." Maria said with great interest, as her eyes scanned the crowd.

The crowd was definitely colorful. From an Anime girl to completely head to toe Victorian elegant-ness to tanned Hawaiian Surfer dude. The diversity of nationalities was vast as well.

"Hey isn't that the girl who helped us earlier?" Alisa said who was pleasantly surprised as she lightly nudged Andrew's arm, getting his attention. Andrew turned his head to where Alisa was pointing, and in the middle of the crowd, stood the girl who offered her help in healing Ji Soo.

"Yeah, it was her!" Andrew said, surprised as well as he nods his head.

The girl let her eyes wander around the main hall, mesmerized by its beauty. But when her head landed on Andrew and Alisa, she smiled and waved like she already knew them for a long time. Her beaming smile was so infectious that Andrew and Alisa smiled as well and waved back at her.

"Friend of yours?" June asked Andrew in a low voice.

"Long story, I'll tell you later" Andrew said but he was nodding.

"Gotcha" June nodded, just as Cameron approached Lady Maria, full of card looking things in hand.

"Lady Maria, these Gifteds would like to officially join the Guild" Cameron said, showing her all of the information cards that he collected.

Maria took the info cards, but her expression was hard to read, making Cameron gulp. He started getting worried that he got too excited and just let all of this Gifted in without consulting Lady Maria first.

Cameron took a step to the side as Lady Maria took a step forward.

"It truly gives joy to my heart that all of you have chosen to put your trust in my Guild in nurturing and helping each and everyone of you grow as a Gifted." Lady Maria said with a big smile, as everyone was focused on her. The eyes of every new recruit is sparkling with excitement and joy as they listen to what Lady Maria has to say. Spreading her arms wide, she said "I, with open arms, gladly welcome all of you to this family! May all of you grow, learn and live a fulfilled life!"

As the final words left Lady Maria's mouth, the room erupted in cheers. Both new and old members celebrated the special day, as the Guild is now finally waking up from it's long slumber. Everyone couldn't contain their excitements as some couldn't help but jump up and down, while for some shed tears joy. Emotions ran high in the front hall of the Guild, even Maria is getting emotional. Being reminded of the joys of being in her Guild and her "children".

Lady Maria then raised her hand, and the room quieted down, at least to the best that they can. "Now, Cameron will be assisting and assigning all of you to your dorm rooms. And tonight we will have a feast in welcoming our new family members!"

The room erupted in cheers once again, but Maria raised her hand again. "But before all that, I will now give you, your very first task. Which is to clean your assigned dorm rooms!"

With that, everybody groaned, making Maria laugh "This is for everyone's benefit since your dorm rooms are going to be your homes for a very long time long time. So everyone suck it up and get to cleaning"

"Yeah!" A girl in front shouted excitedly, with her fist in the air "If this is going to take me one step closer to becoming a superstar, then I'll clean the whole Guild if I have too!"

The room fell into an awkward silence, that crickets could be heard. Everyone's eyes was on the girl, but the girl still held her fist high up, looking very motivated.

"Atta Girl Pan!" Cameron said, breaking the silence. He really find Pan endearing. "C'mon guys, I'll show you guys to the dorm house" he said, as he started leading the way.

Pan eagerly followed Cameron but the other's were still feeling a little bit awkward. Cameron turned his head, with a frown, to see that the others were not following. "What're you guys waiting for?" Cameron shouted back, making the other new members, scramble to their feet, in rush to follow Cameron.

"Well that was interesting." Fleur said, her eyes sparkled with amusement.

"Indeed" Maria agreed, turning to them "All of you must be tired as well. Miyaka will be taking you to your rooms in a few, but as of now you lot can rest up to the rooms of those who already have one for the time being." She said, referring to the new arrivals from Crystal Mist.

"Alright, Let's go. I really want to take a long shower" June said, stretching his arms while walking to the hall leading to their rooms. But when he saw Andrew not following he asked "Not coming?"

"You guys head on first, Alisa and I will catch up" Andrew said

"Sure" June just said and started heading to his room. He really wanted to take a bath because that's the only time he could really relax and peacefully think about things, and he really needs to have some of those right now.

While the new members started heading to the Dorm house and June and the rest headed to their rooms, Alisa followed by Andrew detached from the group and approached the familiar girl. When The girl saw them approach, she stopped walking and gave them both a bright smile.

"Hi!" The Girl greeted very brightly

"Hi!" Alisa and Andrew greeted back. "We didn't get to thank you for your help earlier. If it wasn't for your help, things might have turned out even worse" Alisa said with a friendly smile.

"Oh, that was nothing!" The girl said modestly but she was slightly blushing, not really comfortable with being praised. "I'm Sharon by the way, but everyone calls me Shawi" the girl said, stretching out a hand as she introduced herself.

"Andrew" Andrew said, shaking Shawi's hand.

"Alisa, Nice to officially meet you" Alisa said with a big smile, as she shakes Shawi's hand.

"The pleasure is all mine " Shawi said, with a bigger friendly smile.

Shawi then noticed that most of the New Gifteds that she came with were already gone, which panicked her "I...I have to go and catch up with the other guys. I'm really sorry!" She said with an apologetic smile.

"No... No that cool!" Andrew said "We'll still be able to see each anytime"

"Right!" Alisa agreed

"Thanks, I'll see you guys later!" Shawi said, then wave her hand as she begins to walk to the direction where Cameron went.

"She really is a lovely person" Alisa said

"Yeah!" Andrew nodded in agreement as both of them also headed to their rooms.


June just stood motionlessly as he let the warm water just fall and stream down his body. The moment that he entered his room, he immediately headed to the bathroom. He removed his shirt, then took out the things that he brought with him and placed them carefully on the marble counter one by one. As he took out the pendant with the locket and his parent's rings, he smoothly ran his thumb on the locket and then the rings, letting out a sigh before putting them down. After removing all of his clothes, he stepped under the shower and let the warm water relax his body.

Time slowly passed as his mind wandered back to the letter that his mother left him and what she's telling him to do. He couldn't stop himself from worrying about his mother and what could be happening to her right now, but he also felt excited about going on this adventure to finally know more about his mysterious father. But then his mind wandered to the dream that he kept on having. He knew that something bad was definitely going to happened; when it is going to happened? he doesn't have an idea. He has this itching feeling in his gut that says his dreams has definitely something to do with what his mother is telling him to do. He kept trying to piece it all together; but try as he might, his brain is coming up with nothing.

He couldn't wait to go and to figure this all out as soon as possible, because another second that passes would mean another second of danger comes to everyone that he loves. But he also knew that what he is at the moment would not survive in the outside world, so he has to keep reminding himself to keep work through blood, sweat and tears as he always have.

He didn't know how much time passed, but when his mind was finally at ease, he let out a deep breath, then started soaping himself up. After he put on some shampoo, he started rinsing himself up then stepped outside the shower, as the water automatically turned off. He dried himself up with a towel then wrapped it around his waist as he walked to the closet. The closet automatically opened and June grabbed a pastel blue long sleeves shirt and black shorts with yellow lines on the sides.

After getting dressed, he walked over to the marble counter once again. He first picked up the pendant with the locket and his parent's rings, and put it around his neck then hid it under his shirt. After that, he then picked up the picture with the letter, the key-chain with the stuffed bear and the phone that was left for his mother to communicate with them.

As he walked out of the bathroom, when the door opened, he was surprised to see his brother sitting, cross legged on the couch, eyes closed. Andrew's hair was also damp, looking like he also just took a bath. He's wearing a white hoodie and blue shorts.

When Andrew heard the bathroom door opened, his eyes opened and turned his head to see his brother also starring at him.

"Hey, sorry I barged in here without knocking" Andrew said

"It's nothing. What's mine is yours, remember?" June said as he sat beside his brother.

"Yup, and what's mine is yours." Andrew said in return as a smile lifted from his mouth.

June couldn't help but ruffle Andrew's hair, which Andrew playfully swatted away, making them both laugh.

The bothers missed just hanging out with each other and for once not be on the constant lookout for danger. But both of them knew that this couldn't last forever.

After both of them calmed down, both took a deep breath then let it out at the same time. June quietly passed the picture of the Great wall to Andrew, facing the back so he could read the letter that was left for June. June remained quiet as Andrew read the letter silently.

After Andrew read the letter, Andrew already knew and understood what's currently happening with his and his brother's mother, from what the letter says. He knew that June is already very worried about their mom and didn't want to add to that worry by asking multiple obvious questions that either they already know the answer or have no idea at all. So instead he said, "Bro?"


"Can I ask you a favor?" Andrew asked which made June's brows furrow

June was already ready for a stream of some questions to come his way after Andrew read the letter, but he wasn't expecting Andrew to ask for a favor instead.

"What is it?" June asked, hearing out the request.

"Whatever happens, promise me you'll let me help you with this" Andrew said, "I don't know how hard it is not having a father growing up, because I had the privilege of having one. I know this is very important to you and I want to help. I want to give my everything in helping you find the answers that your looking for, just like you gave your everything in helping me." he said with all sincerity.

June's heart warmed when he heard Andrew's request but he said "You know mom and I are not asking you for anything in return right? We did everything because we wanted too; because I wanted to have a brother."

"I know. But me being you brother, I still would like to help you. Brothers help each other right?" Andrew said making sure that June heard his sincerity.

At that moment, a smile just couldn't help but appear in June's face. He heard the sincerity in his brother's voice and he knew than Andrew meant every last word he said.

"Why are you smiling? I'm serious!" Andrew protested, not sure what his brother thought worth smiling.

Andrew being super serious made June chuckle. "I know. but you know this isn't gonna be easy right?"

"Oh, I forgot you still haven't heard of my heroics in the Arena" Andrew smirked

"Oh, really?" June said with a brow lifted "I heard about rumors of it but please, do tell."

And with that, the brothers continued to chat and bond with each other until it was already time for the feast.


Chen, Nadet and Shiro were excited to show Ji Soo their new home. So they asked permission from Minjae if they could show Ji Soo the dorm house. Since Ji Soo is recovering pretty well and the excitement in their faces couldn't be contained, Minjae didn't had the heart to refuse. He told Ji Soo not to over exert himself and have plenty of rest, which Ji Soo agreed to immediately. So they put Ji Soo in a wheel chair and the four of them headed to the dorm house.

As they entered the house, they froze in their steps as they saw the house bustling with life. Gifteds could be seen everywhere. Some where running with cleaning materials in hand, while others where marveling at the interior design of the house.

"Whoa!" Ji Soo said breathlessly.

"I'm guessing this guys are our new Guild mates" Chen said, as he scanned the foyer.

"So that means, Lady Maria succeeded in recruiting some Gifteds." Nadet said

"With the strength that Lady Maria's Guild has shown in the Arena; this is bound to happened" Shiro said. Then suddenly a familiar girl entered his line of sight. He was shocked to see the girl again, that a flurry of emotions inside started to erupt.

The others didn't seemed to remember that girl but Shiro had his mind on the girl since the girl left after helping them. He was regretting that fact that he wasn't able to apologize for his rude behavior. He was wondering when will he get the chance to meet the girl again, but then suddenly she's right in front of him.

The girl was heading their way so Shiro was hoping that she would notice them, but the girl just rushed passed them and headed out of the dorm house. Shiro unexpectedly felt his heart squeeze a little that he doesn't even know what to make of it. He was deep in thought, when suddenly Nadet called his name, snapping him out of it.

"Shiro!" Nadet called out "You coming?"

He was about to answer but out of nowhere a crazy idea entered his mind. He didn't had time to think about it too much as he just started acting.

"I'll catch up with you guys later." Shiro told his friends as he turned around and headed out of the dorm house. He left so quickly that Chen, Nadet and Ji Soo didn't even got the chance to speak. The three of them just stood in place, dazed at what just happened.

Shiro got out of the dorm house with one crazy, insane, thing in mind; follow the girl!