
Batman and a Glut

After hearing Jean talk, this is what Diluc had to say, "Bitch, stop yapping.".

Of course not, here is what he actually said, "We can discuss those matters later, Jean. For now, let's focus on this little annoyance...." While staring through my fucking soul.

Damn, Batman is as vigilant and as cold aa ever. Diluc on that "I am the night! I am vengeance!" Shit, especially with the Fatui. For sure Mihoyo intentionally made him like that.

Jean looked at me, her eyes narrowed in suspicion, "I am sure you are aware of what you did. And i am also also sure that you know what the Fatui have done, do you think you can just walk away after deceiving the Acting Grand Master into what could possibly have been a trap to assassinate me? I am afraid you are wrong if you think that, young man." She said while crossing her arms.

Wait a minute. Why is she being so aggressive all of a sudden? Regardless, I'll have to play along.

I raised my hands up and spoke, "I mean no harm. I am just a low-ranked recruit, i don't have any dealings or knowledge about the plans and deeds of the higher ups. I merely did my job. As for why I lied to you, it was because I was on a mission and seeing the growing tention between Mondstadt and The Fatui, I decided to lie to you in order to not raise any suspicion regarding me. You know it too, there is no way someone as weak as me would try to get involved in conflict regarding two nations and armies. I pose no threat, I even kind of helped the Traveler and Paimon a few days ago." I looked at Paimon.

Speaking of her, The Emergency Food was floating and staring at me with a indescribable expression. Upon hearing me, she didn't delay in deafening us with her excessively loud and annoying voice, "Uh-! Yeah! He isn't that bad! He just works for the Fatui!.... Yeah that's it."

I swear, this floating mass of meat has less brain cells than those 100% Exploration Genshin players and the dumb hoes on podcasts.

Jean narrowed her eyes at Paimon and looked at me, her eyes seemed to land on the bloodied clothed around my thigh, her eyes widened a little and a slight look of worry crossed her face, her voice a little bit softer yet still laced with suspicion, "It seems that you have been injured, how- you know what, I won't ask. Regardless, we of the Knights will treat your wounds, head over to the Headquarters of The Knights if you need help, dismiss that, it seems you have hurt your leg severely, I shall carry you there myself." With that, she walked forward to help me.

I quickly shook my head and waved my hand, my voice as empty and blank as ever, "No need, Master Jean. You need not trouble yourself with me. This wound has already been healed, Look." I took off the bloodied white cloth and showed that the area was completely unscathed, "And, I apologize for lying that time." I said.

Jean stopped yet the worry didn't go out entirely from her face, "Very well, I suppose I can let this transgression go. Now-" She looked at Diluc and Paimon, "I shall head for Mondstadt, i have work to attend to. Bye, Paimon, Diluc and-" Looks at me, "Boris."

With that, she walked away, leaving behind me alone with Diluc and Paimon. And I made the best of the distraction caused by her leaving, I tried to flee.

"Where do you think you are going?" Came the voice of Diluc.

Damn Batman and his cursed Bat-hearing.

"To Mondstadt?" I replied.

"You will be coming with me, Boy." He said as his eyes narrowed again. He turned towards Paimon and gave her a suspicious stare before signalling her to follow him, "If you don't wish to go to the Medical Room with a broken leg and a crushed arm, follow me." With that, he started walking.

With no choice left, I lamented at my own predicament of not even being able to fight back, and followed him, walking beside Paimon who was making angry faces at me, "What is that you require of me, oh great Master Diluc?" I inquired.

"Why were you in Wolvendom? You know that if the Knights catch you causing any harm to Wolves or the place, you will be arrested or worse, be killed by the Dominatot of Wolves, Andrius." Said Diluc while looking at me.

"I was on a survey mission, that's it, all I did was study the wolves and the circumstances in the area that caused them to mutate, a wolf attacked me there-" I turned my head towards Paimon, "What are you doing here, Paimon? Shouldn't you be with the Traveler?" I asked Paimon.

Paimon's facial expression gained even more anger, "That meanie Traveler left Paimon alone in the inn! Paimon was so scared! Paimon was screaming and crying, that's when Paimon met Jean and Diluc, Jean and Diluc were going to take a look around Mondstadt to survey the situation after the end of Mondstadt. Master Diluc said that Traveler went to the Dawn Winery and that he could me take there, isn't he so kind? Unlike that meanie! She even called Paimon emergency food! Can you believe that?" Screeched Paimon.

I see why Lumine abandoned this little annoying fairy, she yaps way too much. I only asked one question.

"Stop screaming, Paimon." Me and Diluc both said simultaneously. Both of us staring into Paimon's eyes with an annoyed look.

Paimon shrunk back and said, "Ok....." And whispered, "Meanies.....".

Diluc looked at me with an understanding and pitying look, After all, Paimon was right beside me, "If you were just "Surveying", how do you explain the fact that you left a dozen of small craters there and the fact that Lupus Boreas was summoned?" He said, boring his eyes into mine.

I froze, my eyes widened in shock, "How?" I asked, too shocked to say anything else.

Paimon stopped in her tracks and looked at me, "You summoned that big wolf?! Why?" She screeched again.

"Silence, Paimon." Said Diluc and then looked at me, "Start explaining, Boris." He said.

"You know that Summoning pacts can be made with all types of beast, yes? Well, I had found a notably large and powerful wolf capable of exercising cryo and anemo energy, after I fought it tooth and nail, it wished to create a summoning pact with me. I am sure you know about the boy raised by wolves, Razor, right? Well, he took me to Andrius, that's when he and the wolf summoned Andrius and the wolf talked with Andrius who healed my wounds and created a summoning pact with me and the wolf." I said, hiding some things, of course I wasn't gonna tell him that I was gonna abduct a wolf for the Fatui to do experiments on, no way.

"Show me." Said Diluc with his arms crossed.

I held my hand forward and summoned Fenrir, cryo energy swirled in front of me and Fenrir appeared, accidentally knocking over Diluc who fell on the ground.

Fenrir turned his head and looked at Diluc dryly and then at me and it seemed like he was telling me, "What the fuck do you want?"

Paimon was scared and had gotten behind me and was holding onto my shirt, "B-Boris! That wolf is g-giant! Get it away before it eats Paimon! Trust Paimon, Paimon isn't tasty! Don't feed Paimon to your pet!"

Fenrir had seemed to have understood Paimon and growled at her. Diluc had sat up.

"You can go back now." I told Fenrir who just snarled and disappeared in a swirl of cryo.

Diluc stood up and dusted his clothes off and looked at me, "We have things to discuss, come with us to the Dawn Winery."

I tilted my head in conclusion, "You won't say or do anything?" I asked Diluc.

Diluc closed his eyes and crossed his arms, "This is not my place to say anything, whatever that God does, does not require my judgement, he has been alive for far too long for me to judge him, as long as he doesn't threaten the safety of Mondstadt. Besides, it's the duty of those incompetent Knights to question you. Regardless, I have some things to discuss with you and I am quite curious, we can talk over some wine or cuisine at the winery." Said Diluc.

"Hooray! I'll have some apple cider and cake for myself when we arrive at the Winery, Master Diluc!" Said the floating Glut.

To be continued....

Part 2 will have Kaeya and Lumine.

(Spoilers: Diluc's dad will be brought up)