
Genshin Impact: To Build A Nation

When Kendric found himself waking up in the middle of nowhere and with a small residence to call his own, his life takes a major turn as he begins his quest to create the most powerful and influential nation in all of Teyvat and beyond! However, will his future nation of advancement and great prosperity meet the same eventual end as a certain other? Or will he rise above Celestia itself and claim the throne that rightfully belongs to him? Also... what's with this Chat Group? . Main World: Genshin Impact

ScarletOzone · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

To Search For Survivors

Hello, everyone! First of all, thanks for the support for this story despite only having two chapters out so far for it, three if you include this one. I just wanted to mention a few things before this chapter starts, and first is that you should expect grammatical mistakes, English is only my third language, and I'm still in the middle of learning it.

Secondly, in regards to my character's personality of not being the correct mind set for being that of a ruler over a nation, just remember that he was originally just a normal high school student. Of course, I intend to have him develop to become a better leader as the responsibility grows higher.

Finally, since this is the first true fanfiction that I want to write fully, however long that'll take, I want to write it the way I want to. I know that some decisions I might make won't align with what some people would want, and I apologise if I can't satisfy your expectations.

Anyway, hope you enjoy!


At the current time, Kendric had just walked the family he had saved back to the farm area that he had created prior to helping them out. The trip took only around three hours, so they managed to return before the sun had begun to set.

Upon returning to the crop fields, Kendric was pleasantly surprised to see that the crops that he had planted before had truly finished growing and were all now standing beautifully inside the fenced-in crop fields. It seemed that the fertiliser truly was worth it.

Anyway, aside from the crops, Kendric had learnt the names of the family he had rescued. Starting with the father, his name was Geoffrey. The mother was named Nataliana, the son was Christian, and their daughter was named Rebecca.

"You guys said that you were a family of farmers for your village, right?" Kendric voiced as he turned to look at the family, all of who were staring at the vast field of fully-ground crops with a look of awe on their faces. "Since you guys agreed to live in my nation, would you be able to tend to these crop fields?"

"O-Of course..." The one that responded was Geoffrey, although with a bit of hesitation as his gaze eyed the vast field of vegetation. "I've never seen such healthy crops in my life... Will we even be able to tend to these by ourselves? Even watering it will be a difficult task."

"Oh, you guys don't need to worry about a difficult watering job." Kendric casually responded as the family all gave him curious looks. With a small smirk, Kendric walked on over towards what looked to be a metal cross-tap sticking out of the ground from a metal rod. "Just twist the tap here, and let the magic happen."

When Kendric twisted the cross-tap, the family flinched slightly when multiple weak fountains of water began spraying from all over the fields. From what they could tell, the water was being ejected from underground, as strange as that sounded.

"This is called a sprinkler system, a very useful little thing when watering plants and stuff." Kendric chuckled upon seeing the surprised looks on the family members' faces. "With it, you won't need to do much when it comes to watering. Planting and harvesting though, I'll have something for you in the future, so just try your best."

Shaking out of her surprised state, Nataliana then asked. "Is there something specific you want us to grow?"

"In regards to that, I want you guys to grow crops utilising a crop-rotation based agriculture, that way we'll help preserve the soil quality." Kendric answered simply, though blinked when he saw them giving him confused looks once more. "I'll... give you the finer details later. For now, I'll help you guys get settled in."

"You mean a house?" Christian asked, Kendric merely nodded. "But... I don't see anything."

Kendric merely grinned before opening his menu up, though the family obviously couldn't see it. They watched in confusion before recoiling back when Kendric's eyes suddenly began glowing, this was due to the fact that he had just entered his construction mode again.

People would eventually witness him utilising his powers to create new things like buildings and such, especially when there were more people. He couldn't just make an excuse up for when something like a skyscraper or whatever pops up out of nowhere, so might as well have his constructive abilities known now than later.

The house he intended to build for the family was just your generic modern farmhouse, it was obviously going to be fully furnished and have water connected to it. He hadn't created a source of electricity yet, so appliances like that could be added later on, though he might as well add the outlets now so he didn't need to do so individually with the houses afterwards.


『City Constructor』

● Modern Farmhouse - Small, Furnished

● Cost: 72,000 Nation Credits

Construct now? (Yes/No)



"Papa, look!"

The family soon widened their eyes in disbelief as an unbelievable scene soon played out in front of them, what looked to be a house of unknown architecture to them started to build itself right in front of their eyes. It was located a few meters away from the crop fields.

When the house was fully constructed, they all marvelled at its design. Despite being a small variant of the house, it was definitely big enough to house this family of four. The house had pure white walls along with a light grey panelled roof that had thicker edges that were a darker shade of grey.

'Seventy-two thousand? Not as much as I had expected from a fully furnished home, then again, the water treatment plant was only one-forty without automation.' Kendric thought to himself as he exited his construction mode. "This is the house you'll be staying in, any complaints?"

"N-Not at all...!" Nataliana was the one that quickly responded as she waved both hands in front of her. "Are you sure though? A house like this is... isn't it a bit much? You were the one that saved us, but you're giving us such a place to live..."

"It's fine." Kendric shrugged. "Just think of your future farm work as my payment... then again, I'll be paying them for their work."

Kendric whispered that last part obviously.

"Big Brother, how did you do that?!" Rebecca asked with total awe as she skipped over to him and looked up at him with eyes that were giving off an array of stars. "You just made that amazing house appear out of nowhere, and you even beat those meanie hilichurls with a scream! You're incredible!"

"Just a neat trick of mine." Kendric chuckled as he gave the girl a quick head-pat. He then gestured towards the house. "Why don't you guys get yourselves settled in? I'll explain the farming details later. I made sure to give you guys enough rooms too, some can be spares if some of you decide to sleep together."

"Yay, let's go~!"

"Oi, Rebecca!" Christian quickly called out as Rebecca began dashing towards the house. "Thanks for everything, Kendric! Rebecca, wait up!"

"They're certainly excited." Nataliana giggled as she followed after her children. Watching as his family walked towards the new house, Geoffrey couldn't help but give a small smile as he saw how happy each of them looked.

"We're truly in your debt, Kendric."

"No worries. Oh, before you go." Kendric quickly voiced as Geoffrey turned to look at Kendric with a confused look. "I wanted to ask if you could give me the reason why those hilichurls were chasing you. Did you accidentally come across their territory or something?"

"Not at all." Geoffrey sighed as he answered. "In fact, our entire village was raided by a large group of them. We didn't have enough time to prepare to fight back, they just attacked us so suddenly. My family and I managed to escape, and we were actually headed to Mondstadt before running into you."

"Hm..." Kendric nodded upon hearing this information. "Do you think anyone else could have gotten away?"

"I'm not sure. From what I know, it was only us..."

"That's unfortunate." Kendric gave a small sigh at that. He was honestly hoping there would be other survivors so that he could invite them to live here. Though, it wouldn't exactly hurt to at least take a look. "Do you have a map on you with the location?"

"A map, I do actually."

Reaching into his pocket, Geoffrey took out a relatively small rolled-up piece of paper before handing it to Kendric. Kendric gave a quick thanks before opening it up, and when he did, he saw that the map didn't have too much detail, just the basic information needed.

"Take a look here, this is where our village is. It's called Alcorn Village." Geoffrey explained as he pointed toward a certain spot on the map. "And if you look here, this is where you found us, just a bit northwest of the village."

"I see, you still had quite the journey before arriving at Mondstadt..."

"Indeed, we honestly weren't sure if we would have made it." Geoffrey answered with a tired sigh. "It was a miracle that we encountered you, who knows how many days it would have taken before we arrived at Mondstadt. We did consider Liyue, but it was much too far."

"That settles it, I'm gonna check it out."


"I'm gonna check out Alcorn Village, you never know if someone may have survived or not. If I do happen to find someone, I'll see if I can bring them back." Kendric responded as he rolled the map back up. "Plus, this nation does need more people."

"I see. On the topic of that, and I apologise if this is a bit forward..." Kendric merely cocked an eyebrow in confusion at Geoffrey before motioning for him to continue. "Are you... perhaps some kind of god?"

"Huh? A god?"

"W-Well, you display powers I've honestly never seen nor heard about before. Not only did you defeat those hilichurls with your voice alone, which I can't really associate with any of the seven elements, but you even made a house appear out of thin air... Aside from the Seven Archons, I'm not familiar with any others."

"Oh... well, I'm not a god. I'm just as human as you are." Kendric explained as he heard the words. 'The Seven Archons, Michael did talk a lot of about them. Mainly about how he was simping hard for the Electro Archon or whatever they were called... man, he was really weird.'