
Genius in the Shadows: A Deadly Game

The story revolves around the protagonist, Nathan. He enrolled at one of the most prestigious school in his country with one thing on mind, Revenge. But one twist of fate change Nathan's plan. His school was involved on a death game, with only one theme "Survival of the fittest". Now every students have one thing on their minds and that is to Survive this hellish game no matter what!

PiGg34 · 都市
16 Chs

Beautiful like the ocean

After the first day of class ended, Ian invited Nathan to hang out somewhere so they can let some steam off.

" I can't believe they kick someone out on the first day of school. Now I kinda feel bad" Ian spoke calmly while looking at the clouds.

Nathan didn't respond for a while because he was astonished by the view where the sky meet the sea.

While they calmly lay down in silence, the noise of footsteps nearby caught their attention. When they open their eyes they saw a beautiful girl, her beauty is like the beauty of the ocean.

"Who is that?" Nathan asked quickly.

"I think her name is Jean Shane, I saw her while I'm looking at the board to know what section I'm in" Ian replied while staring at Jean Shane.

While looking at her, they notice someone getting close behind the girl. They taught that it was someone dangerous. But it was just the girl's butler, telling Jean to get inside the car before the sun began to set.

Before Jean get inside the car, Ian stood up, then he ran and rushed towards the car to get the girl's contact number. But before he approach the girl, the girl's butler stops Ian.

"Who are you?" A cold voice speaks.

"Can I talk to her?" Ian asked with a determined face.

"I'm sorry but we're busy, so you can go now" the butler replies. Ian persistently trying to approach the girl. And because of the butler getting annoyed, he pushed Ian.

"If you don't stop now, I'm gonna have to beat you up" a freezing stare coming from the butler. But Ian stood up and made a fighting stance. " Let's see if you can beat me up" the butler began to throw punches and hit Ian's rib, with the lack of oxygen Ian kneel down.

The butler went to get a bat trying to make Ian unconscious. With a full strength, the butler swing the bat. A loud cracking noise let out. But it's not Ian's head that causes the loud racket.

It was Nathan that broke the bat with his leg!! "What the?" The butler said with a shocked expression while looking at the broken bat. "Who are you?" The butler asked.

" Please just leave before I lost my patience." Nathan stare the butler with fierce eyes.

Nathan helped Ian to stand back up. While the butler is still astonished by what happened, he picked something inside of his pocket.

"You did great with the bat, but let's see if you can do something against this knife" the butler smiled while holding a sharp knife.

The butler began to wildly thrust the knife towards Nathan, until Nathan saw an opening and grabbed the hand of the butler that holds the knife and twisted it so hard that it began to make cracking noises.

Then Nathan throw a strong punch into the butler's right side of the rib cage. And the butler lost his consciousness and his face is planted in the ground.

While the beautiful girl is just standing in the side of the car and did nothing. "Jimmy, is anything okay?" she said with a calm but concerned voice. Nathan and Ian looked at each other puzzled about something.

"What's wrong with her? Didn't she see what happened? And who the hell is Jimmy?" Ian asked while trying to figure her out.

And after a few seconds.

"She's blind since the day she was born. That's why I'm being extra protective. And I'm jimmy" the butler replied while trying to get up. The butler then approach the girl.

"Everything's fine little miss, all the racket that you heard is just a little misunderstanding." Jimmy explained calmly. And after that, the two went inside the car and drove off and didn't said anything else.

" Ah my rib still hurts, how can you get rid of this? But still, I didn't know you can do that. I'm lucky that you're with me" Ian said while walking back towards the beach.

" I also didn't know that you're a simp. Maybe next time, pick a girl without a butler." Nathan replied while laughing.

After the incident happened, the two went home before the sun finally disappears.


Then the next day, when the bell rang the class began.

"As you all may know, today is a special day. Because you will meet the section one. Try to observe and study their behavior because next week the school will held the Opening Knowledge Tournament and I'm sure that you will have to face the first section. I Know it's the second day of the class, but get your bags because we're going to section one's classroom to meet them"

After the instructions was given, the whole classroom packed their things and went to the other side of the campus where the section one is located.

The whole class felt confident instead of feeling nervous. They all have the same thoughts in their minds "I'm going to prove myself that I'm better than them."

" I hope it will not be boring. I want to see something interesting to keep me from being bored." Nathan said to himself.

And after a short period of time, they arrive at section one's classroom. And after introducing themselves, Nathan felt something weird.

"The atmosphere is heavy in this classroom. It's like they're all want to devour us. Now that's interesting." Nathan grinned. While finding a chair where they can sit, Ian notice someone that made him shock.

"Ayo, Nathan do you see that? That's the blind girl that we saw at the beach yesterday,right? I know she's smart but I didn't think that she's in this class." Ian whisper to Nathan.

The two stare at the girl while admiring how beautiful she is. "Her name is Jean Shane, right?" Nathan asked. Ian nodded his head while not taking his eyes off of her.

"What are you doing you perverts?" A girl yelled at the two. All of the students alter their attention to the commotion. The whole class went silent.

"What's the problem maria?" A man's voice break the silence.