
Genshin impact : The heavenly principle conquer the worlds.

The heavenly principle is awakening after a recuperating, with a solution to a problem that plagued her mind for more than 10 000 years, but she found that the archons are playing games on her home. The next moment, she began flexing, from the oldest to the youngest. " Morax, you didn't honor your contract. " " Barbatos, you have a little bit too much freedom. " " Baal, where is your eternity? Why am I unable to see it ? " " Glasya, rebellious for love right, don't worry, I will let you love till your heart content. " " Focalor, what kind of heavly trial are you planning without my presence ? " looking at Sumeru, Phanes was speechless. Rebuilding Teyvat and conquering other worlds, she found out she was really busy.

Newler · ゲーム
10 Chs

Chapter 7

The moment Phanes completely assimilated the fourth throne, she saw the fate of all living beings and the current fate of the world.

She saw what actions have the Archons taken, what they plan to do, and how they plan to do it.

She saw one of the instigators of the disaster of Khaenri'ah thinking only about his sister and how to save her, completely ignoring his responsibilities as a destroyer of the world.

She saw how the Archons have rebelled against her, how they only thought about the throne of heaven, and becaming the new heavenly principles.

She saw the current states of mortals. Some have power till the point that they do whatever they wish, not pouting the heaven nor the gods in their eyes. While others live the life of slaves, praying without answers only to gamble with their life for a better future.

Although she knows that Teyvat had problems, she didn't expect the situation to be so bad.

Thinking till that point while opening her eyes, faint traces of sadness were reflected in them. Unknowingly to her, she began to mumble some words filled with sadness. " I helped in the creation of the world, from my own powers I give birth to countless gods and mortals... I holded the world in the first disaster, and I continued to do so in the second one, the third one and the fourth one. I'm using my own power to mend it, heal it, and save it... And what's my reward ?? Betrayal ! Again !! First was the f*cking black dragon Nibelung, then the fairies, the third descendant and the three moon goddesses, and then the other great dragon with the seven dragon souvrains, and now the seven Archons... when will it end exactly... When I kill all the life that I created ?? When I destroy my own world ? Is this what I ordered them to die for ? A bunch of ungrateful gods who couldn't even follow their own ideology and mortals with no benefit to their existence. "

The four shadows were shocked as they heard her own mumbling, their ecasty over the fact that their lord have grown in strength and perfected the world's rules was nowhere to be seen as a solem look appeared in their face.

Phanes didn't know that her mumbling was heard she simply closed her eyes, her heart aching over their actions, and uncaring.

" Ten thousand years... I passed all that time with the world well-being only in my mind... ten thousand years of suffering, of pain, of constant research, of pressure, of battle, of protection... All so that they can have a tomorrow, so that life flourish and be grateful. "

Unconsciously, a small tear gathered and fell from each eye, and the energy that they held was extremely strong. They ended up being attracted to each other in their fall.

Istaroth was observing the two tears as they fused into one. She could see more than one life that is no different than them is being conceived.

The moment that tear reached the floor, it exploded into a river that transcended both space and time.

From that day till the end of time, all creation knew that the river of fate was conceived from the tear of the heavenly principles.

Although the reason for the tear was argued about, some say they are tear of joys, other than these tears being her mourning over all life that died before her awakening.

" Since they think that I'm no different than a sword over their heads, then let them experience the sharpness of the sword. "

At that moment, her tone was chilling and indifferent, making the four shadows have the illusion that they were back to past and met her past self.

They could see it clearly. She, the heavenly principles, the woman who fought her way up to reach this level of power, is back. The woman who terrified the primordial one before she brought her light to the world is back.

As they beheld the chilling and indifferent demeanor of Phanes, the four shadows felt a sense of awe and trepidation wash over them. It was as if they were witnessing the resurgence of a formidable force from aeons past, a being of immense power and determination.

Gazing upon her, they were reminded of tales whispered in the darkest corners of existence, stories of a time when Phanes, the heavenly principles, had cast fear into the hearts of even the mightiest beings. They could sense the weight of her resolve, the unyielding determination that had propelled her to the pinnacle of power.

In her presence, they felt a palpable shift in the fabric of reality, a stirring of ancient energies long thought dormant. It was a moment of realization for the four shadows, a recognition that they stood in the presence of something far greater than themselves.

Despite their initial ecstasy at witnessing her ascension to power, they now understood the gravity of the situation. Phanes was not to be trifled with, not to be underestimated. She had returned, and with her came the promise of reckoning unlike any other.

In that moment, the four shadows bowed their heads in reverence, their hearts heavy with the weight of what was to come. For they knew that the return of Phanes heralded a new era, a time of upheaval and change, where the fate of all existence hung in the balance.






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