
Genshin Impact: Picking up a Little Loli at the Beginning

It's boring to engage in constant fighting and killing. It's better to go fishing with Jams on the Teyvat continent and become the most skilled angler! Eventually, I'll take my wives to travel around, and before I know it, I'll become a deity in Teyvat! This story is super sweet with many female protagonists!

fanticelove · ゲーム
72 Chs

Jams, are you dating Noelle?

After lunch, Venti lay lazily under the shade of a tree, squinting his eyes while gently stroking his slightly swollen belly.

"Jams, it's all your fault. I said I didn't want it, but you insisted on stuffing it in. Now... burp~"

"Hey, buddy, can you explain yourself clearly? It's like you're blaming me for getting you pregnant or something."

Jams, who was fishing, rolled his eyes and retorted, not in a friendly tone, "I just fed you a few plates of grilled fish. Is there any need to be so resentful?"

"It's all your fault..."

Venti turned over, his voice lazy, "If I can't have delicious grilled fish like this in the future, what should I do?"

"That's simple."

Jams smiled, "Just come to the lakeside when you have a craving. You're welcome to join me for a meal."

As the Anemo Archon, Venti could easily find anyone in Mondstadt, so Jams had no doubt that he would take the bait.

After this meal, Jams gained a total of 15 Divinity, 30 Charm, 50 Physical Fitness, and 300 Wind Element Resistance!

And all of this was just for Venti to have a free meal.

If he could recruit this guy into the fishing squad in the future, the rewards could be even more astonishing!

With this in mind, Jams' eyes became much more enthusiastic as he looked at Venti. This friend, I've made up my mind!


Venti, who was resting with his eyes closed, shivered and felt a sudden chill down his spine. He had an inexplicable feeling of being targeted by a big bad wolf!

"Hey... what's going on? I feel like someone is trying to take advantage of me. Jams, do you have ulterior motives?"

"If you say that, it really hurts."

Jams felt a twinge of nervousness, amazed that even the God of Wind could sense when he was taking advantage of someone!

Although he felt anxious inside, Jams remained calm on the surface, snorting, "First of all, you came to freeload, and secondly, you ate the fish I caught. Even if someone is taking advantage, it's me being taken advantage of. What are you pretending to be the victim for?"

"Seems like that's the case. Looks like I was overthinking it. Hehe."

Venti saw Jams' slight dissatisfaction and stuck out his tongue, trying to play it off.

Indeed, he had enjoyed Jams' grilled fish for free, and so far, he hadn't suffered any losses. How could he be taken advantage of?

"Yeah, Big Green Brother shouldn't speak without thinking. Jams is a good person. He couldn't possibly have any ill intentions!"

Klee stood with her hands on her hips, her voice childish as she defended Jams, "He gave all the grilled fish to Big Green Brother. Klee and Sister Barbara didn't eat enough."

"I... I'm full."

Barbara lowered her head and glanced at her slightly bulging belly. Her blushing face was almost buried in her collar.

"Sorry, sorry, I was overthinking."

Venti chuckled and waved her hand, lazily saying, "I feel a bit sleepy after eating so much. I'll take a nap first. May the wind bring you good luck and abundant harvest."

With that, the lazy wind deity lay down comfortably under the shade of a tree and fell asleep.

"Venti is truly something."

Barbara blinked and pondered for a while before saying, "Free-spirited and talented, truly embodying the spirit of a wandering bard."

Jams rolled her eyes at Barbara and said irritably, "High emotional intelligence, free-spirited; low emotional intelligence, lazy bum."


Barbara pouted, intending to scold her, but when she saw Venti curled up lazily in the shade, she couldn't help but burst into laughter.


Indeed, he did look like a dog.

"Hey, it seems like you agree with me." Jams raised an eyebrow at Barbara, who was laughing with her hand covering her mouth.

"N-No way!"

Barbara pursed her lips tightly, trying not to appear too happy.

But the joy in her eyes couldn't be hidden. Jams only made a funny face at Klee, and Barbara immediately couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, you're right. Venti, all curled up like that, really does look like a dog. But it's definitely not derogatory because dogs are loyal and cute creatures!"

Blushing, Barbara explained.

"Hey, I understand, I understand. We're all on the same side, feel free to speak your mind. I firmly defend your right to speak!" Jams punched her fist and said earnestly.

"Yeah, yeah, speak up if you can!" Klee also waved her little fist, her adorable face full of joy.

"You guys..."

Listening to the cheerful laughter of the two, a hint of light gradually appeared in Barbara's violet eyes, as if a beam of light had suddenly entered the dim little room.

"Jams... although you're not from Mondstadt, you're more like a Mondstadt resident than we are." She spoke softly.

"Why do you say that?" Jams looked curious.

"Because you are free, and the ideal of the Anemo Archon, Barbatos, is 'freedom.'"

Barbara rubbed her eyes and felt a touch of emotion. "As the bishop of the Church of the Anemo Archon, I'm glad to see freedom and vitality in others because my ideal is to let the winds of freedom blow throughout Mondstadt!"


Venti, who was napping under the shade of the tree, didn't open his eyes, but a slight smile curved at the corner of his mouth, a mix of contentment and helplessness.


Jams looked at Barbara, who was serious, thought for a moment, and said, "Barbara, your ideals are great, but reality is cruel. To be honest, I'm probably one of the only three truly free people in Mondstadt."

"Only three?"

Barbara didn't show a disappointed expression. Instead, she seemed pleasantly surprised.

"There are three people like you? Who are the other two? Can you introduce them to me?"


Jams pointed to the statue of the wind deity under the oak tree and smiled. "The first free person is, of course, the Anemo Archon, Barbatos."

Then, she lifted Klee's petite and soft body and held her up in front of Barbara.

"The second free person is Klee, and the third is me."


Barbara widened her eyes and wanted to get angry, but then she calmed down.

She held her chin and smiled wryly. "It seems to be the case. Klee used to lack freedom, but now... Sister Jean, the Acting Grand Master, can't control her anymore. She's completely free."

"How about it? Just like that, you gained two more free friends. Are you so touched that you want to hug me and give me a kiss?"

Jams tilted her head at a forty-five-degree angle, and her handsome profile was enough to captivate countless girls.


Barbara looked away, pouting in a tsundere manner. "Even if I starve to death or jump from here, I won't kiss you!"

"Great! That's what you said. Don't regret it!"

Jams had a pleased expression.

Girls, when you speak too soon, problems are bound to arise!

The group chatted and laughed, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

During the conversation, Barbara mentioned Noelle, the silver-haired maid, as she was an important friend of hers.

"By the way, Jams, are you dating Noelle?"