
Gia Corp.

Jake, a 15 year old normal and slightly grumpy teenager with an abnormal fixation on (material high) a legal type of narcotic that gives you a 'high' while connected to neuro visual net (or N. V. N for short). Yes the worlds first cyber reality program. Where he meets a strange girl named "001" . Though he's never met her outside of N. V. N His life as a shut-in slowly begins to change as he continues his online meetings with 001. But not before getting worse. (Science fiction, romance, slice of life, action and erogé). Copyright 2014 | All rights reserved.

Amitabha_Vardha · SF
20 Chs

Chapter ten.

Exactly when it was that she started hanging out with our school's delinquents, was beyond me.

All I know is that after seeing her in town that day after so long, bad things started happening to me.

First it was only, small rumors then even bigger ones, they spread like wildfire, writing on my locker and desk and even meaner things that I dare not even discuss. It got so bad that one by one my friends stopped hanging out with me.

She, Ginger was a year older than me so I of course, had no idea that she was going to the same school I was.

I had just started high school after all.

Then one day an older girl came to me, I was at my locker and about to go home since school was over for the day. But she seemed nice, something that others at school had stopped being around me.


"Hey," she greeted me with a smile.

I glanced behind me to make sure she was talking to me.

"Uh, hi." I replied.

"You're Jake right?" She asked and I nodded. "Well one of my friends wants to talk to you but she's a little shy, so I came to get you for her, Come-on you're making her wait." She said taking hold of my hand and leading me.

I don't know but for some reason I was... I felt nervous, though at the time I just chalked it up to the prospect of being confessed to.

That's what I thought.

She brought be to the roof of the school where, three girls waited. But then, I saw her and all my feelings, of being rejected came back in their entirety.

But I approached her anyway, Ginger. There was so much I wanted to say to her to apologize for, to ask about.

But before I could get as single word out they started their assault. Something hard hit me in the back of my head and as I fell to the ground Ginger's smile grew.

I blacked out.

The next thing I knew my hands and feet were bound. My shirt had been cut with what I presume were scissors and my pants were pulled all the way down and I had already been violated.

It was getting dark.

And Ginger was the only one left.

I watched as she fixed her clothes and turn to me, "don't look at me like that!" She stated "I actually did you a favor."

She snapped a couple pictures of me, with her phone, "be here tomorrow or these will find themselves on everyone's phones. Ok?"

She tossed a pair of scissors and rolled up clothes on me. "Btw those are my gym clothes and I want you to wear them home, I hope you don't mind wearing a skirt." She laughed a little.

"Why?" I asked softly and then "WHY!!?!"

Her expression turned serious "you brought it on yourself." She stated then left.

Nausea, washed over me and I threw up.


Why did it come to this?


It happened a lot after that, almost everyday... Raped by girls, and almost every time it was with those girls. Ginger included...

I hated myself.


What's wrong with her? Right?


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