
Kai's Power Or The Last Piece...

Planet: Tarsonis


Place: Confederate ??? Academy

-0450 Before...Morning workout - youth gym - a few months later-

Kai hopped out of his bed, groggy, and exhausted. He strolled out of the room brushing against one of the guard's electric batons.

*Whap, whap, whap.* The guard hit Kai with his fists, sending him to the floor. His pupils dilated, while a vision of the guard played within his head.

He stood. Watching as an all-blue phantom guard walked down the hallway and out of the youth section. It turned into the central lobby then went up the elevator.

'Fuck, again.' Kai thought, continuing thru the hallway. He ignored his vision of the guard's phantom as it exited the elevator and entered his regular change room.

On the right were Clark, Byrce, Yasha, and the rest of their massive group. On the left...the much smaller, Caesar's and Rishul's groups.

'Again?' Asked Caesar.

'Yeah, again...I thought it'd be easy to find this floor's server room, but it's fucking hard.' Kai's thoughts. Prompted Kelly and Ingrid to sign in worry.

'I know you two wanna help, but leave it. Because you don't possess any ability which would.' A bit of his irritation leaked out. But the girls said nothing. Instead, they turned to Caesar. He was sitting with his back against a corner and his datapad's 3d rendering off.

'Kai, do you even know why you're looking for a...server room?' Thought Kelly, confused about what a server room was.

'No, I don't. But leave it alone Kelly, I promised him I'd find one. So I'll be doing it.' Thought Kai, removing his pajamas.

While removing her pajamas. Her eyes remained on Caesar, who had spent over a week, burying his face within his datapad.

'He should stop, his beatings are getting worse.' Thought Kelly towards Caesar...He ignored her to continue working. 'His beatings are getting worse!' Repeated Kelly.

Kai turned towards her, but his thoughts were cut short by Samir. Who walked into the change room asking. "Why do guys think they allow the boys and girls to change and shower so close to each other?"

He was trying to stop their growing argument, and the four of them knew it...everybody they talked to knew it.

"They want a few of the girls to get pregnant. Although they should have some of their eggs already,..kind of redundant. But I suppose it's understandable. Those girls are a walking, talking, psionic factory." Said Caesar, still within his corner.

His words silenced the room. Prompted the boys to glance towards the girls, then towards the surrounding walls and floor.

Kai turned to Kelly, who was shocked by the news. 'Shit like that's why I won't quit. I may not know why or what the room is or does. But I do know. He has a plan.'Thought Kai, strolling out of the door. He paused, looking at Ingrid, who seemed to zone out.

'You know. my dad once said plans fail if too many people find out.'

Their group paused, taking in Ingrid's words. Bryce and Yasha glanced towards them, noticing their abrupt stop.

'Lid it, the rodents are being nosy.' Thought Caesar. His eyes were now trained on Bryce.


Kai strolled out of class with his head down, lost in thought. The guards looked upon him but quickly glanced towards the many recruits surrounding him.

He took a seat amongst Caesar, Samir, Victoria, Ingrid, Kelly, and surprisingly Sarah. Once more, Caesar kept his head down and datapad hidden.

'Hey, Sarah. You're the only recruit that's been taken out of the youth center right?'Asked Kai. His question caused Caesar to lift his head curiously. 'You think...'

'Yeah, has to be. The guards are only allowed upstairs and when they're up it's only for the staff and change room. The preceptors can go almost anywhere, but the only tech they've come in contact with is within the observation deck...Kalen is the exception, he has never been up there. Hell, the janitors have seen more than him.' Thought Kai.

'Yeah, the preceptors and guards hand me off to these big-blue, armored, orange visored men every day. I think they're called marines most of the time they take me to Tom and the scientist, Other times I'm taken to these blue jumpsuit men, and every time I'm with them, there are always these computer guys near them.'

Caesar at Sarah's thought. 'Should I go?' Asked Sarah.


She could feel him signing as he looked back towards his datapad. Although she wondered what they were doing, she understood they couldn't risk trusting her.

'Don't tell me you're sending Kai to the isolation cells?'Asked Kelly, watching Sarah's back get further and further away.

'No. That place is under guard by the marines. He just needs to touch the computer engineers on their way to the observation deck. Oh and Victoria, I need your portion. I'm almost done.' Chimed Caesar.

Victoria:'Give me a few days. And did you notice--.'

Cesar: 'How weird our new NGS teacher is? Yeah. I can't pin it but somethings off about him.'

--2030-2200 Strategies & basic combat 2--

Kai, Caesar, and the rest of their group sat along the nearest entrance within SBC class looking up at the 3d display monitor while Kalen stood within the arena, reviewing scenes of the kid's first spars.

"Look, rodents. I understand you're still new to punching, kicking, and blocking...but this shit is sorry, grade a sorry. Like Kimberly, what the fuck is this? If Lucy's punching you...BLOCK IT! I've spent over a week of class, showing you how. Do you need a live demonstration stupid---."

Kalen stopped, the class went silent. They stared hard at the display monitor which no longer functioned. "GET THE NERDS! IT'S NOT TURNING ON!" Kalen yelled towards the scientist up above.

'You know. One day, you'll have to trust us.' Chimed Samir, unsure of what Caesar did.

'I'll trust you when I win. Until then, you all get the royal treatment.' Responded Caesar. his head turned towards the opening door.

'Oh ignore him. We'll be here for years, he'll come around.' Joked Victoria, turning back to see a well-dressed, overweight male huffing down the room stairs. His body's fat slobbered towards the left and right as he lost his balance and fell to the floor.

"HELP ME UP! BRATS!" Yelled the man, his spit covered Victoria's face.

The kids turned to Kalen, who waved his hand. Prompting Caesar and his group to help the man up.

Kai hid in the back, covering his pupils while helping the man up. They began to dilate as the vision started to play. When the man stood he inched back to his seat along with Victoria and the rest.

"Octavian! Get down here! Live demonstration! BITCH!" He grinned viciously at the boy. In recent days, Kalen had learned of the kids growing hate for Caesar and would use any chance he got to abuse it.

While Caesar focused on surviving, Kai watched as the overweight males phantom walked out of the youth dormitory and into the main lobby. A slight grin left his mouth as the main elevator went down to a floor titled D2.

He watched as the man's phantom walked past the stairway and numerous unknown faces. The phantom stopped to stare at a female phantom before heading in the opposite direction.

'Washroom, Staffroom, BR&D03...That's it!'

1) females start to produce eggs at the age of 4. (Not saying that they get pregnant. I'm saying that if scientists wanted they could take those eggs and fertilize them.)

2) You know those spy games with red or blue phantoms...Kai's power produces something similar.

yooooooooooocreators' thoughts