
Genus Ad Divinitatem

So painful were those moments When the earth shook and the seas rose How cheerful life could stand still As though everything was killed All the happiness gone once for all That seemed to me a painful fall Everything I knew wiped away All I could hear was the deafening silence All I could feel was emptiness As if everything was shrouded in darkness All I could hear was my sister crying in madness Adapted from Farah Sherazi's Destruction, Death and Decay.

Yamaguchi03 · ファンタジー
44 Chs

Chapter 43: New Case

Maya glanced through the file and said, "Our target is a former police captain, Stephan. He defected from the police force over a month ago and has been on the run."

"He was the captain of Broadway police department. According to the file he was a level 2 back then. He was spotted around Central Tenebren three days ago on a traffic cam."

Raziel asked while writing his report, "Why would someone defect from the police force?"

Maya threw the case file on the desk, "Perhaps the police life doesn't suit him. It's not like we're paid a lot of money for the work we do." Maya turned her computer on and started looking through the traffic cams, "Make your report fast and let's catch this defector."

Raziel responded with a salute, "Aye!" In the report, he only wrote about his increase in strength, speed, bone density and his newly enhanced five senses. He left his battle techniques out of the report. He folded the report into an envelope and sealed it. He looked across the table at Maya, "Do you know where I can train my powers? I tried training at home but it didn't work out."

Maya laughed, "Let me guess, you destroyed your house?"

Raziel was embarrassed, "More or less."

Maya said while staring at her computer, "We have an underground facility down this building. There are no cameras, you can train to your satisfaction in there. It's reinforced with enormous steel and lead so you won't have to worry about destroying anything in there."

Raziel was genuinely happy. He could finally develop his abilities to their full potential.

Maya snorted jokingly, "I can see you're happy. You should know you can't use it during work hours."

Raziel's happiness was short-lived, "You mean I can only use it in the night?"

Maya nodded her head, "You can use it anytime as long as it's not between eight am and six pm.

Raziel stood up and used the elevator to get to the first floor. The first floor was the most congested, full of uniformed officers. He found the records office and pushed his report through a slit in the door.

When he was done, he looked for the door to the underground training facility and climbed down the stairs leading to it. It was a very large facility. It had a long passage with several rooms on both sides. Some rooms had keys on their doors. He walked to the closest door to him on his left and opened it. The room was very spacious with a lot of gears in it. He instantly fell in love with the place. He closed the door reluctantly and went back to the third floor.

Before he could settle down, Maya stood up and said "Let's go!" Raziel hurried after her, "Have you figured out where our target is?"

Maya hushed him when they entered the elevator because it was full of people, "We'll talk in the car." Maya greeted a few people she was familiar with and introduced Raziel to them.

Raziel followed behind Maya as they went to the police garage. She said to him, "Can you drive?"

Raziel nodded happily, "Of course. Can I choose any car?" There were different exotic cars in the garage.

Maya threw her hands in the air. She said in exasperation, "Suit yourself!"

Raziel chose a vintage ferrari two seater car. He and Maya entered the car and he drove out of the garage onto the road. He switched gears, "Where are we going and why didn't we pick a car yesterday?"

Maya was scrolling through her phone, "I didn't think we would actually catch the criminal yesterday or go that far." She looked up from her phone, "Alright we're going to Danilux Street. It's around Central Tenebren. Stephan was spotted on a traffic cam there."

"I'm guessing he's still there because according to the records I pulled up. His former girlfriend once lived in that street. What the fuck is he even doing there?"

Raziel hit the gears and started to race to Danilux Street, "Maybe he misses her and he's trying to track her down. What better place to start than where she was once lived." He followed the directions on earth map displaying on a screen in the car.

He asked, "What pathway is this guy?"

Maya said while staring out the window, "Level 2 superhuman of the water pathway."

Raziel chuckled, "Don't you think he could have become a level 3 superhuman?"

Maya said with a little irritation, "If it was so easy to become a level 3 superhuman, I would have been one already."

Raziel replied jokingly, "I'm just saying."

They sat in silence as he drove to Danilux Street.