
Ghoul in DC

A young man in thrust into a dark gothic city and has to fight his way out! He will come across the darkest and the very peak of Humanity. Read about a Ghouls adventure in DC!

Rwn4 · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs


A/N: I'm not abandoning my JJK story but right now I'm super busy and am going to post an old chapter I wrote about a week or two ago when I was bored, Hope you enjoy!


Ken was walking home after an annoying day at school, not only did he have English, maths and history he also had lost some homework. He groaned as he thought back to his French teacher's face as he told her he didn't have the homework.

'What a bitch' he thought to himself as his phone suddenly vibrated in his pocket and he opened it to see a Snapchat notification. He unlocked his phone and opened Snapchat only to see Sophia had sent him a picture.

His eyes widened as he stopped walking in shock. He gulped slightly but decided to wait another 30 seconds before opening the image. He didn't want to seem desperate or anything, he also didn't want to open the message and have her bitmoji staring at him, that was always awkward.

He shakily opened the message after waiting, he had liked this girl for ages he couldn't screw it up. His mind went through countless possibilities as he opened the image, his mind lingered on it maybe being a selfie with a caption.

His shoulders suddenly dropped as he saw the image of a plain black screen with the caption 'Streaks'. His previous excited eyes were now staring at the screen.

"Seriously…streaks?" He took a deep breath and looked to the sky "we're…we're 16 and she's still sending streaks" he closed his eyes in resignation and sighed as he continued his walk.

Not before sending back an image back, after all this was a way to get his foot in the door. He shrugged before he continued to walk his way back home.

He opened the Shonen Jump app and selected Tokyo Ghoul: re. He had just finished Tokyo Ghoul and was honestly not sure where this was going. He started to read as he walked back home, still wondering if this Sasaki guy was Ken Kaneki or not.

If Ken Kaneki was dead he would probably stop reading because that guy was his favourite MC in a while and this new cast were kinda boring, well maybe he was just impatient he shook his head before swiping right once more.

Suddenly everything went black.


Ken woke slowly as he took a deep breath before opening his eyes as a terrible smell hit his nose. He jumped in shock as he met a pair of brown eyes above him.

He raised his legs before he kicked instinctively and felt zero resistance as he stared into the wide bloodshot eyes above him before jolting in shock at the feeling of the man falling atop of him.

He quickly pushed the man off him with no difficulty at all before trying to stand and get away from the weird guy. He stumbled on something slippery and as he looked to see what that was he fell back onto his arse.

Ken stared in horror and confusion at the most certainly now dead man whose intestines were now splayed on the dirty concrete floor with the man's blood spurting onto the floor. The man was now in two pieces with his legs looking like they were torn viscously with the flesh jagged and stringy.

The remaining torso the man had left had also looked as if someone had torn a hole in him with a football sized bullet. He just stared, still completely shocked while staring at the dead guy.

Oddly he felt his mouth water as he stared at the now dead man's entrails.

He stopped forward and bent down, he quickly wiped his fingers through the thick blood. He was about to tentatively lick the blood on his fingers.

A loud shout interrupted his train of thought and action before he stumbled to his feet and ran, quickly using speed no human should dare have, he burst from the filthy stinking alley and into a bigger but still empty street.

He didn't even look to find anything he recognised as just ran as he turned corners with quick agile precision and moved at a speed unattainable by a human. His eyes were wide with panic however his left eye sclera was black with his iris glowing a dull red.

He ran through the mostly empty streets of the dark gothic city he had found himself in, he looked around and could find no one; it was as if everyone had a curfew. Everyone's windows were blacked out and many were boarded and as he slowed down he slowly but surely got his mind back onto track.

He stopped running and went into a nearby well lit alley and assessed himself, he looked down to his black trousers which were now covered in blood upto his thigh. His eyebrows furrowed at that after all the blood shouldn't be that high.

His stomach growled with burning intensity as he clutched his stomach in sudden pain before he could think further of the blood on his trousers. He felt himself whimper as he fell to his knees in pure pain.

His stomach felt so empty.

He felt his knees splash into a nearby puddle as he dropped to the ground, he looked into the blurry reflection and stared at his hair that was white.

Looking closer in the murky waters reflection he couldn't see much other than the bright hair now on his head, he shook his head before lightly pulling at his hair and realised it wasn't coming off.

"My hairs meant to be black…what's going on…" he muttered to himself as he stared at the dirty puddle.

He took a deep breath as he balanced himself with his hands.

He turned to his right as he smelt food approaching, he saw 4 men and 1 woman all approaching him. Four of them had visible guns on them and the other one was holding a baseball bat. Ken almost groaned in pain once more while clutching his stomach and looking up at the swiftly approaching men.

"Hand over any valuables" the white older man at the front of the group said in a casual voice as he pointed his gun at the shocked teenager who looked at the dirty pistol pointing at him.

The man had brown greasy hair and a lazy eye but none of that was concerning the white haired teenager.

The teenager couldn't move, he was shocked. He was almost shaking in fear as his hands wanted to offer anything he had to the man but they weren't moving.

He could feel his breathing grow heavier and faster as he started at the barrel of the gun before it was suddenly pressed to his forehead and shot.

His head blew back with incredible force, he was still on his knees facing the 5 people who seemed far too casual about this.

His face was now facing the dark blurry sky as he heard a ringing in his ears that wouldn't stop. His vision was slowly focusing before the ringing slowly but surely receded.

The guy who shot the teenager was now searching the dead bodies pockets before grunting and turned back to his friends "He had nothing" he gruffly said to the crew who groaned in disappointment and they started to talk among themselves about the route they would take for the rest of the night.

As they were speaking about going through some risky territory the only woman on the team shakily pointed towards the teenager that they had shot less than a minute ago.

They turned quickly expecting to see Bats or someone similar before they stared in horror at the now standing teenager with his white hair gleaming in the moonlight.

Said teenager was staring at the floor while clutching his stomach and furiously muttering to himself. The crew wasted no time before lighting up the meta.

They had emptied their guns on the teenager as they watched him take the bullets without flinching, said teenager was still more worried about his hunger as he still clutched his stomach before subconsciously taking a step or two forward.

The crew's eyes were wide before they started to dash out of the alley. They had an escape plan they had made in case they came across a Meta or even the big Bats himself.

The plan included sticking together and making their way to one of the multiple abandoned buildings in the area they had claimed; they had the places full with homemade traps.

Can never be too safe in Gotham afterall.

Ken was still in the alley clutching his stomach now whimpering in pain "I…im-i…im hungry" he admitted to himself before he took another instinctive sniff of the air and smelling the sweet aroma of blood and flesh.

His eyes went wide as he slowly stood and leaned against a wall as he followed the scent out the alley only to see a group of five quickly speeding away from him.

"I'm hungry" he admitted once more "I'm hungry" he said once again to himself as he stared at the slabs of meat running away. He clutched his stomach once more before he stumbled forward and nearly tripped.

He quickly stabilised himself against a random wall of a house. The only thought going through his head was about how empty his stomach was.

In a sudden burst of speed he had suddenly caught up to the slowest of the group which was the skinny woman with thin blonde hair. He latched onto her back and clamped his jaw onto her neck and ripped flesh straight off the body that had now hit the floor in a

dull thud.

His teeth had slashed through her flesh with zero resistance as he tore the meat from the bone before swallowing the divine tasting flesh. He quickly stood while he savoured the taste of the flesh as his eyes rolled back in pleasure.

He ignored the choking of the woman below him before he looked to the group of 4 that had turned back to him in shock.

His eyes had widened further and his bloody mouth had settled into a grin as he stared at the shaking men.

"im-i..….I'M HUNGRY!!!" He suddenly screamed into the sky as he disappeared in a burst of speed.