A simple story about a certain person that took the role of sixth harbinger, a slot that has been open for as long as everybody can remember. This certain person will have to soon partake in a mission with a particular harbinger that they never got along with.
I stepped into the room where the meeting that Arlecchino had set up with Furina would take place. The room was quite spacious with a normal Fontainion design.
In the corner of the room was a circular wooden table surrounded by four wooden chairs. On the table was array of expensive and delicious looking pastries.
"When did you get the time to prepare that?" I said wide eye as I look towards Arlecchino who had a small smirk on her face.
"I have my ways." I said nothing in return just thinking about how she could've done it, I decided she probably had children from the house of hearth gather the pastries.
"Let's us take our seats. They will be her soon." She said as she pulled back a chair and sat on it crossing one leg over another.
I gave a wordless nod and sat in the chair adjacent to her.
We waited for no more than five minutes and the door was pushed open revealing two figures adorning a concerning amount of blue clothing.
I looked towards the small girl in blue clothing. She had white hair which faded into blue and was wearing a dark blue top hat. A noticeable feature were her heterochromatic blue eyes with tear drop pupils. From her body language it seemed she was a bit nervous, or scared.
The person behind was taller, still wearing the same amount of blue. He had waist length white hair his hair seemed to have been combed to flick over his right eye, one strand even hand an underside of kggt blue.
The man skims was pale and his facial features were refined, especially his eyes and lashes. It felt like I was staring at a marble statue the way he was so handsome yet so blank. His face held no expression of surprise, excitement, nervousness, it was a blank canvas.
For some reason the two felt out of place. I ignored my feeling as I watched them take their seats.
Arlecchino began the meeting labelling a tea party rather than a diplomatic meeting in which Furina agreed while complimenting the pastries. Then she spoke about how she had invited another person to make our 'Tea party' more lively.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Monsieur Neuvilette." I zoned out not hearing the rest of what she said because I was too shocked founding out she had the manners to speak to someone in such a formal way.
Neuvilette with his expression still blank responded. "Hello, the pleasure is also mine."
Seems he's a bit socially awkward?
I was looking at Neuvilette surveying his appearance as Arlecchino continued talking to Furina. Something about her orphans being trailed or something. Neuvilette was fully focused on Arlecchino as she spoke I couldn't tell if it was to be respectful or if he was actually interested.
As I was looking at Neuvilette he began speaking, stopping Arlecchino. Guess he wasn't interested about the well being of orphans..
"Now then, you have come regarding the matter of Childe, correct?"
Without even being able to stop my self I announced my confusion with a simple question causing everyone to look at me.
"Oh, it seems I forgot to mention it, but this is my companion and fellow harbinger, Noctis." Arlecchino spoke as she gestured towards me. Furina looked toward Neuvilette who nodded to Arlecchino in understanding.
"What happened to Childe?"
Neuvilette spoke answering my question.
"He was given a guilty verdict by the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale and taken to the Fortress of Meropide."
'The fucking what..?' I thought to my self but didn't say out loud. Wait.. how did that ginger prick get here so fast and cause enough trouble that he got arrested?
Ignoring Neuvilette and Furina for a second I looked to my left at Arlecchino.
"How did he even get to Fontaine so quickly..?"
"I'm not sure I think he left the day you guys got back from Liyue, said he had some private business or something."
'What did he do!? Use his Delusion to run half way across the continent in a half hour!?' I thought to my self as I stared out into space wide eyed.
Arlecchino and Neuvilette got back to their discussion which was now about trying to get Childe back to Sneznyah.
I stared at Arlecchino who was acting as if she cared about Childe there is no way she would care this much about Childe to come all the way to Fontaine to bail him out...
Neuvilette flat out refused her request to free Childe.
Surprisingly though I just heard Arlecchino say she respected the chief justice, I didn't think she respected anyone.
Arlecchino next asked to just be able enter the fortress and see Childe. After asking she stood up and stared down at Furina, who was now as they say shitting bricks stuttering not able to answer.
Luckily for her Neuvilette comes in clutch and saves her by refusing Arlecchino's request once more. Neuvilette says diplomatic issues do not suffice as a reason to interfere with the Fortress of Meropide but I feel like they should even if they have no authority down there.
Neuvilette speaks up once more with a solution for us.
"If you absolutely must confirm the situation of the Harbinger, I have a proposition."
"And what might that be?" Arlecchino asking showing visible intrigue in her voice.
"I propose we send some someone into the Fortress as an informant." I kept my gaze on Neuvilette thinking about his proposition.
"So, who do you propose to send in?"
"I recently met a certain Traveller who has a friendly relationship with the individual." This info got a little bit of a shocked reaction from Furina but nothing more than that.
"I believe I know who your mentioning, Iedux." I spoke up gaining a fed up expression for Arlecchino as she too spoke up
"Oh... is it that girl he keeps mentioning?"
"So, you both know her also that makes things easier."
"We don't know her personally but it works out Childe seems to trust her so I guess we should aswell." Surprisingly instead of an expression of disgust or annoyance Arlecchino nodded I agreement.
"Perfect I will arrange a meeting with the Traveller and request their aid."
"Thank you Monsieur Neuvilette." Arlecchino said as she tipped her head in respect feeling out of place I did the same.
"Well, I suppose this concludes our meeting." I said standing up and stretching with my hands above my head.
"Yes I suppose it does." Neuvilette said.
The meeting was Finished off and we exited the Palais Marmonia. For a while we walked in silence but then Arlecchino stopped.
"Tell me Noctis what do you think or Furina?" she spoke her question without even looking toward me.
"How do you mean?" I wasn't too sure what she meant she could be asking what I think of her personality, style, odd fashion choices. Absolutely anything.
"Do you think she is Archon worthy?" She spoke once more further increasing the specific of her question.
"Honestly, I don't during that whole meeting she was silent as if she was too scared to speak. I also just had this feeling that she didn't have enough pride in her abilities where an Archon should at least have some. Truly, I bet its all thanks to Neuvilette that Fontaine still functions." I noticed a change in Arlecchino's body language before she spoke again.
"Your opinion on Neuvilette?" I stayed silent for a while pondering how to answer.
"Intriguing, at first I thought he was just some guy with social anxiety but then I noticed he's distant but powerful in a way. He's someone who...
I paused for a while thinking about my answers a bit more.
"He's someone who has a lot of authority but he doesn't seem like someone who could be an Archon either..."
"And why is that?" Arlecchino asked turning around to face me visible interest was carried in her expression.
"An Archon has to deal with their people, learn to understand them so that they can serve their problems. An Archon would be able to blend better with their humans but he doesn't seem to be able to do that at all."
"I like the way you think. I believe that Furina isn't the Archon because she is doing nothing to prevent the prophecy. I was leaning towards Neuvilette being the Archon but thanks to your assistance I beginning to doubt that thought."
I knew she wasn't just here to try and free Childe. She used that meeting to get information about the Hydro Gnosis and she wants to stop Fontaine's prophecy.
"We must be patient for a while." I nodded before speaking.
"Do you think The Traveller will tell us anything useful about Childe?"
"Maybe, but if not it is fine because even before the meeting I had sent Lyney, Lnyette and Freminet into Meropide to collect information."
"You thought ahead quite far..."
"Of course I did, if we want results we must plan flawlessly."
"But I guarantee you didn't just send them in for Childe's sake." Arlecchino smiled slightly before speaking.
"Of course not and now that the Traveller is dealing with the Childe problem I can focus on finding the Gnosis and stopping the prophecy."
"So, how does Meropide come into play here?" I asked curiously.
"It's said to be a place with many secrets and I have come into some rather interesting information."
"Which is?"
"The Archon known as Furina does not have the Gnosis." I wasn't really surprised at all.
"Makes sense on why you asked me those questions now. So, you believe the Gnosis is in the Fortress?
"it is a possibility."
"I'm guessing we got a few days until we get any real info So, should we try find a better hotel?"
"No the hotel had a no refund policy and I'm not an avid believe in wasting money." I starred in disbelief.
"Come on its only 20,000 mora!" I wined and pleaded.
"You're such a baby! It's only 6 more days!"
"Don't compare me to a child! You don't even know how old I am!" I retorted slightly irritated.
"And you don't know how old I am either." I narrowed my eyes at her.
"Okay then how old are you!"
"You dare ask a woman her age, how despicable!"
"That's bullshit! How am I meant to tell if I'm older than you if I don't know you're age!
"Fine, tell me your age and I will say if you're older or younger."
"No! that's stupid you would just lie!" Arlecchino released an irritated sigh.
"Can you just get over it... Its late and I would rather just sleep than listen to you scream your head off."
"Fine, but only because I am tired as well!"
We walked back to our shabby hotel in silence, I can't deny I was still extremely annoyed that she compared me to a baby but now as we walk I'm starting to feel like I acted like one in that argument... Travelling with Childe did something to me.
As we were walking I felt the familiar drops of rain making contact with my body it was calm at first so I continued walking at the same pace, same with Arlecchino. However, just a second later it felt like a dam had just been broken, rain was being chucking down and it felt as if I was stainding at the bottom of the waterfall at the boarder between Sumeru and Fontaine.
The feeling of my clothes becoming wet and sticking to my body, the smell of rain and concrete, the sound of a rushing river. My senses were filled by the rain and before I noticed.
Arlecchino had took off running!
I blinked a few times before darting in her direction at full speed. The hotel became closer and closer as I continued running, I hadn't gotten any closer or any further away from Arlecchino.
"You bitch wait up! Don't leave me in this torrential downpour!