

As far as he was aware, Cassarae had moved away from home after high school. But her parents hadn't. In fact, they often came over to Sylas' home to spend time with his parents. Their families were close enough that he could call them aunt and uncle if he had a different personality. It was just that Cassarae had never come with them in all these years, and neither did Sylas go over when his parents went to visit.

Sylas hesitated for a moment, but he knew that he had already made a decision. The objective truth was that he was making this decision based on emotion, but that didn't mean that there wouldn't be other benefits.

This Portal was here, and yet there was no sign of the government. Much like Paradise, this was an open region without influence. And unlike Paradise… there was much greater potential here.

Paradise was a small city, but Alderon was more of a mid-sized city, though it was close to York City, a large cosmopolitan not much unlike Lone Star.