
Ghost in MHA

Thriller Bark. The most crime-ridden street in all of Japan, with gangs and criminals roaming around in the shadows. Despite looking like an ordinary neighborhood from the outside, most people who live or work here are criminals. Kuragari was abandoned as a newborn child in a such place and was taken in by a criminal who saw him as a ticket to get rich. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QUIRK: Quirk will be a mixture of Horo Horo no Mi from one piece and Ajin from Ajin: demi-human. NO HAREM so don't ask. This story is dark. I mean, extremally dark. Even the devil would congratulate me for such work. There are rape, extreme gore, prostitutions, and many more. This is my first novel, well fan-fic. There might be many mistake and I hope you can point that out in the paragraph comments, chapter comment, and reviews. The Art and original series don't belong to me. If you own anything here and would like it removed I'll do it. Update Schedule: Unknown for now Have fun.

Maiku_Surudoi · アニメ·コミックス
29 Chs

Chapter 5 - Interrogation and Choice

"Let me out of here!!!" Ankoku shouted as he struggled to free himself from the chair he had been chained to, which was bolted to the ground. He was in an interrogation room with a table in front of him and two office chairs opposite him for the interviewer and for the observer. In the room, there is only one door, a light above the table, and a one-way mirror across from him.

He could see his reflection in the one-way mirror, and it wasn't something he liked to look at. It showed him how far he had fallen, something he didn't like at all. His now pale skin, covered in dried blood, dirty dark hair, messy facial hair, and ragged clothes.

The more he looked at himself, the more he wondered. When did it all happen? When did it start? He couldn't comprehend how a sane man, who does money heists for a living, turned into this crazed man.

He tried to think back. He tried to remember when he started changing, but he couldn't. It terrified him how much he transformed without noticing. The more he changed Kuragari, the more he, himself, changed.

Ankoku didn't want to stare at that man in the mirror anymore. It wasn't him. It was simply something the police put up to try to play with his mind. 'Right.' He thought, grinning. 'I am perfectly sane.'

He calmed down and stopped struggling, staring straight at the one-way mirror. "I know you guys are out there. Just come in here and interrogate me. Let's get this over with."

On the other side of the mirror, multiple law enforcement agents and some agents from the HPSC watched Ankoku. "He finally calmed down and is ready to speak." One of the men sighed.

Ankoku had woken up about one hour ago, and he had been screaming, yelling curses, and calling out to Kuragari. He never took a moment to rest and kept screaming, to the point they thought he would die of exhaustion.

"I will go in for the interrogation." Naomasa said, walking to the door. "I have already formed all the questions I need. Now, who will be coming with me to be the observer?"

"I will." A woman from HPSC spoke, walking to them. She said with a smile. She was a light-skinned young woman, no more than 25 years old, with long black hair, a slim build, brown eyes, and a face that screamed rookie. She wore a simple black business suit, with slacks and dress shoes. "I am Yoshiko Shiratori. I'm glad to finally meet you, detective Naomasa."

"Likewise," He held the door knob to the interrogation room while turning to her superior, asking, "Are you sure she is appropriate for this? What Ankoku did is too bad for the weak-minded."

"Let her go." Her superior said, waving. "She wants to be an interrogation officer, so this is a good chance for her to learn firsthand."

"But this?" Naomasa didn't understand his point. "Why don't she come with me when I interrogate the drug dealer tomorrow morning?"

"Trust me. I can handle this." Yoshiko said, grinning with excitement. "I have watched a lot of interrogation from behind this one-way mirror. I know how these things unfold."."

Naomasa sighed, "Just don't hit him." Without waiting for her response, he opened the door.

Ankoku turned to him, sighing. "I wish I had killed you back then. What is one more law enforcer's life to the tens I have killed? " He tried to shrug, but the restraint wouldn't even allow that much. He gave up, looking at Yoshiko, who closed the door behind her. "Hello, lady. What's your name?"

"We aren't here for any small talks." Naomasa cut Yoshiko from speaking, taking a seat on one of the two office chairs, with Yoshiko sitting on the other. "We already have enough evidence to sentence you to death. This interrogation is nothing but to hear your side of the story."

Yoshiko stared wide-eyed at the crazy man in front of her, surprised. It is the first time she has seen or heard of someone interrogating a criminal when they already have enough evidence to sentence the criminal to death. She couldn't help but think this would be interesting, holding back her grin.

"So, why should I speak?" Ankoku asked, staring at Naomasa. "It won't be any of my benefits for me to speak."

"You might earn a pardon." Naomasa himself chuckled at what just came out of his mouth. "That is very unlikely, but even so. The chances aren't 0."

The room was silent for a while before Ankoku turned to Yoshiko. "You seem eager to hear my story." He said with a smile, "Fine. I will tell you as a gift to this fine lady."

Yoshiko grinned at Naomasa, but he only sighed. "Go on." He told Ankoku.

"Well, let's start from the very beginning. The grand opening, when a drunk man met an abandoned baby." Ankoku smiled, reminiscing about the old times. "Took the child in, named it Kuragari due to its eyes, and became its father. Such a beautiful start, isn't it?" His question was rhetorical, but Naomasa answered, "Yes."

"Well, this man was me, obviously." Ankoku's smile disappeared. "I wanted money, so I thought of using the child. It was a fortunate chance. I could start my own prostitution business chain, starting with that beautiful thing."

Yoshiko shuddered, but it wasn't the scariest thing she had heard in her short years in HPSC. As for Naomasa, he remained silent as he stared at Ankoku.

"I didn't really plan on using it so early in its life. I was planning on waiting till it was at least six." Ankoku continued, "But then I met this lady at a masquerade ball. You see, she had just given birth and was suffering from postpartum depression.

"We spoke for a few minutes before I came up with the perfect plan." He grinned, "I let her vent her emotion on my beloved Kuragari. I admit I wasn't sure if the plan was right. I didn't want my future prostitute to die or be permanently disabled, but after she offered me 10,000 dollars, how could I refuse?" He chuckled.

"This woman's name was Lady Night!" He shouted, his face contorting in rage. "My first customer and the one who fucking sold me out." He started screaming curses, his anger growing before it just suddenly disappeared, and he became calm like it hadn't happened.

"On the first day, she was tame. She only suffocated Kuragari to the point it was about to die, then released it, repeating it for about an hour while I watched a movie." He chuckled, mumbling, "Crazy bitch." Clearing his throat, he continued, "Well, she left after that. Like I said. It was tame."

Yoshiko was about to say something, but a finger from Naomasa silenced her.

"She continued that for five days, sometimes spanking it. But one day, she brought a knife without me knowing. She was there to kill my beloved Kuragari, and she did. She stabbed its heart." He paused, "But Kuragari revived. It was amazing. Rising from the dead like that! In just a few seconds, it did what Jesus needed three days for! What god-sent quirk is that!?" His voice got louder as he spoke, "With its revival, it healed all of its wounds! It returned to its original form! Watching its quirk at work, it hit me.

"I could use it as much as I wanted. It could withstand torture, and all of its wounds would heal after a reset. You can cut off its limbs, and they will reform with a reset." Ankoku calmed down. "Well, that's what happened. I turned it into a job. People paid me to vent their rage, stress, fetish, etcetera on it. I got 17 million from that business in these three and a half years." He sighed, "If Lady Night didn't betray me, then I could have moved out of the country and lived a life of prosperity. But, this also came with a reward. Kuragari has unlocked more of its quirk."

With that, his story ended, and the room fell into silence. Naomasa was still calm, even after listening to such a story. It is as expected of an experienced detective.

As for Yoshiko, she, on the other hand, looked like she was doing her damndest to control her rage. Her teeth were clenched, veins bulging from her neck and forehead, with her fist clenched on the table. If she had a bit less self-control, she would have already flown over the table and beaten Ankoku tied to the chair.

"Do you know why Lady Night betrayed you?" Naomasa asked, his voice breaking the silence.

"Of course I do." Ankoku nodded, immediately adding, "But I won't be telling you. Giving you any more information would get her arrested. I can't let that happen."

"Why?" Naomasa inquired, "Are you someone that won't attack others even after they throw you under the bus?"

At Naomasa's question, he chuckled. "Trust me. I am not that benevolent." He became serious, staring into Naomasa's eyes. "I want to make her my next subject after I get out of this place. I want to bring that bitch to justice, and I won't let you guys get her before I do."

Naomasa smiled, "You are not leaving here."

"Yes, I am." Ankoku smirked, "Trust me. I won't die. Not yet, at least."

"You will be sentenced to death first thing tomorrow morning and executed in the afternoon." Naomasa stood up, his chair moving back. "I will personally make sure of that. Yoshiko, let's go."

"Yes, I am. I will fucking leave this place!" Ankoku shouted, "And after I leave, I will kill you and all of your family. No, they will become my fucking subjects!!!"

Naomasa didn't respond as he opened the door, angering Ankoku even more. "Get back here, fucker. I need to tell you all the shit I will do to your families!" He left the room, followed by Yoshiko, enraging Ankoku. "Get the fuck back here, mother fucker!! I will fucking kill you! I will rip out your fucking eyes and---"

His voice was cut off by Naomasa closing the door and turning to the others watching from the one-way mirror. "The interrogation turned out well."

"He is sick." One of the law enforcement agents said, squinting his eyes shut. "One of the sickest people I have ever met. He is deserving of the death penalty."

"Very well." An HPSC agent agreed, "But we have to discuss what to do with the kid."

"What has..." He paused, thinking of what pronoun to use. They haven't confirmed the child's gender yet, so that will have to wait. "What has Kuragari been doing these past hours?" Naomasa wondered, turning to the man.

"I will use them as its pronoun to avoid confusion since its voice sounds more feminine." The HPSC agent explained, before continuing, "Once she woke up, she looked around then became stiff on the chair." He paused, "As if waiting for something."

Naomasa remembered the electric chair in Ankoku's apartment, a sick prediction of the child's action crossing his mind. Pushing it away, he said, "Well, we need a meeting with the Public Safety Commission President and chief Tsuragamae to discuss what to do with the kid."

"I just got off the phone, and everything is already set at the main building." An HPSC agent spoke up, "They are just waiting for your input since you have more of an in-depth understanding of Ankoku and Kuragari."

Naomasa sighed at this, mumbling. "I will be on my way." He then turned to Yoshiko, who had been silent the whole time. "You will get used to hearing stories as dark as that."

"That isn't something anyone wants to get used to." The highest ranking HPSC agent said, walking away. "I pity you. You are only 21, yet you are already used to this. God bless."

- - - - - - - - - -

On the top floor of the HPSC main building was the board of directors meeting room. The room had no windows, with lights on the ceiling giving it a bright atmosphere, and was furnished with one U-shaped conference table, hosting a total of 15 chairs, six on each arm and three at the head.

In the front of the conference room were two smart boards, which were currently off. Although the table could accommodate 15 people, only three were occupied.

A middle-aged woman with a stoical and steely expression sat on the middle chair at the head of the table. She possesses a set of turquoise eyes and ash blonde hair slicked back, wearing a black suit jacket and dress along with a purple shirt and a necklace. She is the President of the Public Safety Commission.

The man sat on the right arm of the U-shaped table. He is a very tall, sturdy built man with the head of a beagle. He has a large, black nose and dark eyes. Although the rest of his body is human-shaped, his skin is the same tan color as most of his face.

He wears a suit consisting of a dress shirt and waistcoat. Over this he wears an unbuttoned black blazer and matching dress pants, with a belt with a large buckle and a black and white tie resembling a dalmatian's coat. This man is the chief of the Police force Kenji Tsuragamae.

The last person sitting across from Kenji is an 85 cm tall white animal that looks like a combination of a dog, a mouse, and a bear. He has the head of a mouse with circular black eyes, a large scar over the right one, an elongated muzzle with a small round nose, dog-like paws with pink pads, and a thin tail like that of a cat.

He sports a white dress shirt, a dark red tie around his neck, a black double-breasted waistcoat, and matching dress pants. He wears orange lace-up sneakers with thick soles that appear large on him. He is Nezu, a Pro Hero and the principal of U.A. High School.

"This is a rare combination." Nezu spoke with a smile, looking at the two other people. "What problem made you two to call me? I have been busy with the U.A.Sports Festival coming up."

"You will know in a moment." Kenji sighed, folding his arm. "Today has been a ruff day. Many of my men died because of that bloodhound."

"Tell me about it." The Commission President agreed, the oppening door drawing her attention.

Naomasa walked, surprised when he saw Nezu, but he didn't point it out. "How may I be of assistance?"

"First," The President said, "Explain to Nezu who the two criminals, Ankoku and Kuragari, are."

Naomasa quickly gave a brief explanation, not diving too deep into the story between them but telling him enough to know who they were, their relationship, and their crimes.

"The recording of the interrogation would be sent to you, president, and chief Tsuragamae." He then looked at Nezu, "I am sorry, Nezu, but you don't have the authority to the clip."

"No problem," Nezu replied in a grave tone, "So I assume I am here for my input on what to do with the child."

"Yes. Kuragari is a stray pup that grew up in a rough place." Kenji agrees with a nod, "Due to the age of criminal responsibility, Kuragari is deemed incapable of having committed a criminal offense and isn't responsible for their actions. Ankoku is fully responsible for all the crimes Kuragari committed as the one holding the leash. Kuragari's record will remain clean from everything that happened today."

"But Kuragari can't be let back into society." The President spoke up, clenching her hands together on the table. "The child is mentally unstable and a hazard to himself and everyone around him..." She paused, leaning back on her chair. "I say we do away with him."

The room became silent as all eyes turned to her, openly disgusted by her remark. "We have all gotten our hands dirty. It will be wise to uproot the weed while it is still small." The President added, not backing down from her request.

"Why don't you hand the child over to me?" Nezu spoke up, drawing their attention. "Kuragari could be put on the right path if taught well. The child is still young, barely five, so I am confident that it will work. Who knows, the child might even become a hero in the near future." He turned to Naomasa, "What is your opinion on my idea? Based on your interpretation of the child's mental health, can he be changed?"

Naomasa thought for a while before nodding, "Kuragari is still young, barely five. His behavior will definitely change if he is educated on the right path from this age to the future."

A broken glass cup will still have cracks no matter how well you put it back together." The President refused to agree with Nezu's idea. "Those cracks will lead to its contents spilling out, and the glass cup will collapse onto itself."

"But if you work diligently on the glass cup, using a few tricks, you can fix said cup. For example, using epoxy glue to glue the parts back together." Nezu countered, glaring at the President. "Although the glass won't be as beautiful as it once was, and its cracks will still be visible, it will get back to working order.

"I agree with you, Nezu. It is possible to train the pup to go down the right path." Kenji nodded, "But Ankoku is holding onto the leash placed on Kuragari tightly, and the child has become accustomed to it. If the leash is taken off, the child might wildly run around like a free beast or break down."

"I will do my finest to put Kuragari on the right path." Nezu smiled, clapping his paw. "So we agreed I will take in this child?"

"I don't agree with this plan one bit," The President rubbed the bridge of her nose, "But I will let you try your plan. Just know that Kuragari will be taken down---"

Just then, her phone, placed face down on the table in front of her, rang, cutting her off. Sighing, she turned it around to cut it off but saw the caller ID.

Standing up, she turned to the other three. "This will be quick." She left the room, closing the door behind her to pick up the call. "What is the problem?" she asked, speaking to the man on the other side.

Her eyes suddenly widened in horror, "You can't be serious." The person on the other side said some more before she hung up, pushing open the door to the meeting room.

The three men turned to her as Nezu asked, "What's wrong?"

"Ankoku and Kuragari..." She paused, "They have escaped."

Chapter End~~


Word Count: 3269

If you have been taking the clew, from a conversation about Enji's son, Shoto from last chapter and Naomasa's age, you will know that the main character is 4 years older than the main cast. So by the time the cannon story start, Kuragari will be 18, and 19 after the nine month of Midoriya's training. Just a head's up for those that are wondering how much older he is to the main cast.

Question of the chapter: Do you think it would have been possible to change Naomasa if Nezu had taken him in?