
Genshin Impact: The Shogun's Blade

"Adventures across the lands, killing great monsters, having a big harem... nope. I am reincarnated, but I also have a job and responsibilities. Just how the hell can I gain a vision...

Albusmanc · ゲーム
5 Chs


I didn't move from my spot at all, and in less than a day the district that was full of people going around was now furnished with lanterns and different decorations. Everything is beautiful and all, but why there's a street vendor that sells only mini-statues of the Shogun of different heights. They have also hudge wallpaper behind them.

It seems that the lady from Ritou is going all out this year, I don't remember anything like that on previous festivals, they seem to be going pretty well recently. I have to say, the attention to the details scares me a little too much, I mean, it's true that is realistic, but hell, they have even designed her panties, and I feel like something terrible would happen to me if I ask that their design is really what she is wearing.

Anyway, it's sunset and it's time to shine. I sat down here for 24 hours, and while I used a met to make sure that my outfit won't get dirty, My legs feel like jelly... Ah, no. Scratch that. It feels almost like both my jellies feel like legs

But this is nothing in confront with the training I have done, so after two minutes of stretching my muscles, I recovered.

As I was sitting there with only moving my head, almost everyone that passed near this street spent a few seconds watching me, probably because of their curiosity. So, the moment I got up, they started to watch me.

I lit up the only torch I didn't put down and kept by my side and walking slowly I lit up the other ones, before burning it and finally completing my circle of fire.

Then going in the center, I took out the seven-branched wooden sword that I crafted myself and started the kagura. First really slowly, but then going up the tempo until reaching the rhythm of a normal person. My capabilities are at the superhuman level, but it's not like I can go on with that pace continuously for a day, even less if the days are three.

And so, my first spectacle in the world started.


(Ogura Mio's POV)

Inazuma has a lot of traditions and a lot of festivities, but the Divine Call festival is one of the best because it's the most important one for the civilians, like it's the Rite of Descension for Liyue.

And then there is also the added influx of clients from all over Teyvat, I can say for certain that during this festival, Ogura Textiles and Kimonos gain at least what normally I would gain during in two months. I remember even one time when I was little that my father had to close our shop as we sold out every piece of cloth.

And so I'm sure this year will also be great.

Then my mind went to the strange one I saw before. I think he was here to dance when I first saw him with his attire, but then he only planted a few torches in the ground just behind my shop and sat down.

He also attired the attention of a lot of passersby, but he didn't move, he only shook his head. Then again, a few of those who stopped came also to my shop, so there's absolutely no problem on my part.

Then, I also was more than astonished when the day after while I opened up the shop, he was also there, unmoving, at the same place I last saw him. I was sure he went at least to sleep, but then I talked to the neighboring shop owners, and we discovered that he didn't move during all night.

And so, my day went on, but then a kid who was here also yesterday exclaimed, 'He moved!' and because of my curiosity, I went to see what he would do now.

All of the ten torches were burning, and he stood in the same place as yesterday, before taking out his wooden sword and putting himself in position.

Then he started... and wasn't it a great performance. The dance was beautiful to witness, dare to say hypnotical, as for almost the full hour since he started and raise his speed, the audience was speechless, even the usually rowdy children and even a child that wasn't even one year old.

Everyone was admiring silently, and then I don't know who started, but applause started and a euphoria started to overcome everyone with the roar of laughter and compliments pouring out of everyone.

Then it was night and the audience started to return to their home or inn or wherever they slept for the night before I also decided to return to the shop. I may have lost a day at this festival, but I am not discouraged.

While closing the shop, I saw one merchant of the International Trade Association, and stopped to think for a moment, then my eyes went back to the dancer that is performing even now and an idea stuck me

"Hello, aren't you a merchant from Ritou? Do you sell silk from Liyue? I want..."

On the first day of the festival, I didn't sell a lot, but I am sure that the last I will gain more than every festival since now.