


I reclined on the bed, savouring a book while crossing my legs. I had already attended to my business earlier, but Noctis had not yet come back, so I decided to treat myself to some reading.

As I immersed my self in the book I lost track of time, spending who knows how long tracing the words and flipping the pages.

The deafening sound of thunder jolted me out of my engrossing book, as if a powerful force had demanded my attention. In an instant, a dazzling sphere of violet lightning materialized in the heart of the room, illuminating every corner with its brilliant radiance. My heart raced with a mix of excitement and trepidation, knowing that I had to be prepared for whatever lay ahead. With a surge of adrenaline, I swiftly rose from my bed, instinctively assuming a defensive stance, ready to face any challenge that awaited me.

As the arcing lightning dissipated, my heart sank and the trepidation within me vanished. Noctis lay, face down on the floor, while a panicked Melusine tried to shake him awake. His body was riddled with wounds, and a vile crimson pooled on the ground beneath him.

I hurried to him, dropping to the floor. Hands shielding his wounds, I felt his feeble hand reach out. His eyes fluttered open as I gently cradled his head, meeting his weak gaze, "Find Neuvilette..." he muttered before his body went limp.

I quickly shifted my gaze to the Melusine who stood in horror, "Go! Bring Neuvilette here, say its an urgent request from Noctis!" My voice shook with an icy authority and the Melusine ran out of the room I quickly brought my fingers to Noctis' neck, checking his pulse. To my dismay, his pulse was fading, fast.



I rushed through the hotel, when a Melusine came through my door in a panic, without knocking, I was quite confused. When they gave me the rundown on what happened however..

I made my way to their hotel as quickly as  I could, ignoring everything and everyone in my way. I truly felt a strong connection with him, and after not knowing why I was reborn for over four hundred years. It caused my heart to ache knowing the first person who could relate to me was injured.

I entered the room abruptly, and my immediate focus was on Arlecchino caring for an unconscious Noctis, who was lying on the bed. Arlecchino had skilfully used plain bed sheets to tightly bandage his wounds.

The sheets were stained a deep, rich crimson colour, reminiscent of the severity of his wounds. The dark hue seemed to engulf the fabric, leaving an indelible mark that mirrored the pain and suffering he had endured.

Arlecchino look towards me with an irritated expression. "You took your time." She then quickly looked back to Noctis, making sure the makeshift gauze was in place well.

I apologize, I was as quick as possible. I attempted to proceed, but Arlecchino cut me off. "He might not make it.." Her words made my heart pound in my head.

"We need to bring him to the Fortress of Meropide. Sigewinne might be able to assist somehow," I said, my voice sounding strained and hurried, even to my own ears.

Arlecchino nodded in agreement, "I trust your judgement, but if he dies it's on your hands." Her voice rang threateningly. "May I?" I asked while gesturing to Noctis inferring I wished to pick him up.

Arlecchino once again nodded and I slowly scooped Noctis in my arms. Before we headed out I quickly checked his pulse, "Has it been this weak the whole time?" She shook her head, melancholy filling her expression, "Its been getting weaker.."

I stormed into the Fortress of Meropide, Noctis still unconscious and heavily bleeding in my arms, and Arlecchino close behind. We made beeline for the administration office, completely disregarding the onlookers and their astonished faces.

Arriving at the administration office I patiently knocked on the door, waiting for a response.

Arlecchino turned to me full of bewilderment. "The fuck are you doing? Can't you tell we're in a rush!" after finishing her sentence she delivered a swift kick to the thick metal door blasting it off its hinges.

"Wriothesely!" I called out into his office. "Neuvilette? Why are you busting down my door?" He asked while hurrying down the stairs.

"This is a serious matter! No time for introductions!" Arlecchino shouted from beside me. Wriothesely, bearing a confused expression quickly turned to Arlecchino and then back to me. Then his eyes drifted to the person cradled in my arms and his eyes widened with realisation.

"To the infirmary, immediately! Sigewinne should be there!" He said as he rushed out of his office gesturing us to follow behind.


When we arrived at the infirmary, we got shocked looks from Lyney, Lynette and Freminet, but even Arlecchino seemed to pay them no mind as she helped prepare a bed for Noctis.

Sigewinne, with a sense of urgency, wasted no time in carefully inspecting Noctis' body. Every inch was meticulously examined, ensuring no injury or internal organ was left unnoticed. With a steady hand and a keen eye, Sigewinne delved into the depths of Noctis' physical being, uncovering the extent of his wounds and the condition of his vital organs. The process was thorough and methodical, leaving no stone unturned as Sigewinne dedicated herself to understanding the full scope of Noctis' injuries.

"It doesn't look good. Not at all." She paused for a moment as she continued to examine him. "It looks like his organs have been burnt from the inside."

"Can he live..?" Arlecchino who was now being comforted by Lyney, Lynette and Freminet weakly spoke up.

Sigewinne shook her head, "I don't think anyone could survive this, its a miracle he still has a pulse." Arlecchino's mask of confidence and strength seemed to falter at the realisation Noctis may not survive.

"Surely their is something you can do Sigewinne?" Wriothesely hopeful.

"Even with all the medicine we have, no human can survive this.." A glimmer of hope shined in my mind as realisation struck me.

"Noctis isn't human." I stated simply garnering attention from everyone apart from Arlecchino, who seemed to understand where I was going with this.

"Noctis is a dragon, one of the Sovereigns surely he can survive something like this with your help!" Arlecchino continued for me, the desperation in her voice, almost tangible.

Sigewinne paused for a while before voicing her thoughts, "I don't know much about the Dragons, but it's a higher chance for him to survive.." She paused once again before looking towards us, "However, I still cannot guarantee anything."

"I understand, do the best you can." I said with a light, thankful smile.

3rd Person

As Sigewinne got to work doing what she's best at Wriothesely walked over to Neuvilette with a curious expression. "Why is it you care so much for this person, I've never seen them with you. 'Till now anyway."

"We recently became acquaintances and have become quite close." Neuvilette answered without disclosing any information about himself. "Oh? Then do you know what could've causes such monstrous injuries as these?" his expression turned sour, "I have no idea.." he muttered back to Wriothesely while scanning Noctis' body.

"Are you okay Father?" Lyney asked Arlecchino who was anxiously biting on the corner of her lip in a worried daze.

Zapping back to reality she responded to him, "Oh.. Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

"I've never seen you this worried, Father."  Lynette spoke in a monotone voice, however her expression showed clear worry for her 'Father'.

Finally, Freminet spoke, voicing his own question. "..What or who could've done that to Master Noctis..." Arlecchino shook her head before responding in a low voice, "I don't know.. But they were powerful, more than I.

Laying on the bed unmoving was Noctis' body. Sigewinne had worked hard, healing all the wounds on the outside of his body. Yet she struggled with the internal damage.

She didn't have long left...

Despite all the external wounds on Noctis' body being healed the internal ones were severe slowly – yet painfully nipping away his life.

Sigewinne had deduced something inside of his body was still damaging continuously remaking all the wounds she healed.

She fought a hard battle, trying to prevent something she couldn't even see from killing her patient. Healing him over and over was tedious and exhausting, but his body had been pushed to the limits and if she stopped even for a moment he could die.

After what felt like hours for Sigewinne her stamina began to dwindle, she couldn't keep healing, whatever was inside of his body was stubborn and she began to flood with guilt as doubt of being able to save Noctis flooded her mind.

However, In a miraculous moment, the resistance vanished. Sigewinne could feel her patients vital signs stabilising. The sudden disappearance of resistance unknown, but very appreciated.

Sadly, Sigewinne had mostly run out of energy, so while she could prevent the internal damages from being fatal, they would still take lots of time to recover naturally.


Noctis' fingers twitched and a dim purple light exited his body, garnering the attention of everyone in the room. The energy weakly danced around him before splitting and re-entering his body in many different locations.

Suddenly, Noctis' body convulsed and he coughed a large amount of blood before quickly sitting up in the bed.

Everyone in the room stared at him wide-eyed and jaws slacked, except Arlecchino who slowly walked towards him and gripped him in a tight hug.

"Ow!" He yelped out in pain causing Arlecchino to let go instantly. "How are you awake?"

Noctis slowly leaned back to laying down as he felt the splitting, ripping and cursing pains attack him all at once. "Mainly thanks to you guys I assume?" Noctis said as he looked around the room.

"But it should've taken at least a day or two..?" Sigewinne voiced her curiosity.

"Oh! Well, you kept me alive long enough for my energy to recharge, just a bit." He paused making sure everyone was listening before continuing. "You see my electro energy naturally heals me, in my fight I used the last of it to escape with the Melusine causing my regeneration to stop."

"So what? You're just fully recovered now" Wriothesely asked and Noctis shook his head in response. "No I'm still in a very big amount of pain.. It will probably be about 2 days before I can think about fighting seriously again." Sigewinne stepped closer to Noctis.

"May I examined your condition." She asked kindly, "Sure go ahead.. just be gentle..."

"I'm glad your okay, Noctis." Neuvilette had a small but relieved smile spread across his face.

Sigewinne finished her examination and was ready to tell everyone the results. "So uhm... all of his organs are actually on the verge of failing and its a miracle he's even talking.."

"We should let you rest." Neuvilette spoke as he gestured the others out of the room. "Wait actually, before you go can you tell the Traveller to meet me, its not incredibly urgent, but if you see them."

Neuvilette nodded and exited the room followed by everyone apart for Arlecchino.

"Is it alright if I stay by your side for a while.." Noctis gave a pained smile, "You can.. but I can't promise to be entertaining in this state." Arlecchino placed a figner on his lips shushing him.

"It's best you don't speak, for your recovery. Just respond by nodding or shaking your head."

"I was worried for you, you know." Noctis nodded on response staying silent and letting Arlecchino continue. "it would be shame if I lost you, I've grown quite fond of you." She traced her fingers along Noctis' face admiring his features as she spoke.

"So, remember this for the next time you go running to your death.."

She leaned in closer to Noctis slowly touching her lips to his, planting a soft but sensual kiss. Their lips parted shortly after leaving Noctis with a crimson tinted face, holding a flirtatious smile Arlecchino spoke before leaving the room.

"Get well soon, my dear."

(A/N) Last chapter of the month, though I'd end it off nicely.

Hope you all enjoyed,

 next chapter won't be till next month but that's only like 3 days away, probably the first weekend of next month so a bit further.