
The Talk

River opened the door and saw a man and his mother talking, he did not even notice the car parked in the street, " I think he might be delusional, he's never-" said his mother before pausing seeing her son "you think in delusional" said River looking down "no, no, you weren't suppose to hear that" said his mother shocked "well I guess we must tell the boy" said the man sitting across the table from his mother "Cameron, I think it's best if you go home" said the man, Cameron nodded and walked away, River came up to the table and took a seat "your mothers told me a lot about you, I'm Mr. Haruki, who might you be" said the man smiling "I-I'm River" said River looking down "I have big news for you, when you turn 13 your going to go to a special school for a few years, it's for troubled children-" said Mr.Haruki be fore being interrupted "I'm not troubled!" Said River loudly "now now it's ok" said the man, River looked down and then got up "I don't care what you think I'm fine" said River before storming upstairs